9 Training

(A/N: Oh, yes. I'll be continuing this, just that the updates might be a bit slow because of my studies. But rest assured that I would still update some chapters whenever I'm free.)







In themyscira, inside the arena, two people are currently engaging on a heated combat using pure skills and martial arts without the usage of any weapons. Some amazons are training as usual while the others took a break and watch the ongoing duel with curiousity, wonder and amusement on their face.

On the arena, a somewhat young boy with slightly tanned skin, short curly hair and has blue eyes with some baby fat still present on his face and 4'7 tall was now currently engaging blow to blow with a woman or a girl who look like she's in her teens, she has long black hair tied onto a long pony tail with tanned skin, black eyes and a fit figure.

The girl has a battle maniac grin on her face as her excitement clearly showing up on her face. Though she was excited, she's not rash on her movements at all. While the boy has a serious look as he parried every attack of the woman while giving some fast blow of his own, though he's quite small compared to the teen amazon with 5'5 in height, he was not losing some ground at all.


The woman did a feint and quickly use a fast kick aimed at the young boy's gut. The boy has very fast movement and unique martial arts, as he dodged the kick of the woman aimed at his gut by jumping and using her outstretched leg as a foothold and kick it to make some distance between them.

Landing at some distance, the boy grinned and so the woman. She then prepared herself as they were done warming up. The boy lost his grin as his aura changed. His expression became serious, his glare became sharp as his eyes turned into a crimson red with three tomoe's on it and vanished at the place he was just standing at. The woman raised her guard to the limit as she observed her sorroundings for any signs of the boy.

She then sensed some disturbance on the air above her as she hurriedly looked up and raised her arms to block the boy above her, who had his right foot up unto his head, seemingly planning on doing an axe kick. The woman cannot dodge the kick as the boy was just too fast so she chose to block it and braced herself on the impact.

But the supposed kick never reach her as there wasn't even someone above her, she only saw some pebble above which confuses her, until realization hits her. But, she reacted too late as someone punched her to the stomach, powerful enough to make her spit her salivas as well as her breakfast.

"AAGGHHH?!" She felt her breathing cease as she fought the urge to kneel in pain and gritted her teeth, she was about to bash her own head to the boy, but found out that he was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, she felt someone sweep her feet of the ground, which succesfully knocked her down, she then felt her arm being grabbed to her back and a hand choking her neck, which disable her to continue. After a while, she finally pat the ground in surrender after failing on freeing herself to the boy's tight hold.

The boy stood up as he then crouched down and helped the amazon girl up, usually she would refuse the hand offering to help her if it just wasn't for her losing fair and square on that duel. She didn't feel bad on losing, in fact, this only strengthened her desire to grow stronger. She still felt some pain on her stomach and felt like she wanna puke but fight the urge to do so.

The boy noticed this as he then helped the woman down to the arena and put her down at some bench let her rest, the woman gave him a grateful look as she said. "Thanks, aron. That was a good fight, I'm looking forward fighting you next time".

"Sure, lulu. It was also an exciting battle for me. If it wasn't for you urging me to use some tricks in the battle earlier, it would have taken longer". The boy, which is Aron, said to the amazon woman named Lulu.

Lulu shook her head as she said. "I know your holding back a lot in terms of strength, which usually was kind of an insult on a duel between warriors. But I also understand that you have the superiour strength that I can't stand to. And so, atleast use those tricks of yours on our battle to make this frustrations vanish a bit. But I swear, someday, I'll make you go all out on me". Lulu stared at Aron, as her eyes burned with determination and desire to exceed her current strength.

Aron just nodded with an encouraging smile to the teen Amazon. Aron has been staying here in the themyscira for almost a month now, days passes of dueling with amazons, he finally befriend some people as they were the ones who always end up engaging with a spar or duel with him. He finally earned enough points to learn their language, which is the Ancient Greek language.

He could've just bought the ability <All Speak>, but doesn't have the points to do so as it's quite an expensive ability. The past few days and weeks, he spent it on nothing but endless fighting with some eager amazons as well as training and honing his taijutsu to make him more compatible and comfortable using it. He also spend some effort completing some few easy task which reward him with enough points to buy the ancient greek language.

He also met with Hippolyta once, as she summoned him on her chamber, she asked him on what his plans are, and he then used the chance to request to stay here longer in order to gain more fighting experience. Hippolyta actually agreed as she herself can saw the obvious growth of the amazons that were fighting him as they find fighting a non-amazon, a new experience, which push them to their limits making them train double the amount of seriousness they usually had.

So he has been staying in themyscira long enough to befriend others. Though there are still a huge amount of amazons that bear hostility with him, they do nothing except glaring and ignoring his overall existence. Aron can only sigh at this, he was only a kid but he still felt they were always on high tensions whenever he's around.

Amazons respect strength, which resulted on him earning some good impressions out of some aloof and neutral amazons. They then finally tried sparring with him and still continue to do so up to now. Lulu was the girl that challenge him onto a duel when he first got into here, that's why they were quite close compared to the others.

Aron then excused himself to Lulu as he still has some training to do. Lulu just nodded as she shooed him away with a frown still on her face as she rubbed her stomach hoping it would alleviate the pain a bit. Aron just smiled wryly but didn't apologize as that would look like an insult to her as it would look like he was belittling her.

He was using his doujutsu, which is sharingan, earlier as it was not a secret at all. They saw him using it when they were out hunting some beast, because he usually hunt with others as eating without atleast helping them find food was quite rude in his opinion. As some beast were either too fast, he use his doujutsu to catch their movements which helped the amazons not waste too much time catching some beasts for meat.

Hippolyta once asked him about his eyes as it intrigue her on what it can do. He explained the usage of doujutsu without revealling information about mangekyou and rinnegan of course. It kind of surprise her hearing that it can fasten and help the user comprehend some fighting styles and used it for himself, which made hippolyta realize how he improves so fast.

Though hippolyta has the desire to take it to satiate her own curiousity, she was sensible enough not to do so as it was not needed by her anyways as she was blessed with the goddess of wisdom herself, athena, which include to her having a fast comprehension abilities. So she found the fast comprehending ability not enough to make her desire it. The same goes for the other amazons, as overall, they were blessed with wisdom by athena so they don't find the need to do so.

Earlier at the fight when they were up on the arena, Aron used substitution justu and subtituted with a pebble which he was secretely carrying before as the arena were quite smooth and he has no place to substitute to, thus he brought the pebble. He dropped the pebble below Lulu when she tried to kicked him on the gut earlier and use his fast speed to trick her that he was going to kick her from above, when in fact, he substituted below with the pebble and struck her in the stomach.

He usually only fight with taijutsu and also use his doujutsu, but Lulu requested for him to atleast take it a little seriously as she find it frustrating, him holding back because of his superior strength. So he used some of his jutsu to win.

This past few weeks, he was progressing steadily as everyday, him, along with the amazons, train on an obstacle course every morning which help him practice his nimbleness and flexibilty that were needed on a ninja.

By the way, it looks like acquiring the hiraishin justsu would take a little longer as he actually need to beat the amazons as well as to make them acknowledge him in order to complete his two missions respectively. That didn't stop him on training his current skills and abilities though. As he was also making steady progress in making the energy he got from the stars and the sun, making it his own. He does it slowly and would not dare to rush it as it might instead give him some backlash to damage or burn his soul.

He usually meditate every night to absorb the energy which resulting on him becoming more powerful each day. As for Diana, she was actually also training herself. She usually train alone and would only show up when she was sparring with other experienced amazon fighters on the arena. He would always watch in awe watching her graceful fighting style as he find it noble and beautiful, also quite deadly at the same time.

She treat him well and doesn't judge him just because he was a boy/man, she instead help him on training sometimes and would also offer some advice as she has more experience in fighting, as she participated in several wars or duels back then. Aron slowly got closer to her and see her as a capable big sister which earned his respect.

He do not harbor any romantic feelings towards her whatsoever as even though she really is beautiful, he can't imagine being together with her as of yet, because first, even though he has the mentality of a 20 years old man, doesn't mean he has to act like one when he's just supposedly a 10 years old kid, physically. And two, he looked up to her as a strong woman and not a potential woman for himself.

They also share baths sometimes, but he only appreciate her and would sometimes blush, but he can't look at her with lust as he has a great respect to her. The same could be said with Diana, she found it interesting interacting with Aron as she also feels like she has a brother that she can never have, to take care of now.


Aron can now be found at his designated place as it was now night time, meditating while making the energy into his own, resulting on him becoming more powerful, slowly but steadily.

After a while, Aron opened his eyes slowly and exhaled a satisfying sigh. Though he haven't completely made the energy onto his own, it was still qute satisfying feeling his strength increasing.

After checking his body a bit, Aron then smiled as he said. "System, show me my status".


[As you wish, Host]


Strength: 37 -> 58

Agility: 36 -> 56

Intelligence: 20 -> 22

Chakra:74 -> 78 (Early Stage Jounin)

Magic: 260 -> 302

Powers: Immortality(locked), Sunshine

Skills: Cooking(Master)

Bloodline: Sharingan, Zenkai Boost

Abilities: Mind Reading

"Hmm, thanks, system"


[Your welcome, Host]

After seeing his progress, Aron smiled a little as he collapsed into his bed as he dazely stared a the ceiling and slowly fell asleep. Though he wanted to know how his intelligence only progressed a little, he can just save the question for tomorrow. As for now? Aron drifted to slumber as he enjoyed his sleep in the quiet night.

Next chapter