Bat Family

This is what I call the collective DC universe. Basically, anything I like from DC or think will be cool to add in will be here. So not all of the Bat Family will be here, just the ones I like the most.

Batman- Bruce

Batgirl- Cassandra 

Nightwing- Dick, Not currently in Gotham

Red Hood- Jason, Not Currently in Gotham 

Red Robin- Tim

Robin- Damian 

This will be the whole Bat Family for the story. Tell me if you like it or not. I kept most of the main members but left out the ones that I know nothing about. 

Ethan will become a member of the Bat family very early on. Don't worry it will make sense and in character. It won't be like "Oh your Batman train me." "Sure why not." No it will make sense and stay in character.

Also Ethan will teach the Bat family some martial arts from other worlds, if you don't like this then I'm sorry.

Also, also Ethan WILL NOT BE THE BEST MARTIAL ARTIST IN THE BAT FAMILY. He won't be some op character that strolls into the bat cave and beats up Damian with one punch. That wouldn't make sense.

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