
Chapter 17 " Uchiha Girl"

"This was out of my calculations, at least I waited a month to be able to talk with you again, little brat" (Orochimaru)

Akashi went to find his good friend Orochimaru.

"As you already invited me, I thought about paying you a visit, I hope not to interrupt anything important" (Akashi)

Orochimaru thought a little, and after a moment, Orochimaru thought about trying Akashi.

"Do not worry, but if you want to hang out, you'd better talk to your friend" (Orochimaru)

Akashi awaited this development, so he said nothing.

Orochimaru was well respected, either because of his strength, or because he was one of the disciples of the third Hokage, so with a few words, the ninjas who were watching Akashi, stopped their actions for a moment, as Orochimaru committed himself to keep an eye on Akashi.

"Then boy, we'd better hurry" (Orochimaru)

Orochimaru got Akashi out of his lab, and started running in an unknown direction.

"I thought you wanted to show me your lab" Akashi said quite casually.

"You're right, but I decided to show you my real laboratory, I just hope a bit of discretion" Orochimaru did not trust anyone, and Akashi was no exception, but Orochimaru was very good at manipulating people, so he decided to give some false confidence .

Akashi did not care, although he could feel that Orochimaru wanted to rip out his muscles, and analyze them, this did not bother Akashi, since he could not feel real hostility, so everything would be fine for the moment.


Akashi followed Orochimaru for almost half an hour, until they reached a deep forest.

Everything looked very bad, but Akashi would not panic at this point, so when they came to a huge trunk.

Akashi followed Orochimaru when he saw him enter.

After entering, Akashi went down stairs to exhale, while the only sounds were those made by the feet when touching the ground.

Akashi could bet all his fortune, that everything he would find, will be quite illegal, but since this was not Akashi's problem, he continued quite calm.

After a moment, a door appeared, and after going through it, Akashi really realized that he met a madman.

"Welcome to my laboratory, sorry that all this messy, I'm still looking for a person to help me here, by chance you will not be interested?" (Orochimaru)

"I'm sorry, but I'd prefer this to remain a secret, I'm sure Kushina would beat me to death if she knew I was in this place, and i did not run to the Hokage to tell him" (Akashi)

"It's a shame , you were the first person to stay calm after coming, but my offer is still there, maybe you really want to stay after knowing what I'm doing here" Orochimaru was really honest, because if Akashi had intended to say something, then Orochimaru would not have cared to end his life.

Akashi could see a lot of severed bodies, strange machines, and a mountain of parchments that stank of blood.

"Although it looks like a cozy place, I think I'll keep my distance" (Akashi)


"An interesting technique, but obsolete for me, I guess you train this since you do not have any chakra, right boy" (Orochimaru)

It seemed that Orochimaru had already analyzed his blood, because nobody could assure that he did not have any chakra, the most they could say is that Akashi only has a very bad talent.

"If you already know then you do not need to answer, I came here to ask you for advice, if you have nothing to say, then I will go" (Akashi)

"Quiet, I have some ideas, but the most important one, would not it be better if I tell you a way for you to get chakra?" Orochimaru said with a smile.

Orochimaru did not seem to tell any lie, but Akashi did not want to become his laboratory rat, but curiosity still made him ask.

"I listen to you" (Akashi)

"Maybe you know what the chakra is" (Orochimaru)

The truth was that Akashi had no idea, since he knew he had no chakra, he forgot about that topic, so Akashi could not answer.

"For your reaction I can say no, but let me say that you are a really interesting being, after some analysis with your blood, I discovered that you had all the conditions to be an excellent ninja, but something in your body is really strange, it seems that your spiritual energy is in conflict with your vital energy, I can say that nobody in the world could know more about this subject, since I am also studying this phenomenon "said Orochimaru in a very funny voice.

Akashi remained silent listening, so Orochimaru continued.

"This phenomenon has only been seen when trying to put a soul of a ninja in a new body, so I'm interested in knowing the person who reborn you "said Orochimaru with a smile.

Akashi did not expect his biggest secret to be seen so easily, but seeing that Orochimaru was not being hostile, Akashi decided to say a bit.

"As you mentioned, I was reborn, but I'm sorry to tell you that I do not know the person, or entity that did it, so stop seeing me that way" (Akashi)

Orochimaru had several conflicts on the one hand he wanted to turn Akashi in their new test subject, but think that there was a being who could make such a perfect reincarnation dissuaded Orochimaru, so he just decided to maintain a reciprocal relationship.

"I'm willing to help you by modifying a bit the technique you gave me, but in return I want to do some experiments, deal?" (Orochimaru)

"As long as they are acceptable, then I agree" (Akashi)


Today, Akashi was also alone, since Kushina had a mountain of scrolls that was accumulating, it seems that her cousin was being quite severe with her, so Akashi was free.

That is why he decided to train, since Orochimaru told him that he needed some days to investigate by himself, in order to improve the technique of the eight internal doors.

Akashi was a bit in conflict for having given the technique of Maito Dai, but could only with his conscience, if he could help Maito Dai not to die when he activated the eighth gate.

So Akashi could only concentrate while training.

Everything would be fine, if Akashi had not received a warning from the Hokage, since now Akashi could not get too far away from the village.

It seems that the Hokage did not trust Orochimaru as much as he showed it, and he should not, since Akashi knew that Orochimaru was not someone to be trusted.

But leaving that issue aside, Akashi headed to the training grounds of the academy, since it was the only place where the Hokage allowed to train Akashi.

At the moment Akashi was fine, since the academy was empty.

Or that was what was supposed.

When Akashi arrived, he saw a beautiful girl with dark blue hair and crystalline skin, dark eyes and a small nose that seemed to be the same age as Kushina.

Seeing this great opportunity, Akashi knew very well what he had to do.

"I hope that Teuchi has already opened his store" (Akashi)

The young woman had already noticed Akashi, but when she saw him leave without saying anything, the girl's bad mood worsened .

Akashi could already taste the delicious knowledge of pork ramen, when his senses shouted danger.

Akashi took a step to the left to dodge a shuriken that was aimed at his head.

With many doubts, Akashi returned to see the young woman who seemed very angry.

So after a closer look, Akashi still wondered why such a pretty girl was attacking him, especially when the only person with whom Akashi related was Kushina.


Although she was a very beautiful girl, Akashi really did not want to relate to her, because with Akashi's experience , the more beautiful the girl , something very bad they must have in their heads.

Although Akashi could only think of Erza and Kushina.

"I'm really sorry, it was not my intention, so I'm really sorry" Akashi did not know what he had done, so he decided to apologize to be able to leave.

But Akashi's words seem to have infuriated the young lady more.

"You really despise the Uchiha, you think you can humiliate us without any consequences"

Hearing the word Uchiha, Akashi recalled that the other day he beat a boy named Ishi Uchiha during the practice fights, and as he seemed quite arrogant, Akashi defeated him while throwing a lot of teeth with a blow.

Remembered that occasion a smile formed on Akashi's face, but he had to hide it, because several shurikens were aimed at his eyes.

"Wait, I know I was a bit violent, but the violence did not solve anything, so I'm willing to apologize," Akashi said, as something told him that Kushina could do something extreme if he found out he was talking to another girl.

The young woman stopped, and although she wanted to continue venting her anger with Akashi, someone who is willing to apologize could not be so bad.

........................... ..



people, I am ready to take more episodes today, but I would really appreciate some positive comments, since I do not want to have a very bad score.

That's all bye

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