
Woefully Wedded Wife


[A day later in the dressing room of the Tsuchikage building]

[Kurotsuchi POV]


"Oh, aren't you excited? This is a very important moment for you!" An older woman spoke as she took my measurements.

"No? Why would I be excited? That makes no sense," I said in an upset tone as the woman continued to tap me all over.

'Why would I be excited...?' I asked myself in bewilderment as I considered my circumstances.

In, like, a week I would be having my... wedding... to Akuto Uzumaki... A wedding that is only going to happen because I lost a fight.

Well, lost is a bit of a misleading term.

It was more like complete and total humiliation. I was still stronger.

I was stripped of my clothing, tied up, and sexually abused in front of an amused crowd for 10 minutes on end...

Everyone in my village, even this lady doing my measurements, was there watching me go through that.

They did nothing to stop it and were even laughing at me. Some men seemed excited at my torture.

Worst of all... I'm pretty sure that I was enjoying it too... Am I truly so perverted that I enjoyed getting humiliated and sexually tormented in front of thousands by a man who I despise?

I don't know, but I was well aware that this event would haunt me for the rest of my days...

"Say, what colour do you want your dress?" She asked me as I looked at her in surprise.

Right... I'm in the middle of getting my measurements done for a custom wedding dress that was requested by Akuto.

But more importantly...

This was a chance for me to make a choice for myself amidst these terrible circumstances. So I think I should--

"Oops, I forgot that your future husband already decided everything for you!" She giggled as my expression dropped.

I simply nodded quietly as she measured my chest, patting me lightly as I sighed at the constant disrespect I was experiencing.

As the woman finished measuring my chest, she stepped off her stool and began moving away.

"I should have your wedding dress ready for you in a few days. I will give it to Mr. Uzumaki when the time comes," She said, walking up to the door.

I tilted my head in confusion, "Wait, where are you going?"

"Oh, uh, Mr. Uzumaki asked for me to share your chest and backside measurements with him when I finished," She said with a smile.

My jaw dropped for a brief moment before my grip tightened and my face contorted in frustration.

"That little-- He's trying to mess with me again!" I growled angrily as the other woman nodded slowly.

"uh, okay then... I'll be going then, Tsuchi-- Kurotsuchi..." She said, swiftly closing the door behind her as I stared at the closed door incredulously.

Once again, for what seemed to be the 30th time today, I was completely disrespected.

Slowly but surely, I could practically feel the reverence everyone once held for me as the Tsuchikage, get drained away.

I was sick of it. It had only been a day and yet it was endless torture.

All the respect and love that I once had as Tsuchikage... It was painful and saddening to see it all stripped away in an instant.

Even my own grandfather reprimanded me when I asked him to overrule my promise about the challenge.

He almost seemed to be on the kid's side... Like I was worth nothing...

All because of the Hokage's son.

'Damnit...' I sighed, expressing sorrow, "Just... leave me alone..."

My pitiful beg was heard by no one as I was left sitting in the middle of a dressing room, wallowing in my own despair.

'Is that too much to ask...?'

Maybe it was. I didn't know at this point. Perhaps this was deserved... Either way, I felt like I was tipping over the edge.

I felt like snapping but I just couldn't.

Whether it be out of fear of repercussions or just a mental block, I was sure that there was no lower place for me to sink than this.

At the very least... I hoped it wasn't.

I fear for what this conniving kid has planned for me.

Because that kid, Akuto-- That boy... is the opposite of his mother. In every conceivable way.

He is no saint. No, that boy is a damned devil.

Just looking into his eyes gave me a sickly feeling as though I was staring into the eyes of something that was rotting alive.

His chakra felt like it was made to be pure but completely corrupted and depraved.

He was one of the first people I've seen in my life to have inspired true hatred in me.

Despite my strength and superiority to him... for some reason, I couldn't help but feel the slightest bit of fear when I was anywhere near him.

He wasn't strong. He wasn't cool. He wasn't a genius. He wasn't anything remotely special.

He was just dark. Darkness I'd seen many times before in some truly despicable people.

Again... he felt as though he was something not intended to be, but made dark. Like he was corrupted with darkness.

And that festering darkness made him far more frightening than most people I've been faced with.

For he was not devilishly evil... He was a negative force.

Because he chose to be? Because he was forced to be? I don't know.

And frankly, I would much rather not know. Either way, I fear the answer would be truly frightening.

I... I just... I don't want this anymore.

I don't want to have all this happen to me. I don't want to waste my life away. i don't want to be with that devil for the rest of my life.

Even if I don't get the Tsuchikage position back... just... just...

...Don't make me do this...

"Please... Someone help me..." I pleaded with all the desperation of a lost child.

No one did.



[Akuto POV]



"Hahahahahaha! L- Look at her crying like a lost baby-- Hahaha!" I laughed to myself, watching her sitting in the dressing room through a symbiote tendril.

It was hilarious watching her squirm and beg for help despite all of this being her fault.

What a pathetic creature. Makes me wonder just how hard I should go on her, 'A savage beast like her deserves no mercy from me.'

I could feel myself get increasingly angrier before catching myself and calming down, resuming my enjoyment of Kurotsuchi whining.

Meanwhile, as I revelled in the sight of her misery, the symbiote couldn't help but pity the woman.

The symbiote had already stopped tampering with the mind but it would seem that it had underestimated my depravity.

Or perhaps it was something else.

'Oh well...' The symbiote's thoughts echoed through my strangely cluttered mind.

'Akuto... What do you plan to do during the wedding...?' The symbiote inquired, hoping for a reasonable response from me.

However, it would receive no such thing.

"My plan?" I asked, humming calmly before smiling insidiously, "That kiss of hers will be a bit more exotic than usual..."

I was planning on altering the ceremony just a bit. Just a small change to the whole 'kiss the bride' part.

But that could wait until the wedding.

For now, I had to find a nice suit.


[In Tsuchikage Private Room]


"Hm... Looks pretty nice... Just need to add a little bit of my own flair to it," I muttered to myself as I tried on the suit I got.

Abiding by that thought, the symbiote quickly climbed over the outfit for a moment before receding back into my body. It had altered the clothing's composition a little.

It was only a slight change, having only emblazoned a few designs over the suit and added a slight coloration change to it.

'Fine for now,' I mumbled, sitting down on a nearby chair.

The suit was picked out with the help of a hesitant Sayuri who seemed affected by something strange, an odd mark on her throat.

I was a bit confused by how she was acting but just chalked it up to her still getting used to being out in public with me.

Thankfully, I was planning a rather pleasing situation which would strengthen our bond and also complete my new mission.

You guessed it... A threesome with me, Kurotsuchi, and Sayuri. An exotic combination which would surely provide me with a uniquely incredible experience.

That would also complete my mission which would provide me with a new type of consumable to use.

The system said that it was a consumable item which could only be used on anyone other than me who had a decent relationship with me.

I was looking forward to what consumable I would receive from the mission rewards, but I was mostly excited for one thing and one thing only...!

Getting the Female Outfit Kit would presumably provide me with a selection of outfits that I could use to dress up my women.

Imagine! The dark and seductive Sayuri wearing a cropped school cheerleader outfit!

Imagine! The rude, crass, and quite violent Kurotsuchi wearing a cute little maid outfit!

Imagine... any outfit being placed on whoever I wish. That was a dream Kit to have at hand!

And I wanted it quickly. When my wedding is over and Kurotsuchi gives her... kiss... I will have the threesome with her and Sayuri and then get my kit and consumable.

Besides, I only had [100 DP] left due to customizing so many skills so that would allow me to stock up.

Currently, Sayuri was out and about for some reason and I didn't exactly know when she'd be back.

But I was using this free time to raise my egg for a little longer. Now that I have 'Love Chakra' I have been able to feed that to the egg as well.

Well... One strange thing is that my love skills should only be able to affect women so that's probably a little dictation as to where its growth is heading.

Speaking of my love skills, I unfortunately had to get rid of [Binding Chakra] since it's creation was solely the result of compromising with the system to temporarily allow me to use it for a lowered price.

So that skill is gone but at least I still have cloth reaper and my Love Chakra customization.

Ignoring that bit of information, I was quite happy since my egg currently looked to be growing incredibly well.

Its colour was a deep icy colour and its scaly exterior seemed fully ready to crack open.

It may take a little longer, but I was quite excited to see it when it fully grew into its complete form.

"Just a little longer, Eggward," I muttered as I rested a hand on the vibrating egg, soon moving away as I gained a contemplative look.

To be frank... I was still trying to figure out what the hell happened back then...

Again, the only thing I recalled was getting slammed into the wall multiple times... and then I couldn't remember anything, it was blank.

I would experience brief flashes of memories while I was in a sort of deep and dreamless slumber.

Flashes of flying rocks, a massive pillar of flames, and various other strange and confusing visions.

But Kurotsuchi was being a bitch and refusing to tell me what the hell happened while I was supposedly knocked out.

And Sayuri seemed to be a little distant from me and didn't want to talk which was just as annoying.

There was also the situation of all those strange and gruesome scars which suddenly appeared on my body.

Yeah, contrary to popular belief, I wasn't completely mentally deficient. I easily noticed the many scars all over my body.

I mean, how could I not?

There was one lined across my throat, a scar on my knee, one on my wrist, a few burn scars on the side of my cheek, above my brow and around my mouth, and a massive mangled and indented scar which took the shape of a spider-symbol on my chest.

Specifically, the scar on my chest was the one I was most curious and horrified by.

I had no clue how something could basically carve such a deep and mangled wound into my chest with me still knocked out.

Nor how the hell the scar managed to be in the shape of a damn spider-symbol on a suit.

Also how I was presumably dealt with life-threatening injuries but was miraculously healed in a few hours?

However, I think I had some idea.

An idea that was influenced by how the arena was damaged and how Onoki described things to me.

Granted, he said that he was still an old man and wasn't exactly good at recalling things after getting hit in the head.

But from what he could remember, I seemed to have gone on quite the rampage and been the source of that destruction.

Apparently, I was coated in a cloak of black and seemed to just be raging at everything in my path.

And there was only one thing I knew that could be described as a 'cloak of black', which was my symbiote.

I wasn't about to say anything to the symbiote though, I needed more information before confronting anyone.

And besides, I needed to figure out the 'why' and 'how' of this situation by myself first before doing anything rash to a creature which has fused with my body.

Specifically the how, since if the symbiote had indeed 'taken control' of me, then that would be in violation of the personality change I placed on it via the system.

Or perhaps it wasn't...?

Perhaps it was directly in line with its personality and it was simply due to [Adaptation] and my own anger that this happened?

Did my damaged brain, plus my Adaptation, result in the symbiote taking the initiative to save me?

However, that wouldn't explain how the symbiote had lied to me about 'nothing' happening which was just way too suspicious.

The only answer would be that it was a mix of both theories.

That, yes, the rampage was caused by my rage and damaged adaptation, but that the symbiote had done something behind my back for some reason, somehow.

Did it shut out my mind? Did it feed me negativity? Or was the symbiote not even the primary source of this event? Was it perhaps being controlled?

I should probably also follow the system's instructions and see a doctor to find out more as well. But that could wait until we're back in Konoha.

I needed to get to the bottom of this soon.

That's also not to ignore that one memory I have of Kurotsuchi seemingly walking away before grabbing her neck in pain and going ham on me.

Clearly... there was something afoot here.

Something which was seemingly targeting me.

Something that I needed to learn more about.

*Knock Knock*

"Hm? Come in," I stated shortly as the door to the private room opened and an older lady came in with paperwork in her hands.

'Whatever... I'll deal with that once this wedding shtick is over and done with...' I told myself, relaxing myself forcibly.

"Hi, Mr. Uzumaki. I have the measurements you requested..." She spoke hesitantly as she handed me the information.

I looked at the papers, "Holy shit, she's pretty damn nice, ain't she? Though I'm sure everyone already knows that..." I muttered to myself as the woman stood awkwardly.

The woman was about to leave, thinking her business was over, but I quickly called her back, "Wait, hold up for a second!"

She stopped and turned back, "Yes, sir? What do you need?" She asked as I pulled out a piece of sketch paper.

"I know you're already working on the wedding dress, but I have come up with my own design for Kurotsuchi's dress," I said, handing my drawing to the intrigued woman.

Immediately upon seeing the dress's design, the woman blushed red, "U- Uh... That's an i- interesting design for... a wedding dress..." She stuttered nervously as I smiled.

"But you can do it, right?" I asked as the woman glanced at me.

"O- Of course... But do you really want this design...?" She asked, staring between my odd drawing and myself.

I rose an eyebrow, "Of course. It's only fitting for Kurotsuchi to be wearing such a thing. Now off you go, missy," I said dismissively.

The woman nervously nodded at my calm words and quickly fled the room, leaving me alone to my devices.

Kurotsuchi's torment and humiliation wasn't over. She would have to die if she wished to get away from me.

Her torture? It would be eternal and everlasting.

It is what she deserved.

I didn't exactly know why... but I've recently been feeling a strange swelling ball of rage, growing inside me.

It could just be my insomnia and natural temper combining to make me more angry than usual.

But... I don't know, but this feeling didn't seem like a 'temper'... It felt like a festering wound that was leaking anger throughout my body.

Weird description but it was the only way I could describe this persistent temper.

But then again, all this could simply be me being pissy over my close win over Kurotsuchi.

Not to mention that, according to the system that I asked after my fight, I still have some extreme damage to my brain.

'I say 'still' but according to the system, the damage is seemingly permanent... Which carries some unknown implications...' I thought to myself, rubbing my scarred scalp.

So ultimately, I guess this extreme rage is simply my own frustration and temper.

Well, whatever, I should wait until I get a diagnosis from a professional before jumping any sharks.

I mean, I did have some medical training in my previous life but I was most definitely not the perosn to come to when trying to get a serious examination.

Then again, I was also a failed comedian so I guess I wasn't really the kind of guy to see for anything.

So for now, I should simply plan out my and Kurotsuchi's wedding before the day comes eventually.

Also, I should try to rest. Tenacious Insomniac would lessen but if my tired mind was really the cause of the rampage, then I would need to rest a bit.

It'd be hard due to my class, but at this point, I have to try at least.

With that thought in mind, I wrote down a note which told anyone who came in to let me sleep.

And then, I fell onto my bed and requested the symbiote try its best to put me to sleep for the first time in a while.

Soon enough, I surprisingly managed to fall into an unexpectedly deep slumber.

Turns out, this sleep of mine would end up being a little too deep.

Next chapter