

"It's already been seven years since I have reincarnated into this world called Htrae"

I thought in my mind as I looked at the 3 diffrent sizes suns shining through the all year round hydra kingdoms blizzard clouds of which the biggest one burned in red color, the medium one glowed in orange and the last one the smallest one was just like earth's.

While the Hydras kingdoms all year round artic weather's wind with ice-cold snowflakes blew at my scarf covered up face which still stung with barely torable pain from the ice-cold snowflakes landing on my faces exposed parts.

So fucking cold.

I muttered through my clattering teeth as I kept running in place in order to heat up my nonstop trembling seven years old child's body only to feel my elve mother embrace me into her warm embrace.

My son I know that you will come to hate and despise me and your father for what you are about to experience but know this it is Hydranians way of life our kingdom is built and exists on the flesh, blood and bones of necroapexers.

My mother whispered into my sharp and short ear as tears of sadness and sorrow leaked out from her eyes only to immediately freeze into ice droplets that fell down onto monster fur clothes covered body.

Don't cry mother ewrythings going to be okay.

I answered in a soft whisper as I looked up at my 7 feet tall muscular and athletic father geared up in all black "viper" style magically enhanced with all kinds of diffrent glowing occult runes with diffrent color etched out into the armor made out from steel chainmail, steel armor plates, parts from slain monsters, a necromancers grimoire made from blackened human skin with a moving and howling face as if it was allive on the cover hanging by my fathers right side from a chain attached to his leather belt and a black cloak made out from dragon scales with a hydras kingdoms emblem of nine headed hydra interlocking and coilling its heads made out from a magically engrave mithril.

"What I and all of the other 7 years old boys are going to experience is a combination of spartan agog and "wicher" augmentations in order to become this world most feared, admired, envied and despised monsters in human skin"

I thought as I admired my father's long white hair tied into a highbun just like mines, "wicher" eyes with ice-blue glowing pupils, bloodred glowing irises and pitch-black scleras with black arteries and veins traveling from his heart to his eyes under his white wax like skin covered in surgical, magical, burn and cold weapons scars and black glowing runes etched into his skin.

Longer half the elve slength pointy ears dotted in magical earrings that enhanced his physical body and mind or granted magical abilities without the need to incantations spells.

Two magically enhanced swords hilts glowing with all kinds of diffrent color etched out occult runes on his back sticking out from under his cloak.

One silver magically enhanced sword for monsters and the other magically enhanced steel sword for humans and other humanoid races.

Upon noticing me gazing at him my father knelt down onto his right black steel ankle guard covered knee and said the words that all blood witchcrafters say to their sons on their departure to the elysium the Hades land of undead.

My son return as a necroapexer with two swords on your back or don't return at all.

My father said to me with his usual emotionless and cold-blooded voice while staring at my bloodred eyes I inherited from him.

I will return Father.

I said word by word as I glared at my father's "wichers" eyes with determination.

Good my son but know this because your my son and the heir to Hydras throne you will be treated a hundred times more harshly, you will eat the worst food, you will live in the worst conditions possible, you will train until you won't be able to move a muscle and will be beaten black and blue until your almost dead for the smallest mistakes just like I was and my father was...

My father said back to me with a slight smile showing off his black shark-like teeth with vampire and werewolfs canines sticking out from his black lips that he only showed from time to time during my childhood.

Your majesty it is time the elysium ferrier will arrive at any moment.

My father's court wizard Merlin a druid dressed in a wizards robes and wizards long pointy hat said while resting his body on his wizards stove with his long white groomed beard reaching his knees as magic circles made out from fire occult runes kept spinning around his body melting the surrounding white snow and ice and keeping his body warm in Hydras gods forsaken weather.

And just as Merlin said a few seconds later with an ice-blue flash that blind ewryone except the necroknights a giant viking style ship made out of countless races black bones with sials made out from black blood soaked diffrent races skins appeared in Hydras ice-cold sea waters full of ice glazers.

I watched the ferries ship break apart the frozen seas ice as it moved closer and closer in my direction until it stopped with a ramp made out from black bones extending from the ship and falling onto the ice with a loud bang.

Your highness let's go...

Merlin said as he extended his warm old skin covered hand to me that I was about to take only to get interrupted by my mother as she once again embraced me refusing to let me go while screaming at the top of her lungs at my father.

No!Vlad I refuse to allow our son to experience that he'll that you Hydranians call way of life! There's no need for more necroapexers! The need for necroapexers are long gone and it's only a matter of time before Hydra dissappears from the history books!

Only for my father to forcefully with ease tear me apart from my screaming and crying her eyes out mother.

Eve it is his fate just like every hydranians boys no matter if you like it or not.

My father whispered under his barely warm breath as he embraced my on a verge of mental brakedown mother who burrowed her head into my father's chest as he watched me and hundreds of Hydranian boys looking and more or less the same age as me get led by Merlin into the ferriers ship.

But Vlad what if he can't fully awaken his Primordial Hydras regenerative power and survive the process of becoming a necroapexer?!His our only child that we managed to conceive during the thousand years we have been together!Deep down I know and understand that it's the Hydranians way of life but his our one and only son!

Eve whispered quietly enough that only Vlad could hear with his inhuman senses and noone else.

Only to hear Vlad start quietly snickering which shocked Eve out of her abnormal mental state.

Eve our son will definetely not die of that I am sure afterall he carries the direct primordial hydras and first necroapexers bloodline in his body.

After glancing at the swollen eyed eve glaring at him Vlad sighed with bitterness.

Eve because your an elve and because of your nature you have no understanding in matters related to death so you don't know how a newborns soul should look and smell...

Vlad paused for a few seconds not sure if he should say it to Eve or not but after taking a look at Eve demanding answers Vlad once again sighed.

...our sons soul is stained with blackness and it reeks of death and sin of killing so our sons soul is definetely not a new borns but someone's who has already lived once and died so his affinity for ewrything related to death mana is ridiculously high so it will be a cake walk for him thou it all depends on his will to live...

Vlad muttered the last part of his words so quietly that even Eve couldn't hear them.

So does it mean our son already had an adults mind from the moment he was born?

Eve asked embarrassingly as her cheeks started redding from the thought of her son having an adults mind as he sucked her milk from her nipples.

No...even thou the necroapexers children are already superhuman compare do normal humans baby's from the moment they are born a child's mind isn't developed enough to contain an adults mind so most likely he regained his past life's memories bit by bit and only recently regained his past life's selfs mind.

Oh that's good then but do you think our son still considers me his mother after regaining his past selfs mind and if he still considers me his mother does he love me?

Eve asked as she rubbed her swollen eyes.

Ofcourse he does and he really does love you I can tell from his microexpressions afterall you were the best mother this world can offer.

Next chapter