
Chapter 7: Magic Knight Exam 3.

After Ben transformed into Diamondhead, everyone in the arena looked at him in awe. When they saw Ben in this form:

"GOOD! LET'S CREATE THE MASTERPIECE," Ben declared loudly with a deep voice like an adult.

"Is it spirit drive? I thought his previous form was a spirited drive, but I canceled the idea because he got his grimoire not too long ago. But now I am very interested in his magic," Dorothy looked at Ben with wide eyes.

"Hehe... what a monster. He will be the perfect addition to our squad," Jack, with a creepy smile, looked at Ben while licking his lips, a faint green light emitted from his left eye.

'What should I create... hmm...' Ben looked around for inspiration to create but nothing came to his mind.

"What is he doing, looking around?" one of the examinees whispered with confusion.

"Maybe he is preparing to cast a big spell," another one whispered.

"Maybe he is out of mana," a third whispered.

Ben didn't care about the whispers about him and kept thinking deeply.

'Should I create a small garden of flowers made purely of crystals? Hmm...'

Suddenly, Ben was drawn to the stands where the captains were watching over the Magic Knight exam. A small grin formed on his face.

He placed both hands on the ground. Immediately, a huge pillar of crystal raised from the ground up to six feet.

Everyone looked at the pillar with a confused look on their face.

Captain's stand...

"A pillar of crystals without chanting is impressive, but it looks plain, though..." Jack commented on the pillar with a disappointed look on his face.

"What are you saying? It looks impressive. Look how it is shining," Charlotte said while looking at Ben with hungry eyes.



"Hey, Prickly Queen, do you know that brat? Why do you seem like a doting old sister?" Yami took a puff from his cigarette and said while pointing his cigarette at Charlotte.

"I do have the same question. How can this Ice Queen, who hates men, support that brat this much?" Jack also said with a raised eyebrow.

'Old sister, old sister, old sis, old... old... old...' Charlotte didn't pay attention to Jack while thinking about what Yami said.

"Wha... What are you saying? We are not siblings," Charlotte shouted, looking at Yami with killing intent.

Just then, they started to hear noises from the arena.


The crystal pillar that had risen suddenly started to change its structure and take shape.

Everyone in the arena started to look at the shape the pillar started to form with wide eyes.

"Isn't that Captain of the Blue Rose?" one of the examinees exclaimed with wide eyes looking at the statue made of crystals before him. Everyone in the arena started to talk among themselves, looking at the statue in awe.

Even in the captain's stand, one looked at the statue with an impressed look on their face.

"Sister, it is your statue, right?" Sol asked Charlotte in a low voice near her ear.


Charlotte's face turned red while steam started to come from the top of her head, feeling the gaze of every captain present looking at her for an answer.

"Finally, one can melt this Ice Queen," Yami, with a plain face, looked at Charlotte.

"Shut up, Yami! Do you want to die?" Charlotte flared up at Yami.

"He is very brave. That's for sure." Nozel looked at Ben who was looking towards them in his Diamondhead form, seeing their reaction.

'He has proposed to me now. Wow, that statue looks so real. That means... means he only thinks about me all the time.' Charlotte was creating her imaginary world.

After 30 minutes, the Creativity Magic test was over and everyone in the area was elated that they had completed the test.


Some of the examinees' faces started to turn ugly, looking at the never-ending test conducted by the examiner Captain Williams.

Some started to raise their hands to give up this year's test because their mana was already nearly fully depleted from their bodies from the previous tests.

"Fuck, my mana is already depleted," some of the examinees started to curse their lack of mana with sour faces.

"I promised my family I would become a Magic Knight. I can't give up this time," some started to cry in despair.

A few Magic Knights came to the arena and started to evacuate the examinees who gave up on testing the arena.

"Weaklings should know their place," one of the examinees looked at the ones who gave up with disgust in his eyes.

Some of the examinees from the noble houses started to say harsh words to the examinees who gave up on the test, showing disdain on their faces.

After evacuating the failed examinees and the examinees who gave up on the test from the arena.

"NOW, CHALLENGE YOUR OPPONENTS AND WIN THE DUEL," Williams announced at the start of the final combat test.

After hearing the announcement, everyone in the arena started to challenge themselves. Some wanted to challenge weaker opponents to impress the captains, while some wanted to challenge stronger ones to prove to others they were strong.

While everyone was challenging others, none challenged Ben. When Ben walked towards someone to challenge, they immediately challenged someone else next to them to avoid Ben.


'Is it me, or are they avoiding challenging me?' Ben looked at the crowd that was standing three feet away from him while they were challenging others.

Captain's stand...

"Weaklings. I think this year, except for that commendable brat, I feel no one is promising," Nozel looked at the examinees with disgust in his eyes.

"Hehe...hehe... after seeing his performance, now except him and some others, it looks like a weakling," Jack, with a menacing smile.

"Shut it, weirdo." Yami, looking at Jack, said with an ugly face.

"Fuck it, Yami. Do you want to fight?" Jack looked pissed off by Yami's words.

"Yeah, come. I will blast your face off with my fist," Yami said with a grin on his face.

Some challenges started to take place while this was going on. One of the nobly born examinees came walking towards Ben and looked at him with hatred.

'Why is he looking at me like I slept with his sister?' Ben noticed the hatred in the eyes of the examinee who was walking towards him.

"Hey, you. I want to challenge you, commoner. Consider this your fortune to be challenged by me, becoming my stepping stone," he said while looking at Ben, who was searching for an opponent to challenge.


"Come, let's begin, commoner. As for my name, you don't have the status to know about it," the man said with a mocking smile while puffing his chest.

'Now every girl will look at me.' With an inner thought, the man walked to the stage where the duel will take place.

"BEGIN." One of the Magic Knights who was acting as a referee started the match.

Immediately after the attack started, the man opened his two-leaf grimoire and started to chant spells. The man sent fireballs at Ben while Ben dodged the attack by flipping backward and pressing the button near the dial on the Omnitrix.


The dial moved upwards while displaying the shadowy appearance of the aliens in the Omnitrix. Without looking at the display, Ben smashed his palm at it, which once again emitted radiant green.

While everyone was looking at the match seriously, Williams was speaking to himself, thinking something very deeply.

After the radiant green flash, everyone looked eagerly at what Ben was going to do.


Ben exclaimed loudly. His whole body was like magma, burning at high temperatures.

"Fire Magic: Fire Slash." The man sent consecutive fire slashes at Ben. This time, Ben didn't dodge the attack.

The attack landed on his chest, face, and stomach and made a good impact, creating a huge amount of smoke.

"With this, I am the winner, my laddies." The man looked at the women in the arena for their reaction.

"Idiot, he overestimated himself. Can't he sense there are no changes in the mana of his opponent?" Nozel sighed with helplessness at seeing one of the nobly born examinees make a joke of himself.


The man heard a deep, cracked voice emitting hot breath from behind him.

The examinee turned slowly. When he saw Ben in his Heatblast form, near him, he wet his pants in fear, looking at the void eyes filled with burning flames.

"Move away. I am nob..." Before the examinee could finish his sentence, a punch landed straight in his face. He was sent flying and hit the wall of the arena.

Everyone in the arena looked at the scene where Nobel guy was sent flying. There was a pin-drop silence filling the area.

"THE WINNER IS EXAMINEE NO: 88." The Magic Knight who acted as a referee announced after coming back to his senses.



(Author's POV)

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