
Axe Wielder vs Ice Warrior

"Two tickets please." Oki stated.

The standing goat creature handed over two tickets for seven copper coins each.

Oki passed one to Lexar. He had a certain insecurity earlier about the thing he wore, he was basically shirtless and had a red large stain on the top of the trousers.

However, after walking on the roads of Edrim and seeing people in even worse outfits and sometimes even naked, he learned not to think hard of it, although he would like to change.

"Can you direct me to a place where I can get some clothes?" Lexar asked Oki as they walked to the massive arena.

"Sure, I know the best place. Let's just enjoy ourselves now."

The path to the arena was crowded, lots of people wanted to see the show.

They got to the opening where multiple guards stood and collected the tickets, they handed theirs and got in.

They wound up getting seats at the middle portion of the arena, not too high up and not too low either.

The seats above were still very unoccupied and people came to fill them.

About an hour later, the arena was filled and the event began.

In the small circular area below where the fights were observed, a couple of large guards stood at the sides to protect the spectators when the need arose.

From the opening the people came, a creature of red walked in. In front of it, an artefact of blue glowed and hovered. The creature was very slim and looked to be brittle, they had two large horns jutting out of their head and a large mouth housing teeth that were unclosed. They were tall and appeared dignified in their black trench coat.

"Welcome everyone." The creature spoke with a sly-sounding masculine voice.

"We know what you are here for and we'll be sure to deliver. Our best against the best. Lives we be traded, coins will be flipped and glory will be dashed out. Now…" he paused and cleared his throat.

"Our first match will be from the F class gladiators, opponents between level 10 to level 30 fighting each other to the death. Take it as an appetizer for the horror that will be unleashed later. First, from Boston, an orc will great dreams and guts, Renag the Axe wielder!"

A pink large orc with a massive axe hung across his back slowly walked forward into the circle. It had on grey armour that protruded outward at the belly area telling of his fat abdomen, however, its lower body was bare, only a metal wear struck between his legs hiding his groin was on.

It cried to display strength but all Lexar heard was the angry oinking of a standing pig.

"His opponent, a ravanum from the mountains surrounding Everblight. An ice warrior with a cold attitude, Revu!"

A light blue humanoid creature walked into the circle, frost emanated from them and snowflakes fell from their body as they walked. Brown thin horns jutted from their blue hair. They had on a stylish blue attire of a beautiful icy shirt and trousers. The warrior wielded no weapons however.

They stood a few meters from each other and looked at each other menacingly.

Lexar identified them from the spot he sat.

[Axe wielder lvl 27]

[Ice warrior lvl 24]

The host slowly walked back to the opening he had come from and shouted "fight!"

The opponents came at each other, Ice materialized into a long spear in the hands of the ice warrior, and he struck forward the spear to the chest of the orc.

The orc swiftly swung down his massive axe generating a large boom when he struck the ground with it.

The ice warrior escaped the blow but the spear was with him no longer.

Cold air emanated from behind him and materialized into multiple snowflakes which then swiftly materialized into a dozen white swords.

The ice warrior thrusted forward his hands and the swords of ice zoomed at the orc.

With swift slashes, the orc cut through the attacks with beautiful swings of his axe.

The ice warrior ran, frost materializing on the surface his feet landed. He then shot himself up with a jutting ice on his feet. Up in the air and overhead the orc, he shot forward both his hands and a wave of ice zoomed down morphing into a circular drill.

The orc blocked the ice drill with his haft pushing up. He held on to the attack, and he followed by spinning in axe in great speed shredding away the ice as it descended.

The ice warrior descended behind the orc in a flip, he struck forward his hands this time sending a wave of pure unadulterated ice energy at the orc.

"Time to end this." The orc stated.

His body could only endure such an attack for a short while and he risked getting frozen solid.

He swung his sword to the side uprightly, purple energy built up on the blade as the ice wave approached.

The orc smirked and took a step immediately zooming past the wave, cleaving it into two.

He appeared behind the ice warrior who opened his mouth in shock.

Suddenly, the ice warrior abdomen tore open, his body became halves and fell to the ground pouring its red liquid on the concreted surface.

The orc swung his axe to his side sending the blood clinging to his axe to the ground.

The host ran forward and took the right hand of the warrior raising it high and yelled "Renag the Axe wielder wins!"

Immediately he shouted that, the arena went crazy. People jumped off their seats and yelled and although this was his first time witnessing such an event outside of a TV screen, Lexar felt the brewing excitement within him.

The orc wasn't the only victor as people exchanged pouches of coins they had bet on.

After a few minutes, a small doglike creature on a strap was brought forward, it had a red fire partly contained in its mouth. It went to the corpse and blew its fire on it burning it and it immediately went to feeding on the ice warrior.

It was hasty with its meal and swiftly licked the spot. It was directed back to where it had come from.

"Now who's ready for the next match!"

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