
Brom's Dillema

The situation in the war room suddenly lit. The incoming carriage of the royalty is the breath of the fresh air that they need. Vale and Henry rushed outside, waiting for the carriage. Up on the horizon, Silver Hawk flew low to his master.

"Welcome back, Silver Hawk." Vale was happy to see his familiar once again.

'I am back, master. I can be assured that you will be so happy to see the inside of the carriage.'

"Yes, I know Justice was there. You can go back now. Good job, Silver Hawk."

'It's not just the crown prince, I'll go back to take some rest now.'

  Vale was frowning, and tried to ask Silver Hawk once again, "Not just the crown prince? Who?" But Silver Hawk already flew inside Vale's shadow.

"That was weird? I wonder who that was?" Asked Henry. He was also curious about Silver Hawk's information.

"It is your girl, captains." Muttered Brom, while he was yawning, with his uninterested face from behind them.