1 1.

I woke in a cold sweat.

Clothes and hair sticking to my body, it felt disgusting. I couldn't remember everything that happened in my dream. I just remember this one part that has been haunting me ever since the day of the accident. It has been around 7 years but it just wouldn't let me go. I heard noises from outside, making me frantically move my head as I looked around. I swung my legs out of bed, moving towards my window that was slightly left open, causing the  curtains to vigorously float in the wind


I swear I had closed it before sleeping.

I pushed it closed and decided to take a shower even tho it was the middle of the night.

I felt disgusting and I wouldn't fall back asleep like this.

I pulled out some suitable clothes from my closet and went to open the door,tapping through the icy corridor. When I reached my bathroom I straight away turned on the heater, lingering there for a few minutes in hope it would warm me at least a little before stripping.

The mirror already fogged up as the water was steaming.

I like it that way.

That slight burning sensation made me feel alive. It was either that or freezing water but since it was nearing winter I would leave that for the summer again.

I stepped inside and the water turned my whole body pink in just a few seconds. I relaxed for a while. Muscles that I hadn't realised were actually aching calmed and made me feel stress free. When the burning slowly subsided and the water began getting colder I washed myself in my favourite vanilla shampoos and shower gel before drying myself with the fluffy towels.

I had a slight obsession with vanilla. Everything I  own has to have some sort of vanilla scent. My shampoos, conditioner, shower gel and even that washing liquid thing that makes ur clothes all soft. I didn't know why but it has always been like that. Except one time when I started to like cinnamon but then did go back to vanilla after all.

It was something that made me feel home.

My teeth chartered as I slipped on my clothes. It was the middle of the night and I was showering. Wasn't that a smart idea. I was sure that there were minus degrees outside and let me tell you. It did not feel nice whatsoever.

I tiptoe back to my room,crawling under my bed covers. The feeling was almost euphoric. Almost... and so I drifted off to sleep once more.

 This time my dream didn't make me wake in a cold sweat. However it did make me think, deeply. Dreams like these weren't rare. To be honest they were quite usual. I always dreamt about my parents and about how they supposedly died but this time I couldn't help but have this weird feeling...

I didn't know what it was and I couldn't put a finger on it but it was something like....


It made me believe that for the past 9 years of my life all I was told were lies. From now onwards I made it obligatory to myself to find the truth.

It was a dream after all so I shouldn't  put my head into it so deeply but... there was something about it I couldn't shake off....

I groaned and pulled the covers off my body after glancing over at the clock on my small nightstand. I looked into the small mirror on the door of my closet and looked at myself.

My hair sticking up into all different kind of directions.

I scrunched up my nose in disgust and changed into something more presentable. Which in my opinion was a pair of black jeans, black t shirt and my beloved oversized red hoodie. It was what ppl knew me for...as well as other things...

I brushed my fingers through my hair, trying to tame it the slightest but it wouldn't stay in place so I gave up and put the hood on my head. At least majority of it was now hidden.

I went downstairs and checked on my grandma that was still sound asleep so I placed a gentle kiss on her cheek and left the house. Opening the shed to take out my skateboard. Me and my grandma lived on a hill in the middle of the forest. It was a strange place to live but I had never questioned my grandma. I walked down the stony path and jumped on my board. This way it was faster if I didn't take my skateboard it would take me About ten minutes more to get to the bus station. From there I took the school bus to school. It was scary. I hated going to school but who could blame me? Didn't everyone?.

The bus stopped and the anxiety welling up in my body started to become unbearable. I tried to calm down and slowly get off the bus but as soon as I slipped through it's doors all eyes were on me, whispering ugly things matching the ugly looks they had on their faces. I swallowed and began to take small steps. Midway it started to happen again. My head started pounding and I doubled over. My stomach turning itself upside down and my body temperature rapidly increased. I wheezed as I emptied out the contents of my stomach onto the floor. People scurrying away after filming and taking pictures but not a single soul bothered to come to me and help me. The sudden heatwave was over and complete darkness took over my vision.


Thank you for reading!

I really appreciate it.

The first chapter was 952 words. If in your opinion it's too short or too long please let me know and I'll try my up most best to please every single one of you.

