
Chapter 27 " ........"

Akashi, Kushina and Konan, left the cave to continue their journey after a few hours.

But this already started to bother Kushina, since Akashi only charged Konan.

Akashi had a big headache, because Kushina was being unreasonable, because Konan's body was quite weak, so it would be impossible to keep up.

In the end, Akashi had to take both Kushina and Konan, to have some peace, and to be able to appease Kushina.

So they continued on their way.

Akashi's plans had a big change, since the movements of Iwa, cut a lot of roads, so now Akashi will have to change his plans, and think very seriously if he should find Orochimaru, since it would be easier to interrogate the ninjas of Konoha, but this will be done without the knowledge of Kushina, just to avoid problems.

There was also the matter of Konan, this trip was very dangerous, so Akashi said to leave Konan near the safe areas, this could divert his way a bit, but this would fix everything.

The problem was that Kushina had become fond of Konan, so Kushina forced Akashi to take Konan with them.

Akashi did not care, because knowing Sinbad, he will be happier if Akashi had more girls, although he did not have that kind of feelings for Konan.


Akashi and the girls had to hide for a few weeks, since Akashi's face was filtered.

Now both Konoha and Iwa wanted Akashi's head, so it was impossible for them to move.

But now he had time to implement a safer strategy, since he did not have many opportunities to get out of hiding, Akashi was sending small snakes hoping they would find Orochimaru, and the best thing was that only Orochimaru could realize this kind of messages.

So after a week, Orochimaru's response arrived.

That's why Akashi was ready to complete this mission, and be able to return.


It had almost been 3 months since Akashi left with Kushina from Konoha.

Akashi had to work carefully not to be caught while collecting information.

Orochimaru's information was quite helpful to Akashi, so he could know where to look.

The war has only increased, so finding someone is quite difficult, but now Akashi knew that Mikoto was on Hatake Sakumo's team, so it was easier to locate him.

The only problem was to move, since now, anyone who is hiding his face, will be questioned strongly.

But Akashi knew where Mikoto was, so he takes care of his movements to have a full day to kidnap her.

But there was a little problem with Konan, since she wanted to accompany them, but this time Akashi denied relentlessly, since this time they will have to go to a very dangerous place, and the level of danger is quite high.

By now Akashi really got attached to Konan, and he sees her as a little sister, so he really could not expose her to danger.

So in the end, there was a small temporary separation.

"Calm down, I'll come back, no matter what happens, I'll come for you " ( Akashi)

"You promise me, you will not abandon me ? " (Konan)

Konan became quite dependent on Akashi during this time, to the point of only sleeping with Akashi.

"I promise, you just have to wait, and I'll come back, so be quiet " ( Akashi)

Although Akashi was sure to achieve his mission,there was still a great danger, so he also wanted Kushina to stay with Konan, but this was impossible, so Akashi had to take care of Kushina.

Konan could only hold back her tears, as she gave Akashi a hug with all her strength.

............ ..

" You really are a womanizer, when we return, it will be better to give you a lesson, I do not know how many other girls will be deceived by you " ( Kushina)

Akashi had a chill when he heard Kushina, but this was not the time to refute , at this time they were in a very dangerous place.

A great war was being unleashed at this time, thousands of ninjas were facing each other at this time.

Akashi soon found Mikoto, but Akashi's face was bad, as he could feel several ninjas watching her.

Mikoto was a little behind, while taking care of the logistics, along with other gennin, but this situation was very strange.

"Kushina will back off, I will send a snake to warn you, depending on your response we will act " ( Akashi)

Kushina agreed.

Akashi used a little natural energy , to turn a branch into a snake, so that it was directed where Mikoto was slowly.


Mikoto was working tirelessly so that the front lines do not run out of supplies , but the last thing she worried about was war.

She received a mission from her clan, and it was to become a decoy.

The Uchiha clan knew of Mikoto's actions in spending time with the stranger named Akashi, and this was unacceptable, for the woman who would be the wife of the next clan leader.

The Uchiha clan council wanted to punish Mikoto for her actions, but that would not solve the problem with that foreigner.

That's why a mission was given to Mikoto, as long as she can bring Akashi close to the Uchiha clan, then all of Mikoto's actions will be forgiven.

The only problem was that that foreigner had left the village, and there was no sign of him.

After that the war broke out, and the Uchiha clan could not worry too much about that brat.

But everything changed when Akashi became a criminal , by kidnapping the jinchuriki.

The weird thing was that Akashi was seen Amegakure, so this created some suspicion on the part of the Uchiha clan.

After some discussions, the idea was raised that Akashi was looking for Mikoto, so he went back to negotiate with that girl, if she could attract Akashi, then all his sins would be forgiven.

For if the Uchiha recover the jinchuriki, then they would have a large currency to negotiate with Konoha's advice, and thus obtain great benefits.

Mikoto really started to hate her clan, but what she hated the most was that Akashi could be in danger because of her.

So Mikoto, all she could do was pray for Akashi to forget about her.

But nothing Mikoto wanted happened.

Mikoto noticed a small snake that was making small signs with the length of his body.


Although it was only a second, Mikoto noticed how that word was formed for a few seconds, only to be erased later by the rain.

Mikoto was paralyzed for a second, but she tries to act normal, since they were watching her.

Trying to ignore it, the little snake remained close to Mikoto's foot while still communicating.

In five minutes, Mikoto knew that Akashi was nearby, and that he is ready to leave, but not without her.

Mikoto fought to contain her tears, since Akashi was here to fulfill his promise.

But no matter how painful it was, Mikoto began to deny in her mind , as she declined Akashi's offer.


Akashi's face crumpled , feeling that the snake was destroyed.

Mikoto used her foot to kill the little snake, making her answer clear.

"What happened " ( Kushina)

"It seems he does not want to leave with us " ( Akashi)

Kushina looked confused, as something told her that Mikoto would be happy to come with them.

Akashi had a big headache, since the situation did not seem so simple.

That someone was watching Mikoto was very strange, since she was not really important, so Akashi made some conjecture.

But this only increased Akashi's headache.

Since the first thing that Akashi thought was that Mikoto was being used to attract him, but Akashi could be wrong, but the possibility existed.

"I think Mikoto is in trouble, but if I'm wrong I could complicate things more " ( Akashi)

Akashi was being quite serious , so he wanted to hear Kushina's opinion.

"If Mikoto is in trouble, then you must help her, and if not, then you just have to escape, I think your decision is simple, go and ask her directly " ( Kushina)

If Akashi acted, and went for Mikoto, the only person who would have problems would be Akashi, but if he does not act, then Akashi would not know Mikoto's true answer.

"Get ready Kushina, if things go wrong, then I will destroy everything to return" during his training, Akashi made a breakthrough with his metal vessel, so Akashi is quite confident of being able to get out somehow.


" Something is not going as we planned, the girl that contains the fox of the nine tails plans to leave withthe irregularity , the child of whom I have no information, it is dangerous to let things continue like this , it would be better to solve this problem before continuing with his great plan "

An old man, who seemed to be at the end of his life, reacted after hearing that.

"It seems that this time I will have to act , really I feltlike one last dance "





third episode of the day, raise your hands, I need a little more power to get the 5 episodes




do not think too much about the timeline, it will not really affect much, just think it was done by a magician, lol

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