
Finally a new chapter

As Chris starts to cut into the ropes he looks over and sees Batman and robin completely destroying the random goons of the penguin and getting closer to him so he starts cutting faster and faster until after around a minute his ropes are cut and he quickly gets moving onto his legs, but as Batman finishes off the goons he looks over at the penguin and starts to approach him.

The penguin looking panicked picks up a gun and points it at chris and says to Batman "stay back if you get any closer I'll blow his brains out" he says backing up slowly until he reaches a wall bumping his back against it he looks behind him only to have Batman use his grappling hook to knock the gun out of his hand "it's over penguin your going to Arkham" "no I can't go back" the penguin says as he starts to look around in a panic for an escape only to find none. Well Batman and the penguin are distracted chris quickly starts to cut the ropes on his legs off, and after a little struggle he manages to cut them off but right as he was going to run away he gets stopped by robin "were do you think you're going we still need to question you" he says as he points his staff at chris. Chris looks at the staff and starts to stand up As he does robin keeps his staff pointed at Chris's chest "well then what makes me have to stay other than you" Chris says as he starts to stretch and reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out another echo mask.

"All right who are you and what does the penguin want with you," Robin says as he gets into a fighting position with his staff now raised to Chris's head "I don't know what he wants but you better get that staff away from my head," chris says as he goes to sweep robins legs out from under him seeing him go for his legs robin jumps up in the air and lands a little away as he swings his staff at Chris's head chris ducks under the blow and goes to close the distance between the 2 of them but has to dodges as another swing of staff heads towards his torso.

With Batman

As the penguin tries to run away batman easily follows and restrains him easy pinning him on the ground and knocking him out. "Where is robin" Batman wonders as he picks the penguin up over his shoulders and heads back to where Chris was tied up at.

back with Chris

chris dodges another swing of the staff as robin yells at him "stop dodging and let me hit you" "no I don't think I will" chris says as he dodges another swing but as the fight goes on chris gets board and no longer being able to hear the penguin screams at Batman he decides to end the fight and escape before batman could come back. Pulling out a combat knife from his coat he runs towards robin who goes to swing at his head he slides under the staff cutting into robins leg with his knife, as robin falls to the ground with a deep cut in his leg chris takes the time to kick his staff away from the kid "alright let me make this clear I won't kill you this time because your just a kid but next time this happens I won't make the same deal ok" Chris says in a slightly cheerful voice "now how will I get out of here" chris thinks as he looks around "I got an idea" chris thinks as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out some flash bangs and warden goggles "alright I just put these on and pull the pins on these and bang I'm ready to escape with Batman being distracted by the flash of the bangs" he says as he runs towards the nearest door throwing the flash bangs behind him 1 by 1 with each going off soon after another chris throws open the door to the warehouse.

As Chris opens the warehouse doors with a gleaming look in his eyes his face immediately dropped as he sees dozens upon dozens of cop cars "well fuck I almost got away as well" chris thinks as laser sights appear all over his chest with cops telling him to put the knife on the ground and hands in the air "shit".

with Batman

after reaching the spot where Chris was tied up he sees robin on the ground holding his cut as he tries to stop the bleeding when he is hit with not 1, not 2 but 5 flash bangs 1 after another covers his eyes with his cape and walks towards robin he bends down and pulls out his first aid kit from his belt and wraps his cut as he does this he looks around for Chris only to see him at the door with his hands up. Picking up robin he has Alfred send them the bat mobile to come to pick up robin and take him home well he deals with the police.

Well guys thanks for the break but I'm back and I should be posting around 2 chapters a week with more if I feel like it

Kaguya_otsutsukiicreators' thoughts
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