
Definitely A Dream

The sound of bangs and explosion rung out, along with the sound of monstrous noises in the background.

In an airship in the sky, there were suited up women in the front deck; the chatter among them went like:

"The 2nd brigade of the Sword Division has cleared out zones A and C in the city."

A 19 year old girl with circular glasses, grey eyes, black hair in a long braided ponytail, wearing a black general's suit, asked, "….Status of infected hostiles plus civilians?"

"A total of 211 civilians were saved, and a total of 148 zombies were taken down."


"The zombies levels aren't classified yet, captain Yura. But data should be coming through any minute now."

Captain Yura, captain of the Sword and Blade Division, with 4 different brigades within the Sword and Blade Division with around 1,000 soldiers of the ZBA (Zombie Battalion Association); with around 1,000 soldiers in each brigade.

Captain Yura walked towards the large window at the front of the deck which showed the entire city, and she said, "…There's someone.."

She looked down at an overpass laying over a deserted bridge over an abandoned factory, and saw someone laying there.

There was a man laying down in the middle of the bridge, he had dark orange hair, and light blue eyes, and he had scars on his neck. His name was Taehyung Kim, but "Tae" for short; he was 19 years old, and was wearing a sleeveless dakr green shirt, and army-like camouflage pants with black boots.

Tae opened his eyes, gasping, "AH! AH! WHAT THE HELL?! I'm-I'm alive?"

Tae looked down at his chest, and saw there was no hole there, sighing, "Phew! That was a close one. For a second there I really thought I-."

Something was chewing on his right arm. Tae turned to the right slowly, and saw a dark green and grey zombies with a distorted face and no eyeballs chewing on his arm.

Tae tilted his head, and smirked maliciously, "Hehe..hehe…get the fuck off me."

The zombie snarled at Tae, and Tae screamed like a girl, "I SAID GET THE FUCK OFF ME, UGLY BASTARD!"

Tae grabbed the top of the zombies head, sat up fast, and rammed his knee into the zombies face. A big hole was blasted in the stomach of the zombie, and the ground cracked at the force with many strong winds surrounding the blast of Tae's attack. The zombie went flying through an abandoned factory building, and the entire building came toppling down. Steam was coming off of Tae's knee, and he said in shock, "Uh..how the hell did I do that? I don't remember being this damn strong. And what was thing biting my arm? OHHH. I get it. Hahaha! I'm dreaming! First I was in the war saving children from terrorists, and now I'm having a nightmare after almost getting wiped out! I might as well enjoy it! But…why is this dream so vivid? I can fell every touch and sense, and I can feel my ARM BURNING LIKE HELL."

In the airship, all the women that were on board rushed to the window on the deck, seeing Tae. Tae noticed them from below, and waved with a smile.

The women were gasping all over the place, shaking horrendously, in shock. It was silent for a few seconds, all the women were trying to process seeing a man.

"A-A-A MAN?!"












Captain Yura just stood there, listenting to everyone with her head down.

Finally, she said, "…Silence."

The women got silent.

Yura continued, "…He has a bite mark from a zombie on his arm. He will turn any minute. Mertha, kill him."

The women said:


"This is the first time we've seen a guy in a year!"

"Come on! Don't kill him!"

"Okay I admit, all the men disappeared out of nowhere and no one knows a thing, but MAYBE this could be a stepping stone as to finding out how everything started!"

"Vice Captain Mertha will slaughter him no matter what! She's insane! We can't send her!"

Mertha was already on top of the air ship, saying in the radio on her earpiece, "Haha! Just gimme the order, cap! I've been feening to bash some more brains in today!"

Mertha, AKA Big Mertha, was standing at 8 feet tall, and she was wearing shing high-tech armor that was pitch black with the initials ZBA on the arms of the armor and on the back of the armor. Mertha was muscular was well, she had brown hair in two large buns, she had a big nose and big lips with freckles, and she had a white blindfold covering her eyes.

Yura said to her, "Before I give you the order, wait a second. I need air."

Yura sighed, and she started walking to the bathroom, and the other women said:

"Wait, she's leaving?"

"She's probably gonna go masturbate after seeing that guy."

"Oooooooooh!" All the women in unison said besides Yura.

Yura replied, "…Do not say that again. That man is probably already a zombie, a level 4 zombie who can use necromancy. Do not be fooled. Even if he is a real human male, he has been bitten, and should die."

Yura thought, '…I refuse to believe he is a true male.'

Yura walked away, but before she could go to the restroom, the women said:

"He's fighting off zombies!"

"They're no match for him!"

Yura turned around, and walked back to the window, looking down and seeing Tae beat down zombies.

She said, "…."

On the radio earpiece, Big Mertha asked Yura, "Ayyeeeee, cap, can I kill something now?!"

Tae laughed as he was blasting the zombies away with his fists, "HAHA! Duuuuumbasses! Can't you nerds see that I'm basically god?! Weaklings! Fools! Uglies!"

Tae was punching them around, with each punch making the zombies explode, or sending zombies far away, crashing though factory buildings.

Tae walked through them, and then looked up at the air ship, and yelled, "Lemme guess, you nerds are the one making these zombies spawn like a game, huh? Let me come up there real quick."

The women in the airship heard him, saying:

"He even sounds like a man!"

"How hasn't he turned yet?! Didn't he get bit?"

Yura watched without saying a word.

Down on the ground, Tae thought, 'Let's see if I can jump super high like a superhero or something.'

Tae was about to jump, but a muscular 12 foot zombie with glowing red eyes and greyish green skin, long sharp teeth with ripped clothes all over him, landed in front of Tae and threw a punch at him.

Tae was hit in the face, and he started sliding back, grinning, "Yes! That's it!"

In the airship, Yura said to her colleagues and soldiers, "A level 3 zombie?"

One of them replied, "Yes. 1st brigade mentioned they encountered a lot of them downtown, it took three of them to kill it."

"…They're getting stronger."

"Like they're evolving daily. The other division captains along with the chief and the higher ups back at base have been noticing a spike in their behavior as well."


Big Mertha was tapping her feet with excitement, walking back and forth as her armored suit began to glow, asking Yura, "Can I please go?! Please! Please! I'm begging! I'm begging! You know that once I get a taste for it, I can't let it go!"

Yura replied, "Not until I give the order. I want to see this."

"What if that man dies?! And I can't fight him?! That wouldn't be fair! Send me! Send me! Send me!"

Yura didn't respond.

Down below, the zombie tried to chomp at Tae, but Tae grabbed the mouth of the zombie with both hands, and headbutted him, sending him flying backwards, and hitting a factory building.

Tae was running towards him, going really fast, and he thought, 'Oh shit. I'm fast. It feels so real!'

Tae laughed again, and as he was running, he ripped a light pole from the ground, and jumped towards the level 3 zombie. In the air, Tae spun the light pole around his back and head, and he swung the pole like it was a baseball bat, and it hit the zombie, bashing him through more buildings. Blood from the zombie flew everywhere, and it got on Tae.

Tae said, "Ew! It stinks!"

The level 3 zombie was jumping through the falling rubble, roaring at every leap, and he rammed his hand through Tae's chest, splashing Tae's blood all over the place.

Tae gagged, saying, "AGH! THIS HURTS!"

The level 3 zombie spun around twice and threw Tae through two buildings, and he was buried under rubble.

The zombie jumped to the ground, and his body was battered and bleeding as well. He started rampaging towards Tae, roaring violently once again.

In the air ship, the women said:


"Is he dead?"

"He did good fighting on a par with a level 3 zombie.."

"We keep saying "he" like it's an actual man down there. What if Captain Yura is right? Maybe he's a level 4 zombie using necromancy, or something else. He got bit, but it usually takes a human being 4-5 minutes to turn into a zombie once they get bitten. But he's still the same, looking like a man and all. And that strength and speed for a normal human is-."

Yura interrupted her sentence, "-Abnormal."

Big Mertha asked on the ear piece, "CAN I GO DOWN THERE NOW?!"


Down below, as the rampaging zombie was finally closing in on Tae, the ground started to rumble, and the zombie stopped. The women in the air ship were stunned at the fact that they've never seen a level 3 zombie startling in fear.

As the ground continued to rumble, Tae was rising from the rubble, and he had some patches of gray and green on his skin, and one of his teeth was sharp, and he had a white horn on the left side of his forehead, and a black horn on the right side of his forehead, and he grinned, "YES! A SHOUNEN POWER UP! HELL YEAH, THIS IS DEFINITELY A FUCKING DREAM!"

The level 3 zombie stormed towards Tae, growling, "Puny human has power..of us?"

Tae responded, "Oh? It talks? Even more interesting!"

Tae dashed forward at light speed, and as soon as he and the zombie were about to make contact, Big Mertha was above them, she had on black steel fingerless gloves, and on the back of them were large blades that had red glowing lines in them.

Big Mertha yelled with a grin, "YESSSS! FINALLY! LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!"

The three of them collided, and there was a big explosion.

In the airship, Captain Yura said to one of the pilots, "Zoom in closely on that human."

"Yes, captain."

On a medium sized screen in the airship, one of the women zoomed in on Tae's face, seeing he was half zombie.

The women in the deck gasped, saying:

"He's not normal.."

"Shouldn't he be going berserk right now?"

"He has horns as well! Horned zombies are some of the stronger ones as well!"

"Those are the level 5 zombies, the horned ones!"

Captain Yura thought to herself, 'Things are not adding up. A so-called male appears on this bridge, his strength is insanely abnormal without any nanotechnology gear like the ZBA uses, and he's a hybrid level 5 zombie human with horns and still has his personality. He's not normal.'

One of the women sitting in the chair asked Captain Yura, "Captain, you seem concerned about this human. Do you think you should tell Big Mertha not to kill him? The commanders and the other captains might also be interested in him-."


"Big Mertha might die in the process.."

"…If it's possible to bring that human zombie in, then we're going to need more information. Don't question it."

"Yes, Captain."

Captain Yura thinks, 'Now then…what happens next?'

Down below, Tae, the level 3 zombie, and Big Mertha were battling each other in a free for all. Abandoned factory buildings were collapsing, and smoke and dust and rubble blasted everywhere.

Mertha was running across a falling building, saying, "This feels goodies! This new armor is insane! I'm eager to bash heads in between the creases of it!"

Mertha leaped off the building, and as soon as she did that, the level 3 zombie was spinning around, and he slung a building at her.

Mertha laughed, she had her hand blades out, and the armor she wore blasted her further through the air, and she started to spin like a helicopter blade. Her and her blades shredded the building into rubble mid air, and after it was all done, the zombie was blasting towards her, leaping on pieces of rubble to get to her.

Mertha and the zombie collided, but Mertha was slashing the zombie up with her blades over and over, and everytime she would cut him, a red line would be left on the zombie's skin, burning the zombie.

"Take this! And that! Take this! And that!"

Mertha slashed away.

She was performing a finishing blow, until Tae appeared in front of them and performed a double two-leg spinning kick in the mid air, kicking Mertha and the zombie away, making them crash through other buildings.

Tae said, "Aww! Leaving so soon?! I'm just getting warmed up!"

Tae landed feet first on the ground, and Mertha came dashing at him with steam and heat waves coming out of her armor.

Mertha had blood coming down her face, and said, "It's been 5 years since anyone has been able to put a scratch on Big Mertha! I like you!"

Tae replied, "Mind if I ask where you can get those suits from?!"

"Killing me! Haha!"


Tae and Mertha were dashing through the area at fast speeds, Mertha was slashing her blades down, and Tae would block them with his forearms and hands and at the same time they ran through buildings and bridges.

Mertha thought, 'As expected, he has horns! So he's part level 5 zombie! Of course his skin is going to be tougher than any other zombie! Their weakness is their heads, so that's where I need to aim!'

Mertha swung three times, and Tae dodged all of them as they were running up a wall, with Tae still dodging and blocking multiple series of rapid fire attacks.

Mertha threw a spinning kick, and Tae grabbed her leg, and Mertha twisted and a blade came out of the heel of the armor on her foot, and Tae's head was sliced off with a swift kick.

Mertha was happy, saying, "So sorry! I had fun with youuuu!"

In the airship, Captain Yura was looking with curiosity, and the other women were chattering about this loudly amongst each other.

As Tae's head was flying off, Tae caught it himself, and Big Mertha was even shocked.

"What?! Howww?!"

In the airship, more women on the ship came to the deck, and they were going crazy about it as well.

Down below, Tae smacked Mertha across the face with his head, blasting her to the left.

Tae was standing there headless, but was holding his own head in his right hand, using his own head as a weapon.

Tae darted off the building, making the building shatter off jump.

Tae chased Mertha down, and smacked her all over the place with his head, destroying Mertha's armor every single strike.

Tae thinks, 'This is epic! Once I wake up from this crazy ass dream, I'm definitely telling all the boys back at base about this!'

Tae bent down to perform another strike, and he slung his head up Mertha's chin, and she went flying in the air with a grin on her face, and blood splashing out of her mouth and ears.

As she was in the air, down below, the level 3 zombie ripped off pieces of his own zombie skin, and it hardened, and it formed into a large spike. He was running on the wall of a building, and he was throwing multiple spikes at Tae.

Tae started to flip over and over tk the left and right, dodging the spikes and watching them brutally plant themselves into the ground.

Each spike blasted large holes in the ground, but Tae avoided them.

Tae slid to the left, and put his head back on, with the skin attaching itself to each, and becoming tougher; Tae finally had his head back on in the right place.

The zombie jumped in the air, leaping towards Mertha, closed both of his fists together, and slammed them on top of Mertha, and she started falling down the rooftop of a building, and she blasted through every ceiling and floor of the building, as the zombie was falling down above her, throwing his large spikes at her.

Mertha slashed them away, exclaiming, "Now this is the most fun I've had in a long time!"

A group of steam blasted from the bottom of her armored feet, and Mertha blasted upward again, and she rammed her blades into the face of the level 3 zombie. Both of them started each other down with blood coming down their faces.


Mertha began to spin again, with red glowing lines from her blade shining and blasting all over the are, the level 3 zombie was getting shredded, and as they made their way out of the building, Mertha performed a final spin, and the zombies head was shredded along with body, being killed instantly.

But then above Mertha, Tae face palmed Mertha, and he grinned, "Houston we have a problem, this bitch is definitely going down."

Tae slammed the back of Mertha's head into the ground, and the ground cracked and almost opened, and multiple factory buildings around them collapsed because of the sheer force.

Tae was standing over Big Mertha, and they were both breathing heavily. All of Mertha's armor was gone as well.

Mertha coughed up blood, saying, "Welp..at least the armor works. *Coughs* good job fucking ZBA and sveryone in the nanotechnology weapons and armor department."

Tae said to her, "Hm? ZBA?"

"Yeaaaaa! A place where soldiers kill zombies. But YOU, SIR, ARE AWESOME! Were you holding back against me?!"

"Duhhh! I was having too much fun! I didn't wanna end the fight early!"



Suddenly, a tranquilizer dart was shot, and before it could hit Tae, Tae caught it without looking and he turned around.

He saw Captain Yura standing there along with some other women who were wearing white armor that looked similar to Mertha's armor.

Tae said to Yura, "Damn, you're kinda good looking."

Captain Yura blushed, but kept her serious face, as the girls beside her said, "OOOOOH HE LIKES YOU!"

Captain Yura said to them, "Silence! He's a level 5 zombie."

Suddenly, Tae started to change back to normal, back to his normal appearance, saying, "Ohhhh, so I can switch back and forth huh? Neat, neat."

Everyone's gasped:

"He turned back??"


"How did he-?!"

Tae responded, "Hey, don't ask me, I don't know."

Yura was shocked too, and she thought, 'A zombie changing back to its normal human state? What…'

From the tranquilizer dart, green smoke started to come out, and it went into Tae's nose.

Tae started to wobble, and he said, "How the hell…how the hell do I feel sleepy…in a dream?"

He fell over and hit the ground, unconscious.

Big Mertha raised her fist, and exclaimed, "Awesome! I found a new battle buddy!"

(4 hours later)

Tae was in a bed, in a nice room where the lights were dim. The room was pretty nice, it looked like a guest room, and it had white walls.

He opened his eyes, thinking, 'I must be waking..crazy ass dream..'

He fully opened them, and Captain Yura was kneeling on top of Tae, wearing a pink nightgown, pointing a sword at Tae's face, with the sword having glowing green lines on the blade.

Tae said, "Uhhh, where am I?"

Yura replied, "My house, don't move. You could snap any moment. I'm not taking any chances."

"Oh shit."

Next chapter