
The Supreme Amputee

The plan was to cut off my arm and beat the fucking shit out of this fucking bitch.

I wouldn't have the mental strength to cut off my own hand, but I know that my DD self would.

'System... Activate Dark Determination...'

Suddenly, a dark aura overcame me and a frosty violet flame appeared within my eyes.

Alright then, time to escape.

I took a deep breath and in one swift motion, I jumped to my feet as the girl swiftly turned around.

"How the hell!?" She shouted confusedly as she hurriedly yanked the chain holding my arm, sending me rolling forward.

Shit. If she keeps pulling that damn chain, my entire arm will be destroyed before I even get the chance to cut it off.

I used the momentum of the pull, spinning my body around the chain as I planted one foot on top of it which pulled the girl closer.

However, the moment I did that, the gray-eyed girl pulled out three small dart-like objects and launched them toward me.

I let go of the chains and was about to dodge the darts, but she pulled at the chain, making the corruption spread even more as the three darts pierced my free arm.

I felt the left side of my body go limp for a second before I pulled the darts out with my teeth and raised my arm.

A stinger ejected from my wrist and the girl gained a shocked expression.

"The chain will only get worse you idiot...!" She muttered angrily as she threw a barrage of kunai at me.

The kunai just barely managed to stop my attack by piercing into my shoulder, bicep, and wrist, and slicing my side.

Damnit, this bitch just won't quit.

But she is also one hell of a damn idiot.

My mind possessed not a single emotion as I grabbed one of the kunai that had pierced my shoulder with my teeth.

The girl froze in shock as I skewered my right elbow with the kunai.

Blood from the wound splattered all over my face, unbearable pain coursing through my mind as I unwaveringly pushed the kunai deeper through my bone.

'H- He's dismembering himself...?'

The sound of flesh turning to slush and bones crushing reached both of our ears as my bloodshot eyes continued to stare at the wound despite the pain.

'Just a little more...!"

Luckily, my Uzumaki genes came in handy and my left arm healed enough to move once again.

I pulled the kunai out of my forearm and lifted it up into the air before stabbing my arm once again.

'Shit, if I pull it, his arm will come off and he'll escape, but if I let him continue...' She thought conflictingly.

Damnit...! Go through the damn bone!

I began slicing my arm, the sickening sound of scraping bone echoing through the area as I suddenly froze due to the spider sense.

The girl appeared right in front of me and, not giving me enough time to react, knocked me back with a chain-covered fist.

I was sent flying into an uprooted tree root that stabbed me in the side and had me gasping for breath.

I leaned back against the tree for a moment, recovering slightly before giving the girl a bloodshot, unblinking stare.

With an eerily cold expression, I once again stood up, shocking the girl, as I grabbed my halfway-dismembered arm with my other hand.


*CRACK* *Shpiltch*

And in one agonizing pull using all my strength, my entire forearm was ripped out of my body.

[Skill [Adaptation] has detected a threat...]

Blood splatter spilled all over the area, crushed pieces of my stingers were flung out, broken bones flew, and many chunks of flesh and skin spewed themselves over everything.

[Skill [Adaptation] is adapting...]

A dangerous amount of blood poured from what was left of my shredded arm as I collapsed to the ground.

[Skill [Dark Determination] has deactivated due to chakra depletion]

"AAAAGH!!! My fucking aaaaarrrm!!!" I shrieked through grit teeth as I gripped my shredded arm in pain.

[Skill [Adaptation] is adapting...]

"FUCK FUCK FUCK! God-- Ragh! --DAMNIT! *Pant* *Pant* Oh, I'm gonna fucking murder you now, bitch!" I roared in a fit of agony and rage with tears in my bloodshot eyes.

With my Dark Determination disabled, all of the feelings from the entire duration of DD's activation hit me like a truck, all at once.

So I now was feeling nothing but torturous pain, debilitating exhaustion, and dozens of different drugs and poisons.

The combined pain of my dismembered arm and all the drugs were nothing but pure anguish upon my soul.

"Agh...! Agh...! Ough...! F- Fuck..." I heaved roughly between deep breaths as drool dripped from my mouth.

[Skill: [Pain Resistance] acquired]

[Skill: [Lower Regeneration] acquired]

Thanks, system, I needed that. It still hurts as if satan was fucking me in the ass but I could at least move now.

However, despite my suffering, I glanced up for a moment and was met by the sight of a foot headed toward me.

Swiftly, I ducked the kick but was unfortunately caught by a chained smack to the face that threw me to the ground.

"Damnit, let me rest for a bit you damn bitch..." I muttered in annoyance as I breathlessly stood up and coughed.

Suddenly, an idea hit me and I closed my eyes in concentration.

I could sense the girl running towards me but chose to ignore it as I concentrated on all the pain, anger, despair, and everything I was feeling during this event.

And then I activated a previously unused skill: [Killing Intent].

Suddenly, a dark veil of black and purple erupted from within me and stopped the running girl in her tracks, flooding her mind with terror.

All the pained experiences and rage from my past life and current life coalesced together to form a terrible aura that induced that agony into any surrounding targets.

Frozen in place with wide eyes and cold sweat, the girl watched frightfully as I slowly limped over to her.

After a few seconds of pained walking, I stood right in front of the girl who just barely managed to take a few steps back.

Her eyes widened even further as a stinger poked out of my left wrist and I readied myself to stab her in the head.

However, I gained a confused expression and froze as I watched the girl's steely-grey eyes roll around to the back of her head and come around as a pair of brown eyes.

The girl looked around the area for a moment before taking notice of me in front of her and falling backwards.

"W- Wh- What are you doing--!?"


My killing intent seemed to disable on its own as I fell to my knees and gripped my bleeding arm.

"A- Are you okay, Akuto? What is happening?" She questioned nervously as I gave her a deadpan look.

"Do I look fucking okay to you? And why are you nice now? Are you a different person?" I inquired between gasps of air.

Is this some kind of Disassociative Identity Disorder thing? No, it seems too controlled to be something like that.

Someone can't just choose to be the other personality all of a sudden, it has to be some kind of possession thing.

"What's your name?"

"Um, Yure...?"

"Okay, do you have a mental disorder?"


"Stop speaking in question marks."

"Okay...?-- Okay."

"Ok then, did you meet someone suspicious during this test?"

"Um... Yeah, actually. It was this weird lady..."

"Hate to break it to you but you're possessed. By that lady specifically."

"What!? How!? But isn't it only illusions!? What do I do!?"

"Just stay still for a second..." I muttered as I made a canvas formation with my hand and looked through it.

"Move a little to the right, darling?" I asked kindly as she nodded with a smile and moved as I told her.


I suddenly jutted my left stinger right through her forehead.

"Nice try, but genjutsu of that level doesn't work on me."

The area around me warped and washed away before my eyes, revealing a forest covered in blood and flesh.

This time it wasn't a mind jutsu but just a straight-up physical illusion.

The reason I knew about the illusion was due to my new Genjutsu Resistance skill making the Genjutsu world show its cracks instantly.

Of course, it took some time to crack which was why I was stalling for so long to figure it out.

But the deciding factor was this split personality of her's somehow knowing that she uses illusions. People really do act stupid when panicked.

And now, laying on the ground before me with brain matter spilling out of her orifices was the dead body of my hunter.

Her appearance was no different than before except for looking just a little bit older and having gray eyes.

"So I guess the whole split personality thing wasn't a hoax if the eyes are anything to go by. But I'm sure that the other personality was just as fucked."

I mean, I hope so at least.

Ignoring the implications of what I just did, I walked forward a few steps before being assaulted by a wave of dizziness.

"Fuck... I'm bleeding out..."

The dizziness overcame my mind and I collapsed onto the ground in a pool of my own blood.

'S- System, open customization...'

The system did as I commanded and I weakly lifted my finger to begin drawing.

However, my arm pathetically fell to the ground and I realized that I was about to pass out.

"Save me... System... fix me... Make- *cough* make stronger... Take as much DP as you..."

My words barely managed to leave my lips, the last thing that I heard before passing out being a notification sound.





My breathing was calm and rhythmic, a river of peacefulness flowing through my mind as I slept soundly.

However, my peaceful slumber was interrupted by a gentle hand jostling my shoulder in my sleep.

I grunted angrily in my sleep and went back to my relaxation, scratching my shoulder in irritation.

Again, though, the same soft hand gently grabbed my face and lightly slapped it, inciting me to crack open an eyelid.

"Ah, I was worried you wouldn't wake up..." A soft and emotionless voice spoke as I sat up straight and yawned.

I sluggishly rubbed my tired eyes and glanced around the unfamiliar area I was in before spotting the person who spoke.

"Oh, hey, Mitsuki."

"Hello, friend."


I yawned heavily and cracked my back with a large stretch before falling back down on my back.

Wait a second.

"Wait, Mitsuki!?" I swiftly sat up straight and stared at her in disbelief.

Why is she here? Where the hell am I? How did she even find me? And how am I alive after losing so much blood?

"Yes?" She tilted her head curiously as I pinched the bridge of my nose in irritation.

"N- Nothing, it's just... Ugh, where are we anyways?" I questioned, glancing around the area curiously.

"A cave. I found you sleeping in a bloody puddle with a dead girl beside you and decided to bring you here," She commented nonchalantly as I turned to her with a serious look.

"And what do you think of what you saw?"

"You most likely almost died attempting to kill the girl for some reason."

"Just so you know, she attacked me first."

"I see. Though, I don't really care much either way."

"Oh? So if I just murdered some random girl, you would've been fine with it."

"I would've had a lesser opinion of you, but I find you interesting so I wouldn't despise you."

I nodded in acceptance and sat in silence for a moment before turning to her in realization.

"Did you happen to spot a forearm similar to my skin tone lying around there? And, um, what'd you do to the body?" I inquired in a panic as she smiled.

"The snakes ate the body. And no, I didn't find an arm, " She smiled gently.

Okay, weird, but ignoring that statement, how much time has even passed since this stuff happened?

'Ugh, system, how long was all of this anyway?'

[2 days have passed]


Pardon the language but what the fuck?

How in the world did an entire two days pass by without me even knowing? What is the division between that?

[One day passed during the genjutsu world even though it felt like an hour or so for you. And another day passed after you fell asleep from the arm injury]

Well, shit. Then that means Sayuri should be here sometime soon as well.

"That is some wonderful news..." I muttered under my breath as I used my right arm to scratch my neck.

I froze as I felt 5 sharp fingers scratch at my neck.

My arm was back.

How the hell didn't I notice that?

With that question in mind, I turned to my arm and gained a sudden look of shock at the sight of it.

From my elbow and below was an unfamiliar solid pure-black arm with some white lines inside and 5 clawed fingers.

At the point where the new arm and my original arm connected were more black lines that seemed to go from the new arm to what was left of my arm all the way to my shoulder and chest while pulsing with energy, as well as bigger black patches (with the same white lines within) from the new arm that were rougher and extended further in order to fill up the missing chunks of my original arm in an awfully gruesome manner.

This new arm of mine provided a stark contrast between the very strange type of black on the new arm and my own fair skin tone.

I flexed the forearm muscles on the arm, I bent the elbow, wiggled my fingers around, and touched things.

Everything seemed to be operating just as it normally does but it also seemed to be way more physically able compared to every other limb.

What in the hell even is this new arm? I know you made it, system, but what exactly is it?

[The system is unable to create new designs on its own so it used memories of stuff from your first life that would work to "fix you", "save you", and "make stronger" as you commanded]

Wait, how much did that cost, exactly?

[You now only have 100 DP left in total]

Damn! It cost 200 DP to make this arm. So that means the original price was 400 which also means that this arm should be very strong.

Wow, that easily explains the newfound strength within the arm.

While that's all well and good, what I meant to ask was what the name of this arm was. Like where does it originate? What is it?

[Your new arm is...]

Next chapter