
First Visit

He took a deep breath to try to calm himself down "Okay calmate Mark camlate, let's see every time this robotic chick voice talks I'm thrown into some weird shit. She said that Clash of Clans system had been installed, that doesn't sound too crazy. The thing I need to know is what it was installed in?"

He took another breath "Out of everything that could be installed, what the hell does my favorite game during high school have to do with me being pulled into this new world?"

Mark let out a big sigh and shrugged "Oh what the hell why not, sure I would like to enter."

((Permission received, scanning hosts brain waves, muscle mass, blood type, and skeletal structure. Data has been saved, and the host is now able to enter and leave upon command. Good luck))

There was a portal that opened up beside him, It looked as if it was a thin layer of water that was moving in a rotating motion. "Well this is interesting" he painfully got up and stood next to it and touched it, he put his hand inside and looked from the side. Nothing came from the other side "Oh this shit creeps me out", he took a deep breath and poked his head inside.

What he saw on the other side made him freeze, as soon as his face got inside the portal he was brought to a large clearing that had some trees, small mountains, and bushes every here and there, but the thing that amazed him the most was the five structures that he had seen so many times.

In the middle of the village there was a small wooden structure with a thatched roof, in front there was a campfire, behind the town hall there was a small structure with a hammer and saw logo on top of it, towards the right there was a mine that was producing actual gold, that kept disappearing but he still found it pretty cool. Last but not least the broken down castle that was huge, Mark quickly made the rest of his body go inside.

He walked towards the closest building which was the mine and began expecting it, inside there was a deep tunnel and the cart of gold kept coming back up with gold coins. He took one quickly and began expecting it but as soon as the rest disappeared so did the one on his hand.

Mark gave a long sigh and walked away "Man that's torture why let a dude see gold if he can't even hold it for long enough." The gold had taken all of his attention that he hadn't seen the women villagers walking around collecting fruits from bushes.

He was surprised by how human they looked, no one would be able to tell that they were part of a game. The only creepy part was that there were like 10 of them and they looked exactly the same, and they were also moving a little too robotically.

He walked as fast as he could while yelling "Hey ladies, can you tell me what's going on?"

The brown-haired girls ignored him and continued to collect things and headed back to the town hall. Max gave himself as facepalm as he saw the lifeless blue eyes of the women "Man if this is how everyone else is going to be then this is going to suck."

He looked around and found the builder's hut "Well might as well check out if the dude is going to be the same."

When Max entered the builder's hot he was shocked by how big it was inside, it was too big. He went back outside and looked at the small hut "yeah no, the space in this thing is definitely distorted.

He went back in and looked around at the huge workshop with countless tools, Mark tried to touch a drill but was electrocuted and shot away. He was left on the floor trying to breathe ((Host is not yet at a high enough level to be able to interact with people or objects))

Mark began to laugh "Great now you tell me." After a few minutes, he got up and looked for the builder again which he found sleeping in a huge king-sized bed. He was about to shake his shoulder and wake him up but he remembered the shock and impact that he had felt earlier and shook his head.

After leaving the builder's hut he headed to the Townhall when he got there once again space was twisted. Inside he found a kitchen, large living room, 7 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, and a hallway that led to a door where the women kept going to but he wasn't able to enter.

When he sat on the sofa of the living room a screen popped up in front of him. It wasn't a physical screen, it seemed to be made of light. It showed the village as you would see on the game, with a smile on his face when he saw that in the corner it said that he had 750 gold and elixir.

He clicked on where it showed the amount of gold that he had and 1 gold coin appeared in his hand. "Oh shit I can actually get the gold from the game haha" he took a deep breath "Leave village"

((Before host can leave he must select one of the following.))

On the screen appeared lots of different types of rings, after scrolling and looking around he chose one that had the logo of the shield and two arrows. The body of the ring was black and half of the shield was made up of what seemed like a ruby, the other half was a diamond. The arrows also became a ruby and the feathers were made from diamond. Max gave out a long whistle as he looked at the ring that appeared out of thin air "Wow this beauty has to cost a fortune"

He put it on and nodded "This is officially the best day of my life"

((The ring has now been merged with the host, it allows the host to open a window and manage the village from outside. The window will only be seen by the host and no one else for insurance that the host doesn't lose the ring; it has become one with the host and can no longer be removed.))

Mark froze "What the fuck, I'm supposed to live in a poor village with a ring that would probably feed them their whole lives if they sold it. Great looks like I'm going to lose a finger soon."

He took a deep breath and gave one last glance at the golden coin that he had in his hand "Leave village". Another portal opened up and he tightened his grip on the coin as he walked into the portal.

When he opened his eyes he found himself back on the room, he quickly looked at his hand to look at the gold but there was nothing.

((Host is not yet at a high enough level to bring objects through the portal))

"Oh, fuck this shit"

What's up amigos

wolfster101creators' thoughts
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