
[Cultivation] level 9

Sora held a paper in his hands, by his side Elder Mo along with others with masked followed Sora, and soon they stopped before a huge barrier. within the barrier, they could see a huge mansion, surrounded by a huge grass field.

"This is your home, you have 2-year protection. once 2 years are up, people would be able to come and challenge you. if you manage to fight them off, by year 9 of you living here you would have to move out as a new winner of the tournament would be taking your place." Elder Mo said calmly, to which Sora nodded as he held the token in his hands, with a thought, the barrier went down

"Also, these guys can follow you and live with you... you know, for your protection, you made a huge enemy... on that note, let's go inside and talk," he said calmly, Sora nodded slightly and the whole ground went inside, the walk to the mansion was a bit long, but they were busy looking at all the space Sora had

after getting into the room, Sora and Elder Mo found a space in which they could seat alone, while the others looked around the mansion.

"the son of heaven you already noticed is a prideful person, you handle him quite easily without showing too much of your capability. but he would seek revenge. on that note, you should know his abilities," He said calmly, to which Sora listened,

"the king's treasury, he gained this technique a few years ago, and it allowed him to put his unique luck for finding treasures to good use. he has thousands of treasures. of course, which he could shoot out at almost any speed he wants. what you faced was his arrogance, if he took you on serouly, I don't know if you going all out would be enough. people would come to prove you in these next few years, but endure and cultivate." He said serouly, Sora smiled slightly hearing the care within the old man's voice.

"I'm not worried about him... on that note, I think I'm strong enough now to know about your injuries? does it have something to do with the sect or what?" Sora asked calmly, elder Mo was stunned for a moment before he sighed.

"yes, he grand elder within the sect. there are 3 types of elders, outer, inner, and grand elders, the grand elders are considered the peak powerhouses within the sect. I was once a grand elder, but these innies and his suppression stopped me to an outer elder." He said with deep hatred in his eyes.

"years ago, me and him along with at the time my wife took a mission, which lead us into an underground cave. There we faced many life-and-death challenges until we barely managed to get our hands on the treasure, but even then the treasure was only half of the first part of the Sword King's inheritance," he said in a soft voice.

"We were of course happy getting our hands on that, the Sword King, the man who almost became a god... sigh, the grand elder betrayed us, and my wife managed to use her life to rip open a portal to send me back to the sect. the grand elder of course wouldn't let me go as I had half of the first level, while he had nothing." He said softly,

"he arrived at the sect, while I had fainted from the injuries, he almost killed me, if not for the vice sect leader. at most he crippled my future and took half of what I had, but he took the useless part it's useless without the part I have" he said with a smile, which was filled with pain

"... this elder?" Sora asked softly, Elder Mo sighed deeply

"he's my brother, the only reason I'm not dead is because of the vice sect master, and at the same time, I set up a trap that would go upon my death. revealing to the world everything that went down within the cave. he knows he would be killed, so he stays away., suppressing me using his statues." he said with deep hatred, Sora fell into deep thought for some time, before he nodded slightly, troublesome, but he had the vice sect master's backing.

"I will help you get revenge soon enough... on that note, do you know an elder who goes by the name of Elder Fire?" Sora asked, elder thunder wouldn't tell him anything about this person, So, Sora had to ask Elder Mo.

",,, that old man? he has a high alchemy status, he has flames that could burn away almost anything. light, souls, and much other stuff. you should try and catch his attention, if he is your master, you would be in good hands. no one dares to offend an alchemist, even the sect master would give him respect." Elder Mo said seriously, Sora nodded slightly at his words, and Sora rubbed his chin for some time before sighing.

"by chance, you can give me water, earth, air, and other element-type techniques, all by fire and lightning?" Sora asked with a smile, Elder Mo was stunned for a moment, but he understood what Sora was getting at, and with a nod, he agree.

they spoke for some time, Elder mo left to let Sora rest, Sora remained there in deep thought about elder Fire, that old man was too... strange. the old man was standing next to him and he sensed nothing, his flames seemed to hide his existence. was that stealth by fire?' Sora was in deep thought about all of this, but at the end of the day, he got up and left and went to the alchemist.

along the way, many people were drawn over by him. many people who were within the inner sect had seen the battle that took place, and many of them were fans, Sora tried to keep up the act, but he got annoyed and ended up just running off at high speed,

in no time, he arrived at the alchemist, where he went on to look for elder fire, but the old man was nowhere to be found. this annoyed Sora, but before he could leave, a voice sounded within his mind, letting him go to the top, following this voice as it sounded like the old man, Sora went towards the stairs.

"Sir, you can't go upstairs." a young lady ran up to stop Sora, Sora sighed softly seeing this, the old man didn't tell anyone he was coming.

"I'm here to meet an elder upstairs," Sora said stunning the woman for a moment, she sized Sora up and down before her eyes landed on his badge, seeing as it was an outer sect badge, an auspices look appeared on her face

"young lady, I'm an alchemist, just because I'm an outer sect disciple doesn't mean someone isn't looking for me," Sora said helplessly, the woman's face twitched slightly in annoyance, today was not the day for her to have to deal with such things. she wanted to go watch the tournament along with her friends, but her hateful boss wanted her to work. just who is going to come here today of all day... other than the person before her.

"no one is upstairs." She said with a twisted look, Sora's eyebrow raised slightly, and he nodded in understanding before he turned to return to his beautiful new mansion.

'where are you going? brat, if I don't see you up here I will refine you like a pill.' Elder Fire's annoyed voice sounded in Sora's mind, making Sora annoyed, this elder was hateful, instead of coming down here to get him he was making it harder for him. Sora wanted to walk off, but he feared the flames, these things burned away light. that was something he couldn't think of at the moment.

using his abilities to control the 5 senses, he smoothly walked past the woman, who only Saw Sora walking through the doors, she shook her head in annoyance, truly she had never seen anyone so annoying. did he just come here to annoy her? get a life or something.

Sora on the other head went up 5 floors until he reached the highest floor, there he opened the door and stepped into a room where he found Elder Fire sitting before a cauldron. Sora couldn't use his senses to the fullest on the old man, if he tried to do something like listen to his heart, see through him, see his body heat, and so on, his senses would burn

"just how do you do it?" Sora asked in annoyance, he was skipping and tired of this old man, he opened the door without looking, he sensed everyone and this old man didn't appear, it was only when he looked around and saw him that he appeared within his mind map.

"you have sharp senses, some of the best I have ever seen. to be able to sense something like the future is impressive." the old man said with a cocky smile, making Sora annoyed slightly. the old man was trying to show off because he pretty much said he wasn't shit last time.

"as expected of elders, your senses are also sharp, your senses should be far higher than mine, elder please teach this junior," Sora said with a smile, the old man's cocky smile slowly disappeared, and a vein slowly grew on his forehead, as he looked coldly at Sora.

{Elder Fire has cursed you- you gained 1 SP

Elder Fire has cursed you- you gained 1 SP

Elder Fire has cursed you- you gained 1 SP

Elder Fire has cursed you- you gained 1 SP}

Sora's heart skipped a beat seeing the sudden roles of notification which popped, feeling the heat within the room slowly increasing, Sora quickly spoke.

"of course that could wait for later, wants most important now is the matter master called for me," Sora said with a forced smile, this old man was just an alchemist, he would be at his knees begging for forgiveness in the not-too-long future.

"snort, get you but over here for your first lesson." He said with a cold snort, this disciple was hateful, Sora sighed as he walked over and sat down. he should at least try and suck him dry of all his wisdom.

after all, the more he knows in alchemy, the more XP he would get, and it didn't matter if Sora did pills, equivalent exchange, or elixir, they all fell under [alchemy] XP.

"... the type of alchemy I teach is unique, it covers all 3 types of alchemy in order to have the best results. elixir, pills, and equivalent exchange, using all of these 3, master than all or else you would not be leaving up to the Blazing Heavens Alchemy art." He said calmly as he slammed the unique cauldron held, one which would withstand his flames it was already wormed up

"watch," he said as he threw herbs into the cauldron, and went on to show Sora the art of the Blazing heaven art. a unique metal spoon was used to move around the herbs as if he was making some time elixir but at the same time, he was compressing everyone while forming hand seals,

after a few minutes, everything was done and he pulled out a pill that was glowing with random light, Sora was stunned as he knew this meant the thing was perfect. but when did the old man use an equivalent exchange?

"you didn't notice? the herbs I threw in to make this pull was missing 3 main ingredients, in return, I threw in 3 other herbs of similar value to those herbs. in return, I formed the pill and a perfect one." He said stunning Sora hearing this.

"I controlled the flames to burn away all impurity, so the result is this. a pill with a value far higher than what I put in. do you understand," he asked to which Sora nodded while in deep thought.

'the act of turning a herb into another herb is not so simple. to do this, he would need to enter the herb, break it down, and reform it into something new of similar value. this Condron and the flames trapped the herb's matter, making sure none of it escaped, and he could use all of it to reform the missing herbs. but to do all of this at the same time...' Sora thought in shock at how hard this was, but he quickly remembered something

"what about The Law of Natural Providence?" Sora said in shock, The Law of Natural Providence states that an object or material made of a particular substance or element can only be transmuted into another object with the same basic makeup and properties of that initial material. In other words, an object or material made mostly of water can only be transmuted into another object with the attributes of water.

a herb with its own abilities, can't be turned into another herb. that would be going against this law, the old man only smiled at Sora's words.

"you caught on, this is why I threw them all in at once. once they were a liquid, I could take parts of each thing not needed to turn into the herbs I need, the extra herbs were only needed to fill The Law of Conservation of Mass," he said with a smile, stunning Sora, who couldn't even think of how that was possible.

The Law of Conservation of Mass, states that energy and matter can neither be created from nothing nor destroyed to the point of elemental nonexistence. In other words, to create an object with the mass of one kilogram, at least one kilogram of material is necessary; destroying an object with the mass of one kilogram would reduce it to a set of parts, the sum of which would have the mass of one kilogram.

what the old man was pretty much telling Sora was that The Blazing Heaven art was a cheat. a way to bypass the need for all the herbs needed for a herb. just find similar types of herbs, and you are good. you're missing a unique fire-type herb that only grows every 500 years? don't worry, get another fire type, and something with similar mass to stand in its place,

"... what are the laws?" Sora asked after taking a deep breath, this art was indeed overpowered,

"The drawbacks are simple, you need to have high control and good focus. you need something that could withstand your flames, and most importantly, the rarer the herb you try to recreate, the more skilled you must be, or else it would explode. you must know every herb inside and out, your body must be extremely resistant to these flames, or else you would turn to ash if you even try..." the old man went on to list a huge list of flaws from this art, making Sora speechless for a moment, but he nodded as he wanted to start trying

Elder Fire didn't stop Sora, and simply gave him a scroll holding the technique, and set back to watch Sora have a try at it. Sora simply went through the scroll once, before throwing it behind him as if it was nothing. This of course made Elder Fire enraged, just where did this brat think he was to go around throwing stuff anywhere as he wishes?

But upon seeing Sora go on to heat the cauldron, his eyebrow raised. Sora's control of the flames was unique, although it was hard for him to heat his cauldron, Sora went on to use the heat which remained within the cauldron to strengthen his flames.

'interesting...' Sora thought as he looked at the herbs, although he never went out of his way to learn any herb's names or abilities, his eyes were sharp now. allowing him to guess the ability and makeup of each herb he saw. he could even guess which would work best with each other. as for if his guesses were on spot or not, that was something hard to say.

of course, Sora knew of many herbs, he had read hundreds of thousands if not more books, so his guesses should be trustworthy. this was even more so with his senses, which were far higher than others, he could see the organ of this he saw,

from the moment Sora began watching the old man create the pill to now, Sora had been collecting a huge amount of XP. at level 5 at first, but right now, he was at level 6 and it was raising higher as he tried creating the pills.

'the energy he has is at least equal to a level 2... no, a level 3 Qi refiner but to think his recovery speed could almost keep up with his usage of energy. the control of Qi is also so high level.' the old man thought while looking at Sora

let's say Sora had a Qi level of 100, if at most he could use 10 amount of Qi, he would recover 9 the next moment. in other words, 90% of the energy Sora uses, is recovered pretty much the next moment. the control of his energy allowed Sora to waste little to no energy, meaning sure he might waste some energy, but it would never be under 80%

the old man watched as Sora's hands move smoothly, watching Sora he got a clear image of himself doing alchemy, but Sora did everything he did and more. since Sora was not as Strong as the old man, he couldn't copy everything he needed, so he had to add his unique element to things.

but the most skilled thing he saw from Sora was his focus, Sora could focus on billions of things without trouble, yet at this moment, most of his attention was on making the pill. sadly, even with all of this, Sora was missing something extremely important, the blazing flames the old man had,

because of this, he is doomed to fail... at least that was what the old man thought, a new ability popped up before Sora, [Fire Master] which Sora bought for 300,000 SP. upon buying this ability, it shot to level 3, then 4, then 5, before slowing down to level 6.

[Fire Master]- your talent is fire is unmatched. you would one day you would reach a level where your flames could turn all existences to flames. you would be all-powerful when it comes to fire, you would be the master of fire. it would do anything you, if you want your flames capable of burning water, then it shall be done. if you want flames capable of burning ideas then it shall be done. if you want flames capable of healing, teleportation, and so on, it shall be done.

Sub Abilities: [Fire Manipulation] [Fire Resistence] [Fire Aborbation]

Sora had sweat covering his forehead, this was shim going all out. time passed, [Alchmist] and [Fire Master] soon reached level 8, and at that point, the pill was formed. at level 6, these two abilities had gotten their unique abilities.

[Fire Master] allowed Sora to change his flames, for example, if Sora wanted black flames which could turn even flames, he could do it. of course, the more complex the flames he created, the harder it would be to create, and control.

[Alchmist] on the other hand allowed Sora to break apart things on the atom-level scale, allowing him to slowly put together something like gold from grass. of course, the amount of grass needed to do this would have to equal the weight of gold, but to a limited degree, Sora could ignore The Law of Natural Providence.

when making stuff like pills and elixirs, Sora could even turn the impurities into something useful, allowing him to create something which could be better than 100%. of course, there was a chance, but if he does something even at 100%, it was something for Sora to jump for joy at.

"sigh, I failed," Sora said as he pulled out 10 pills from the cauldron, he didn't notice the old man who was watching him in shock. this was his first time seeing Sora's talent, he saw how Sora was learning, how Sora just got better and better.

"..." Elder Fire almost fell over hearing Sora saying he had failed, he was still confused at how Sora made flames similar to his flames, he was still confused at how Sora so smoothly made a pill that wasted only 9% of its stuff. this pill before him was at 91%, he was sure it could be at 05% or higher if he started again.

at the same time, this was not a tier 1 pill, it was a tier 2 pill, equal to a Qi refiner. the fact Sora didn't even notice this showed his true skills. he indeed found himself a treasure... not, this treasure was a bit too much, it was not human.

"You did well for your first time, but I should tell you something. alchemy usually is mistaken for not being a battle-type style. only those of equivalent exchange have some level of combat capability, but that doesn't hold true for us. we cultivate our body, and flames, allowing us to always be among the strongest of the same level." he said calmly, stunning Sora for a moment, but he nodded,

"here are some Blazing Dragon Pills, there are 2 pills, but they can be used to help one cultivate the Blazing body," he said calmly as he gave Sora a bottle that was glowing with a rainbow lightly, this light showed that one pill has reached 100%, a level of perfection.

"as for your troubles... deal with them yourself. take the cauldron, and come back here when you reach level 7 body tempering realm." He said calmly, Sora was speechless, even with his talent, which might take years, Sora sighed softly before taking the cauldron.

"... master, don't you think I might get kidnapped by someone grandma, and be locked away, should I have some protective treasures or something?" Sora asked making the old man's lips twitch, whose's grandma had such free time?

"get out." He said with a sneer, Sora sighed softly, he couldn't suck this guy dry, he should try and charm him first.

"... wait, take this badge, and only show it at the last minute." He said after a moment of thought, what if some powerful expert saw Sora's talent and stole him away? that would be a huge pain in the ass. no one, under the heavens would steal Sora if they knew he was his master... they would kill him or kidnap him and force him to cough up a huge amount of money, or torture Sora to get some knowledge out of him.

"..." Sora reached out to take the badge, but the old man pulled it back and just waved for Sora to leave, Sora's face turned dark. this old was just hateful, with gritted teeth, Sora left.

Sora went on to head to his home, where he found Elder Mo had left some set of scrolls for him to go through, Sora went through them all and got new abilities.

{new abilities have been unlocked [Water Master] [Earth Master] [Air Master] [Light Master] [Darkness Master] [Sound Master] [Ice Master]}

Sora went on to buy all of them for 4.9 million SP, Sora also went on to buy the ability [Artist], although [Craftsman] had the sub-ability [Artist], it was only a sub-ability and could only be used in crafting,

in total, Sora spent 6.9 million SP, he didn't rush into leveling them up, he would take his time for that, he already had plans on how to help level them up, the simple trick of fusing them. fusing two elements was hard,

to get ice, Water and Air needed to be fused almost perfectly. one couldn't just fuse two elements and hope for the best, which is why those with unique levels such as ice were considered extremely talented. fusing is something that could be learned, but doing Sora would take years upon years worth of a hard time. training which would be a waste as even if you could do it, you would have wasted so many years at something you're not good at.

plus, it could tell you. there was no reason to do something like this, of course, unless you were Sora, the more he tries the better he would get at it. plus, Sora thought doing this might help him gain new abilities,

to reach level 4 of growth rate, the total number of skills and abilities Sora had leveled up needs to reach 1,000. he was not even halfway at the moment,

'there is the trouble of 999,999 being the max number of SP I can get, I hope there is a way to increase this.' Sora thought as he pulled out a pill, and sat down to cultivate. the Qi within his mansion was dense, a huge amount that was extremely, pure. it was a perfect place to cultivate

as soon as Sora heat the pill, his body suddenly began boiling, but it was a unique type of burning that helped Sora cultivate the Blazing Body cultivation art. Sora sat there for the next 3 days before he finally broke through to level 4 body tempering,

'... what's going on? I only used 65% of the energy from the pill.' Sora thought as his eyes shrank slightly. he just used 65% of the pill, and he only went up one level, this was something he didn't expect, he should have needed 25% at most,

'i see, the lower levels, my physique help lay the foundations, but at level 4, it's a unique branch many paths take. the Blazing Body is working on turning the body into a blazing body, it's not in conflict with my powerful physique, so it would need more energy' Sora thought as he fell into deep through,

'the 6 arms Asure would not have this conflict, but is it safe to cultivate? one would not have any conflict but would be slower, while the other would have conflict, but would be faster.' Sora thought for some time before he sighed and looked at the XP he needed for [cultivation] to reach level 9, but he realized that it already reached level 9.

Sora went through [Cutlivation] which seems to have gotten a new ability, and that ability was shockingly perfect for the moment.

[6 Arm Asure Cultivation Art]- your talent in the 6 arms azure art is unmatched, you would one day reach the peak from using this cultivation art alone. Do you say it has limitations? don't worry, it shall improve along with your strength, it shall evolve along with your strength, and it shall evolve to reach levels far above its current one.

[Blazing heavens Cultivation Art]- your talent in the Blazing Heaven art is unmatched...

Sora looked at this for a moment, now just cultivating this cultivation art would allow him to get better at it, he couldn't help but wonder what would happen when he reaches level 6, would they give him a unique ability or something?

'on that note, I should try and focus my mind-based abilities, and try and create an illusion-type ability,' Sora thought with bright eyes, it was time to be more overpowered. with a scan through the room, Sora found that there were a few things that spied on them, but it was not too over the top, Sora easily went on to destroy them,

holding out his palm, strings went on to gather, forming into 10 clones of Sora, the string which connected them to Sora's finger was cut, and that string went on to connect with the beginning of the string which was stinking out of the clone.

this is what Sora could get once [knitting] reached level 8, of course, he and the clones were still connected, but no longer through his stings. the world was one huge string, and above, a puppet master was pulling the string. everything was one huge string, everything was connected.

So, although Sora's string wasn't connected to the puppet, they were still connected on a unique level which was harder to sense.

so, with these clones created, they went off to train while Sora sat down to cultivate. the clones, of course, could get XP for Sora, their minds were linked, the only problem these clones had was that they had a lifespan of 3 days, but Sora couldn't just recreate them,

Next chapter