This is my first FanFic so please go easy on me and with the criticism, This is just for my free time so the uploads will not be consistent. --------------------------------------------------- Our hero was on a bus with there friends to see the new My Hero Academia session but they were killed along with 96 other people around the world to be reincarnated into the show they love My Hero Academia by a mysterious person, but the world was vastly different then what is shown on Tv and they are scattered across the globe and were born at different times, some with good familys and other's with none. Some of them go to become Hero's and other's Villains and some that don't want anything to do with it and want to live there life as they wish. But they are all interconnected and can not escape their destiny, what ever that my be
We were on a bus talking about the New My Hero Academia Season 4 that was supposed to come out the next day after we arrived at the Comic-Con to have a blast before we would go separate ways for a while to straighten our lives out. There were four of us in the group all having fun and talking about how cool it would be if they revealed Deku to have a Quirk before he got One For All and what it may be and how it would affect the story.
As we were getting off the bus with the other people we heard a voice in our head say "You Four Have Been Chosen To Be Reincarnated Into A New World Along with 96 others! To Help You Survive In This New World I Will Grant You Power Far Stronger Than Normal And Can Be Trained Indefinitely Without Caps. All I Ask Of You Is To Not Kill Each Other And Live Your Life As You Wish." We then looked at each other about to ask if they heard that then The voice said "Body's Compleat Transfering To The World Of My Hero Academia Year 2300" Then there was a blinding light and a whistling sound and then all was black.
In another world looking over the four people in a glass of water, an old man with a long beard shied with a tired look and said "Good luck you will need it if you are to change the fate of the world" but they will ever hear the words as the old man turned to ash and the surroundings broke down and started aging at a visible rate and slowly disappeared into nothing.
[Loading....] [Loading complete] [Welcome You Had A Very Strong But Unstable Soul So You Were Gifted 5 Quirks In Totale 2 Of Which You Will Like] [This Is The Only Time We Will Meet You Will Not Be Given Another Chance So Be Careful] [Oh Also Your Friends Where Also Brought With You As Well So Please Becareful With Your New Powers] I was speechless as this whole process was happening, trying to wrap my mind around it especially after it loaded. "I have a Strong but unstable soul? What does that even mean?" was the last thing I thought before there was a blinding light and a feeling of being very weak and uncomfortable.
As I opened my eyes, It felt that like I had extra limbs and was super small or everything was super big. I tried saying something but all that came out was baby noises, I kept trying to say something and the more I tried, the more nervous I got. Eventually, I heard other cries then I remembered that Mikle, Jayden, and Devion were also reincarnated with me, so I guessed the other cries were them. I calmed down knowing I wasn't alone in this predicament because who would leave 4 babies in a what is this? A shipping crate? No way someone would leave 4 babies in a shipping crate all alone so where are our parents? (Boom!!!) What what was that! Was that an explosion? Thank god we know to be quiet and listen to our surroundings so we could hear better. (Boom!! Boom!! Splat!! Splat!! Splat!!) "Damit the Hero's are here!" "Get them!!" "Protect the Merchandise!!" said different people which I can only assume are Villain's buy what they just said. (Splat, Splat, Splat)"Ahhhhhhhh....." Dam, it's too loud to think properly, why are we in a Villains hideout and how is hear to save up if that is what they are even here for. "Sigh, That was close they almost got the best of me," said a new voice that sounded feminine. Then I feel the box we were in start moving and I see a girl in a costume and what I believe to be, paint smear's over her face as she looks at us. "Welcome to your new world and family as you will be the last of the 100 to be born and are new Team, members," she said with a sigh and a sad look on her face and I can't but help but feel she looks familiar but different for some reason. I put my baby hands up to try to grab her face for gods knows why and as I did snow came out of my hands and I felt so tired, I blacked out while feeling a warm secession around my whole body.