
Chapter 28 "Madara"

Akashi and Kushina were not far from the battlefield, so the longer they stay it will be more dangerous, since it could be discovered.

"Kushina, I will kidnap Mikoto, after that I will improvise the plan" Akashi did not have many ideas, so he would go with the most direct one.

"Okay, I'll wait for you, and do not worry, Mikoto wants to be kidnapped, that girl can be a great masochist, so you can be pretty hard with her " (Kushina)

That did not see him coming, but Akashi just ignored Kushina's words while using his maximum speed to get to where Mikoto was.

Akashi was perceived by the sensory ninjas, but this did not matter, since Akashi would end soon.

Along the way, Akashi just looked like a blur as he ran.

Akashi soon arrived at Mikoto's place, but instantly several ninjas surrounded him.


Akashi ignored, and only activated the fourth inner door.

Akashi's impulse multiplied, so that when the ninjas react Mikoto and Akashi had already disappeared.

........................ ..

"Let go of me, I told you not to come, I do not want, I do not want you to come for me" Mikoto said while sobbing.

"If that's your choice, then I can not do anything, but if you want to return, then I'll have to go to Konoha to speak directly with the Hokage, the last thing I want is for you to have problems because of me" Akashi said with a smile.

Mikoto knew that Akashi was a criminal, and for that reason he did not want to be caught because of her, but when Mikoto heard Akashi's words, Mikoto wanted to slap that idiot for not understanding his situation.

"Do what you want, I do not care anymore, but I will really hit you if you let yourself get caught" Mikoto said while complaining, but Akashi noticed a slight smile hidden in her face.

Akashi wanted to keep joking with Mikoto, but Akashi's eyes had a very dangerous light out of nowhere.

Akashi's perception was a few kilometers when he was in the Sage mode, so almost no one could surprise him, but a moment ago, a person appeared very close to where Kushina was.

Akashi increased his speed, but when he came to Kushina, there was an old man behind them.

"Now we go for Konan, she must ..." Kushina spoke quietly, because she did not notice the old man, but the dark look on Akashi's face made her react.

Akashi left Mikoto, and stood in front of the girls, while looking carefully at that old man.

He was a man of a fairly advanced age, with great white hair by age, who only had a black robe that covered his entire body, but his biggest peculiarity was that his two eyes were hollow, for the lack of his eyes.

Akashi's nerves bristled just to be in front of that old man, Akashi's senses told him that the old man was very dangerous, and if he faced, he could only end with his own death.

Akashi's head worked pretty fast, so he does not hesitate to act.

A small black snake came out of Akashi's hand, to go where Konan was, to say sorry, to delay their meeting.

Akashi will have to find a way to return to this world in the future, but at this moment they had to escape.

The medallion that Sinbad left to Akashi appeared in his hand, and Akashi soon channeled magoi into that artifact.

"I do not know what you want to do, but this is over now, to think that only a brat wanted to ruin my plans, it really makes me have some interests, I really want if you are at the level " ( ??? )

Akashi wanted to retire because they did not want to face that old monster so, but it looks like Sinbad annoy him to the end.

It seems that the device was activated after 10 minutes, since Akashi saw one of the eight stars in the pendant slowly turn on .

"Take this and run, I will try to stop this old man" (Akashi)

"Wait, we can help" (Kushina)

"NO" Akashi had to raise his voice.

"Go back, as long as you can go back, then our chances are good, so go away" (Akashi)

Akashi could not hear Kushina's response, as he had to start exchanging blows with the old man.

"Interesting, to be a brat you have some skill, I did not think that someone with talent would appear after me and Hashirama, it 's a pity that you're just a brat, I just hope you can have a little more fun" (Madara)

The speed of Akashi exceeded that of the cornflower, but no attack could penetrate his defense, the difference of experience was too much, which complicated the attack of Akashi.

Akashi felt that this old man was hidden almost all its strength, that's why Akashi did not act precipitate, his mission is to leave this place, victory did not matter at all.

But destiny will only keep pressing Akashi.

"You got my interest , so let's go up a bit to this level , but first let me introduce myself, I have many names and nicknames, but for you, you can call me Madara" (Madara)


Akashi did not have a great reaction, since they did not know him, but Kushina and Mikoto recognized that name immediately, now they understood why Akashi insisted that they escape.

Madara was supposed to be dead, but something told Kushina that the guy was not lying.

Kushina tightened the medallion of her hand, while she grabbed Mikoto to escape.

Mikoto was worried about Akashi, but now they would only be a nuisance to him, so she could only pray for his safety.

Madara did not care that these girls escaped, since there was someone who had the job of recovering the jinchuriki.

Madara recoiled as he pulled something under his black robe.

Akashi would not miss this opportunity, so he drew his sword, while directing a huge beam against Madara .

* BAN *

Madara's presence was still perceived, so Akashi continued.

The ground trembled because of Akashi's attack, causing many people who were close to that area to notice this phenomenon, but this did not matter to Akashi.

After a few seconds, Akashi stopped, but not because he was running out of energy, but Akashi felt that something appeared out of nowhere.

"This is bullshit," Akashi whispered after he saw what was under the dust.

"Your strength is very impressive, but you will understand that I can not allow that little girl to escape, so I brought someone to take care of her "(Madara)

You could see a giant statue, with a humanoid form, that appeared near Madara, and that thing was the one that defended Madara from Akashi's attacks.

"Go, and devour the Kyubi" (Madara)

That monster started running on all fours in Kushina's direction.

Akashi wanted to stop him, but Madara came in front of him.

"Prepare for the second round, now I want to see how you dance" (Madara)

Akashi opened the fourth inner door again, he could not waste much time with Madara, but instantly, Akashi flew off when a fist hit his chest.

* PAM *

Akashi spat out a mouthful of blood, that blow was really hard.

"Get up, if you lose so easily, then they will say that I was abusing a brat, and I will also have wasted this eyes if you were really so weak" (Madara)

Akashi saw Madara walking slowly, but now he had two eyes, which Akashi recognized immediately.

"Sharingan, and thinking that it would be easier" Akashi said as he got up.

"Do not be surprised so much, these are just spare parts, so do not get distracted" (Madara)

Akashi could not waste time, it seemed that Kushina was the target of that monster, so Akashi could not keep wasting time with Madara, although it was easier said than done.

But Akashi's situation only got worse.

The black marks on Akashi's face disappeared, while his left eye returned to its usual appearance.

"Interesting, I can not feel any chakra in your body anymore, I seem to worry about you too much" (Madara)

The chances of Akashi having time to recover his natural energy was impossible, so Akashi will have to increase the bet.

" Fifth inner door, door of pain, open" a green aura began to emanate from Akashi's body.

" Hahaha, it seems you're not a waste, I hope you can keep up with it" (Madara)

Akashi still had to endure 7 minutes before he could return, so he will have to play his cards carefully.

With a single step, Akashi managed to appear at the side of Madara, but Madara was already receiving him with a blow.

Akashi threw a huge bolt that split Madara in half, but it was only an illusion.

"Do not trust yourself too much" (Madara)

A blow came from Akashi's back.

* Bam *

Akashi's speed increased a lot, so he was able to respond with another blow against Madara.

"To be an old man you hit hard, but with your age you should have already retired" Akashi said while stretching his arm numb.

"Do not be cocky, the dance is just beginning" (Madara)




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