
In demon slayer

I’m just doing this for fun so don’t take this seriously,I’m not lying to you I do know English but I’m ass at it….So feel free to correct me.Also I do not own the demon slayer Series

Peter_uzumaki · Action
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Kaze and Tanjiro are currently walking through a lush green forest with birds singing a beautiful song and flowers all around them the smell of the good ole outside and the wind gliding on my skin. "I wish it could always stay like this," Tanjiro says, sighing.

As I spot a river I take a flask out of my inventory and put water in it as I was quite thirsty.

"We're going to make it stay like this," I say, attempting to motivate him . With a smile, Tanjiro nods fiercely.

We continue walking peacefully for another 2 hours when Tanjiro says, "Kaze, can we rest here? I'm tired."

"Sure," I say as I pull out the leftover pork I had and give it to Tanjiro because I'm not hungry.

"Thank you for the meal," Tanjiro say as food flies out of Tanjiro's mouth.

"Cover your mouth when you eat," I say irritably.Tanjiro laughs heartily

We decided to camp here for the night, with me on the lookout for any demons while Tanjiro sleeps. I'm currently practicing my breathing style Ygure no azurisu, and while doing so I sense a vine coming towards my head with insane speed, so I jump and kick off of a branch with all my might, causing me to fly in the direction the vine came from, and while I'm doing this a barrage of vines shoot in my direction,with no option I use shadow breathing Form 5: Darkness Arise To protect myself against the vines, I rise and spin my blade cutting the vines.

When I detect the demon emerging from its hiding place while cutting through the vines, I rapidly use shadow breathing form 4:Darkness Hiding. As I hide, a demon says, "Seems like I went a little too far," the vine demon says

as another demon emerges from another bush, "you fool, how are we meant to eat now?" another demon with white hair in a ponytail adds.

I rush back to Tanjiro to find him soundly sleeping. I wake him up and tell him, "There are demons here, get up!" I hand him his sword and say, "Follow me!" Once Tanjiro is fully awake, he follows me towards the place where I sense a coming under us "doge!"

"You sly bastard came to get your boyfriend I guess more food for us!"the vine demon shouted as both demons emerged. I get a better look and observe that the humanoid vine demon is tall, thin, and slender. It's skin is dry and leathery, across it's body. It has big fangs where its teeth are, the teeth themselves are sharp. Its eyes are empty, hollow holes, with no life in them. It's hands are clawed, they reach down to the ground. Its arms are thin and gangly.And wears a green kimono with vine-like hair.

while the other is paper demon has papery, skin that crinkles and crackles when it moves. Its eyes are black and deep, they are empty sockets, no life in them. Its body is skinny and gaunt, it walks slowly, like it isn't very sure of balance. It's hands are made of paper, and it can't grip anything the demon also wears a white kimono that looks like it was crafted from paper.

"You get the white demon, and I'll take care of the vine one." I say Tanjiro nods as the pressure builds as the wind shifts, signaling that it's time to begin our fight; it's either them or us. I use Form 2: Shadow Rapid Movement to dash in with the vine demon. Strikes at the vine demon at his fastest pace, but the vines are all over the place attacking him, some with thorns.

(3rd pov)

Kaze kicks off trees with his amazing agility dodging the vines. The vine demon laughs"seems like dodging is the only thing you can do"taunting him

Kaze has no choice but to use his new form because he has no other option. Ygure no azurisu 5th form:rapid gloom, Kaze blitz's at the vine demon launches a hundred sword strikes in a matter of seconds, slicing the vine demon vines to shreds. kaze takes advantage of the opportunity. Form 6: Darkness Killing kaze circles the vine demon, attacking his legs, limbs, and torso until the vine demon's head is slashed off.

He looks at the vine demon"H-ho-how?" Clearly in shock

kaze looks at the demon with indifference

kaze dashes towards Tanjiro, who is encircled by paper? He looks at the pale demon and uses shadow breathing 9th form: void to totally conceal my presence before charging towards the paper demon and slashing its neck, which works

[this doesn't seem right This shouldn't be so simple.] I notice this. As paper surrounds me, it looks that I am right.

"Demon slayer dogs are constantly fooled by that trick," the paper demon laughs.

The paper starts to close in on itself, causing a paper cut.

I use Form 5: Darkness Arise to defend myself from the paper cutting, but my senses are suddenly startled when the paper demon appears behind me. I quickly turn to slash what's behind me, only to be met with nothing.

"You can't hit what you can't see," chuckles the paper demon.

[That's it] I think to myself,I then get my water flask out and wait.

"Giving up," taunts the paper demon.

When the paper demon appears, I empty my flask of water as the paper folds around making a upper torso I switch to Form 2: Shadow Rapid Movement. Strike and sever the neck of the paper demon, killing him.

Tanjiro meets up with me with a lot of paper cuts

"Are you okay kaze"says the concerned Tanjiro

"I should be asking you that"says kaze while laughing

——————————————————————Next day ————————————————————————

When we arrive at the demon headquarters, I ask around for an address, and they direct me to the butterfly mansion.

Tanjiro pov

Because of how kind Kaze San has been to me, I can't imagine who I would be if he hadn't saved my family. This makes me wonder why my mother hasn't smiled like that before since I introduced my family to Kaze.

Kaze pov

In the front yard of the enormous estate that is

hidden by a group of trees when we first arrive is a small young woman with pale skin and large compound eyes that seem like beetles since they lack pupils and only have a purple haze in them. She wears her curly, dark purple-fade hair in a flat yakai-maki bun with a white, turquoise, and light purple butterfly decoration on top.

She silently waits there which becomes obvious she's waiting for us once we make our way to her she speaks

"Hello Tanjiro kamado and kaze dono"she says with a smile plastered on her face

"We have sent a notice to your family and they are currently on they're way to the mansion safely as we speak"she stills says with smile