
You boy!

- Swayer's POV -

After the last hour of school | hopped onto my motorcycle and zoomed off towards the fighting warehouse. This was the place where | could clear my mind.

Today had been a busy day of girls constantly throwing themselves at me and kissing my ass. | had gotten so used to the fact that | was simply irresistible.

But what disturb me the most is that new girl, she is different, Her aura is different and she is like a closed book I am dying to read. She isn't like some other girl at the school throwing themselves at me, she is different and it feels like my charms have almost no effect on her. She fascinate me with every action of her and now, I just want to clear my head...

My hands were aching to punch something and let all my stress out. | had walked in ready to relax when a sight | saw made me stop.

Penelope punched Henry right in the jaw and then in the groin. | winced myself and stared in awe and confusion.

"She could fight?" I whispered to myself.

| had no idea what to think. | knew she was a little different from everyone else. She had that mysterious bad vibe coming from her.

And I would be lying if I say | wasn't intrigued by it.

She stalked off to the back of the gym and | noticed all the guys' staring at her. They were scared of her, and frankly, | was too. But just a little.

| made sure she wouldn't see me and then went over to get a bottle of water. She took off her jacket was only wearing a sports bra underneath. | couldn't stop staring at her toned body.

What the hell?

| shook my head and ignored my thought.

- Penelope's POV -

| took off my jacket and pulled my brown hair up into a ponytail. The band twisted around the second time but then snapped suddenly. | groaned in frustration. Curse my freaking thick hair.

| turned around to my bag to grab another hairband but then jumped slightly at the sight of Swayer leaning against the wall. I was shocked to see him here in the gym

"Are you stalking me?" | asked.

He chuckled and shifted his balance onto his other leg. "Whatever floats your boat, babe." Did he just really call me 'babe'? That bastard.

"Then what are you doing here?" I said.

He stood up straight and walked over to the bench | was standing by. "I could ask the same for you." He said, or you can say he whispered in my ear.

"| asked first." I said, moving a bit away from him and facing him.

"Fine," he let out a sigh, "I train here."

| raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms over my chest, suddenly aware of how | was only wearing a sports bra and shorts.

"Why are you here?" he asked me.

"| just started training here." | answered.

He looked at me and then smirked. "Need

some help training?"

| scoffed and turned back around, tying my hair up with my new hairband. "No thanks. I'm done taking orders from amateurs."

He glared at me before leaning back against the wall. | looked over at him and he waved his hand. "Go on."

| rolled my eyes and turned back to the punching bag. Taking my stance, | got ready to start swinging hits when an annoying voice interrupted me.

His annoying voice to be exact.

"You need to have more weight on your back leg." He started. | turned around and glared at him. He had the nerve to smile.

"Excuse me?" | said.

"Your weight,' he walked closer, "it needs to be more on your back leg. You're depending too much on your front foot."

He got into the same stance | was in.

"See? If you stand like you are now, you'll

topple over. Lean back the weight..."

"Thanks, but | don't need a coach." | said back.

But even though | tried to sound annoyed, | knew he was right. He looked over at me with a smirk and | internally rolled my eyes. | felt kind of silly letting him stand there and watch me while | slammed my fists into the bag.

Mentally, | made Sawyer's face appear on the bag in front of me and | punched it with all my might.

I don't know what overpowered me and why I was annoyed by him. He didn't really do anything to annoy me maybe it is that person henry I was annoyed at but I punched him twice and now the anger should have gone, right? Then why the hell I am so annoyed by swayer. I have no answers to these questions roaming around my mind so I just got carried away with puncing the punching bag.

That stupid little... (punch)

Who does he think he is? (punch)

Telling me what to do... (punch)

"Whoa, dont go breaking your knuckles and the bag sweetheart, his voice interrupted my thoughts.

| stopped and glared at him. "Could you possibly not be here and not criticize me?" | retorted.

"What would be the fun in that cutie?"

Did he just seriously call me that? Ugh, the boy needs to learn his lesson.

| stalked over to him and shoved my fist against his hard chest. "Listen up, punk. | don't care how you spend your time. Whether it's banging up a few girls or partying all night, | don't care, but | will not, | repeat, will not let you smirk around and act all smug and cocky towards me. Your first impression for me wasn't good, and frankly, first impressions are extremely important. So great job. | now think of you as a pathetic son of a bitch."

His face was emotionless and pale. His mouth was slightly open and he was stiff as a board. | turned on my heel, grabbed my bag, and walked out of the gym. | could've sworn that there was steam blowing out of my ears.

Guess I'm never training here again.

After | had gotten home from the gym yesterday, | took a nice long bath and relaxed. My head hurt from arguing with Swayer and | was sick of his attitude. He was so egotistical and vain that | just wanted to punch him in the face. | probably will another day...

| sighed after changing and laid down on my bed. | had to sadly admit, he was attractive. Scratch that, he wasnt attractive, he was very attractive. Those brown eyes and soft hair could lure in a girl from miles away, but not me.

| finally fell asleep, the last thought being of Swayer's stupid face...

The next day.

At school,


A girl bumped into me and made me slam my finger into the locker door. Ouch.

Before | could turn around and say that it was alright, she stopped me.

"Pl-please don't hurt me," she begged with her hands across her face.

| raised an eyebrow. "Why would | hurt you?"

She peeked out from underneath her arms and looked at me with wary eyes. "Well, because th-that's what you do. Fight people."

How the hell did she know | fought?

So | asked her. "What do you mean?"

"The video, about you, it's all over YouTube."

| frowned and looked around. Many people had begun to form a circle around me and the girl.

What video? | glared at some of the people videotaping and they quickly shoved their phones back into their pockets.

"Look, | don't know what you're talking about, but | don't beat people up."

"Are you sure?" She said

| scoffed. "Yeah, never been surer. Why?"

"Well, the video is of you beating up a big guy at a gym. And another of you yelling at...Swayer."

| finally remembered the little inconvenient argument last night. There were gasps from the crowd as they hurriedly tapped on their phones to look up the video.

"Here it is!" One guy shouted and a form of people circled around his phone.

| pushed past a few and stood next to the guy. On his phone, there was a shaky video playing. And what | saw made me cringe.

It was me.

Beating up the guy at the gym. And then it switched...

To me arguing with Ryder.

Sawyer's POV

| can't believe she had the nerve to talk like that to me. Who does she think she is? Shoving me in the chest and telling me what to do.

| decided to ditch school today and go work out instead. The gym was where | could do anything, and felt like | could do anything.

Except Penelope. My mind said.

| ignored my thought and pushed into the doors. | immediately looked around to make sure that Penelope wasn't here.

Am | scared of her? No. Not me.

After yesterday, | had thought about what she had said. Yeah, | am a cocky dude, but that's just who | am. But the fact that she called me pathetic... | couldn't let her get away with this one.

No one, and | mean no one, talks to me that way. If you do, then you're asking for a death wish.

But Penelope...

| don't know what came over me. Maybe it was her closeness, or maybe it was her intimidation. | don't know. But all | can know is that it will never ever happen again.

| pushed past the doors and made my way to the back of the gym. She had used my punching back yesterday. Mine. There was definitely hell to pay.

| was pulling off my shirt when the voice of Trey Bozzili popped up next to me.

"Hey bro, haven't seen you in a while,' he


| slapped his back and pulled him in for a hug. "Hey Trey! Where've you been?"

"Back in Italy, fighting off the burglars, you


"That's great man, how's Jenna?"

His face suddenly turned sad and he shrugged. "I don't Know, man. | proposed to her, but | guess she freaked and ran off."

| patted his back. "It's okay bro, she doesn't deserve a man like you."

We laughed for a while until Trey pulled out his phone. "I didn't know you had a girl of your own, Swayer."

| frowned and looked over to what he was doing. "What do you mean?"

He pointed to a video playing out on his screen. "This."

Next chapter