
5. Humans !!

<p>'Shit !'<br/><br/>I have been running now for 5 days and even killed two 4m titans on my way. I even lost my arm just an hour ago because of an crazy titan. <br/><br/>He did not try to catch and eat me.<br/><br/>No he threw things at me. And one of those things he had next to his half-buried body was of course a wheelbarrow full of scrap metal. <br/><br/>And thanks to my shitty luck one of those metals was sharp enough and landed perfectly on my shoulder.<br/><br/>The good part is that i now know that each of my arms and legs has an percentage of my HP. <br/><br/>If i loose a leg or arm i loose exactly 12.5% of my health. thanks to poison resistance i don't need to care for an infection...hopefully. what am i thinking ? sleeping will heal me so no worry's. <br/><br/>But back to the real problem= where the frick is this Wall ?! All i found till now is some old ruins and a crazy titan. Of course i even saw some of the big guys but my new skill helped me hide.<br/><br/>==Skill's==<br/><br/>°Excavation LVL 15 2.23% "Sometimes I dig holes for people to fall in. Then I shout, "I've got you!"― Amanda Mosher (Those are real quotes btw. i am not thinking of them on my own) <br/>This Skill lets you dig faster. when a hole gets refilled with this skill it lets the ground look like it's never been dug out.+ 15% dig speed.<br/><br/>I got this one when i closed the hole after pooping. It never really helped but then came the little bonus of letting the ground look normal after filling it up again.<br/><br/>I don't know why or how one of my skills got an extra bonus after reaching lvl 10 but i am grateful. With the help of my self made shovel i can dig a hole where i can hide from titans if they spot me from afar. <br/><br/>I mostly run to the next big object to hide behind and then dig the hole. the titan then always comes to my location and leaves after 5 minutes. You can't miss those loud noises when they walk.<br/><br/>But back to my problem ! The only thing made by humans that i saw till now where old ruins and 2 saddled horses.<br/><br/>That must means that there are humans nearby. <br/><br/>That's the reason why I did not give up yet but it's so dammn frustrating.<br/><br/>'I should rest on the next few ruins and sleep there.'<br/><br/>It is getting dark and I don't like to run around with a half regenerating stump as an arm. It makes it so much harder to escape titans. I don't know how titans behave at night since I never saw one when it was dark. Maybe they get more aggressive. Maybe they sleep or have night vision or something. Anyway I don't want to find out.<br/><br/>Now that I think about it I should have tried to ride one of the horses that I saw.<br/><br/>Maybe I would have gotten a riding skill. I just dismissed it since I know I can't ride and I don't want to experience my first horse encounter again. <br/><br/>I surely would have made me faster than by foot. For now I am gonna go full speed. thanks to those 5 days of traveling my Skill Running and my speed and vitality stats grew a bit.<br/><br/>==Status==<br/>Name: Kade<br/>Age: 10 ?<br/>LVL: 7 EXP: 921/6400<br/>Title: None<br/>Health: 442/480 <br/> Regeneration: 0.03831/per second<br/>Stamina: 154/480 <br/> Regeneration: 0.8/per second<br/>Strength: 31+<br/>Vitality: 48+<br/>Speed: 49+<br/>Agility: 50+<br/>Intelligence: 11+<br/>\/Free Points: 12\/<br/><br/>and my Running skill :<br/><br/>==Skill's==<br/><br/>°Running LVL 33 1.78% This skill will passively increase your Movement speed by 33% and +9 Speed.Can also sacrifice 20 Stamina per second to increase Agility and Speed by 15.<br/>Running all the time helped Leveling the skill much. I just have to find a little bit protection to rest those sore foots for a bit. Well the next ruin I come across will be my resting place-<br/><br/>As I was in thoughts a 5 meter titan came into my sight.<br/><br/>"Shit not again !"<br/><br/>I made myself ready and jumped as soon as he was in 8 Meter reach. <br/><br/>A cool thing of my climbing skill is that it will help me get up to something I want and the way I want.<br/><br/>It also counts to jump up something. <br/><br/>And as I always do it I landed on the neck of the titan and used my only arm to slice a part of the neck. As soon as the neck part separated it fell lifeless to the ground.<br/><br/>==500 EXP gained==<br/><br/>I quickly took a couple of steps back since I don't want to breath in that nasty steam. for me with an Smell Skill at LVL 14 it smells like burning plastic. <br/><br/>I don't know how it smells like this but it does. <br/><br/>And because of me jumping that high from the neck of the titan I saw 2 houses about 4 miles away from here.<br/><br/>I activated my running skill and sprinted in the general direction.<br/><br/>Feeling the wind blowing against my face is really relaxing. You feel free and it is a good workout too.<br/><br/>After probably 20 minutes I reached the ruins and made myself home.<br/><br/>I took out my bed and something to eat out of my inventory.<br/><br/>Sadly my inventory is just a big invisible bag. It has the ability to stop time inside just like every system has. The only drawback is that I can only store things I can lift my self.<br/><br/>But now enough thinking time to sleep<br/><br/>??? POV:<br/><br/>We have now come across 3 titan an lost half of our man. If we do not find anything till our next rest we will have to come back empty-handed...'Those ruins look safe. Well at least safer than sleeping outside.'<br/><br/>"EVERYONE ! We will use those ruins over there and rest. In the morning we will retreat!"<br/><br/>Kade POV:<br/>'Wow so that's my first encounter with humans huh ? I don't know if I should reveal my self right now. They could be hostile.<br/><br/>I will confront them as soon as I know the circumstances of the people that live behind the wall.'<br/><br/>And with that thought I jumped up the ruin from the other side and made sure that my hiding Skill is active.<br/><br/>I hid inside the pile of straw that is on the highest floor and waited.<br/><br/> After about 15 minutes of them talking and giving orders outside the settled down. some of them even came inside the house to rest here probably. Fuck I think 1 or 2 entered my room.<br/><br/>No ones POV:<br/><br/>person 1 : "I can't believe you lost our tent !!!"<br/>person 2 : "I didn't ! It was inside of Michael's bag."<br/>person 1 : " At least there is a pile of straw that we can sleep on.."<br/><br/>Kade POV:<br/><br/>'FUUUUCK. Please don't go here' It would mean that if they find me they might think I tried to ambush them. <br/><br/>I just have to survive the night without sleeping. If mother luck does not hate me then please don't let me be seen. <br/><br/>They both jumped on top of the pile, without hesitation, not noticing the 10 year old kid inside it and instantly fell asleep. <br/><br/>'Must have been a hard day huh ? but I am sure that they will lead me eventually to their home.'<br/><br/>'Now I am even thinking like I am ambushing them in their home. Good that I did not show my self I would have probably startled them into attacking me.'<br/><br/>about 10 hours later the finally woke up and left the house. I still waited 5 more minutes until I finally could move my body again. My hiding Skill literally exploded in LVL.<br/><br/>==Skill's==<br/><br/>°Hiding LVL 39 67.90% This skill lets you hide better and also notifies you if other people are hiding, if the LVL difference ,of only the skill ,is 5. -39% chance of getting caught. This skill now lets you be able to pickpocket as well. - 39% chance of getting caught when pickpocketing.<br/><br/>Wow. Hiding 10 hours without stop from 2 people and that only centimetres far away makes me better at hideng it seems. And the fact that I could not scratch my self or move at all was the worst !! Just one little move and the 2 would have noticed me. And I am Shure even if I would have gotten outside there must be people patroling in the night. I would get caught even faster than in here. But the unbelievable increase in the skill must mean that the accomplished must have been great. ' Well... I needed to act like a lifeless sack of flesh to not get noticed. I hate them already. But still...yea finally Humans !</p>

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