
Calm before the Storm (1)

Lin Wu watched as the blonde transfer student was swarmed by classmates; a satisfied smile appeared around the mouth of the young 'normal' student. He shook his head, trying to get rid of the smile, but all he could see was the reflection of one of his more 'popular' friends back in his old world.

'Take care,' He looked at the window before laughing a little, 'Remember to drink water.'

All his friends either drank coffee or carbonated beverages. Chapped lips and them biting the dry skin off their lips were a common occurrence.

Of course, he was one of them as well!

Other than the necessary hygiene none of them took the extra effort to make themselves look better.

'Those were the good days,' He reminisced, thinking about the time when they would 'illegally' go on prohibited sites and share links that are considered 'poison' to the development of healthy students. 'We almost got caught by the dorm assistant too.'

Did he want to go back?

Not really.

What about his family?

The system had told him that they'd be appropriately taken care. However, the way the system said it made him shudder.

As a matter of fact, with enough points (albeit astronomical), he can even go back since the system had proclaimed that she, or it, had higher divinity!

After the girls finalised their plans, Lin Wu was about to return to his second Wang Lao Ji—the herbal drink was practically like water to him—before a pleading voice stopped him. "Lin Wu, do you want to come?"

Natsumi looked at him expectantly, waiting for a 'yes'.

In their short exchange prior, Lin Wu still has no idea why she's so intent on inviting him. If the foreboding feeling that has been growing in his chest ever since 'Gilma-sensei's' entrance was anything to go by, he wasn't going to like it when he finds out why.

Which promptly decided his next words.

"Maybe next time," he smiled.

The slight smile blended well with the mundane classroom.

'It's been already unanimously agreed upon that it'd be an all-girls party.' He wanted to say, but refrained. He had to admit; he was quite interested in the all-girls party. If the anime he had watched in his life were anything to go by, it would probably be talking about what boys they liked— and gossip.

Everyone likes gossiping, especially the ones they're not involved in. Why watch drama on TV when you can have it live?

It's free too!

"Oh..." The sad and quiet reply of Natsumi rang throughout his ears, amplified by his enhanced hearing.

She turned to the rest of the classroom, looking at the boys who were trying to ignore what was going on in fear of making it worst. The subtle glares from the girls next to her didn't do much to help either.

"Well, it's decided then! I'll write down my address, and you guys can take a picture of it with your mini-camera machines! Come over at 1800! Oh uhh, I mean 6 PM!"

At the mention of time, Lin Wu turned to the clock that hanged above the chalkboard.

10:40 AM

It's almost time for his third class, his second-most disliked class.

Home Economics.

Home Economics is located in the same room that the Cooking Club was held. Set up with multiple cooking stations, each regularly cleaned by both the staff as well as the students.

As the class got up and out of their seats, they made sure to be quiet, since, for other students, they have their class end later than usual due to Kuoh's weird class scheduling session.

Everyone got to their respective stations, chosen when they first started the year. Naturally, they also went to along with their fellow cliques, leaving Lin Wu by himself.

What about Kagura?

Kagura's in the group which could cook best, she joined since she's pretty good at 'taste testing' as well as quickly 'cleaning' the food.

The China Girl gave him a smug smiled as if she enjoyed watching him being alone.

Lin Wu almost wanted to flip her off, but considering the academic integrity of Kuoh Academy, he would have to refrain from doing so. So instead, he just mouthed something, and her smug expression was immediately wiped off her face.

The edges of his mouth curled upwards as the tables turned.

They had 20 seconds before class officially started, and trying to conserve energy Lin Wu sat down immediately on the stool by the station.

'We still have Physical Education today.' He liked Physical Education back in his world, but regarding his new circumstances, it quickly became his most dreaded class.

Not to mention, he didn't like the teacher either.

It had to be mentioned that his grades in Home Economics were terrible.

Terrible relative to Kuoh standards. Which meant anything below 90 was considered bad, and anything below 80 was, well, awful. Being the best General Education school, it also meant that the standards were high as well. Although the school doesn't encourage students to do their best, it's more of an implied thing, as in 'You're the students of Kuoh and should perform as such.'

While Kuoh's admission procedures are still unknown and can be quite eccentric from time to time, such as how a particular 'Nineball' got accepted despite her inability to count from 1 to 10, their academic standards somehow always score high enough to ignore the outliers.

The door slid open, and the class immediately bowed. "Emi-sensei." They called.

A cool voice but feminine voice responded it was a bit tired.

Though her voice was almost always 'tired.' "Hm? You guys are early today."

Lin Wu turned to the Home Economics teacher. Standing at a respectful 187cm, anyone would recognise the teacher if they had any experience with anime.

Leaning towards the skinny but athletic theme, Emi, or as Lin Wu and others of his world would know, Emiya, has overflowing white hair that wasn't even tied and reached up to her knees. Dressed in a formal suit, and with the tanned skin that and mild grey eyes, Emiya would be considered exotic if she was in Lin Wu's old world.

But here? Where pink hair and blood-red eye colours and anywhere in between the colour spectrum existed? Emiya is 'normal.'

Emiya was actually ranked rather low in the men's version of the Kuoh Academy Male's Most Desired Marriage Partner, at rank 80.


Before Lin Wu could continue his thought, Emiya walked up to the front of the class, giving everyone a small smile.

"We'll be learning how to make mapo tofu; I hope you guys aren't weak to spiciness."

Her grey eyes turned to Lin Wu, seeing that he was by himself again, she turned to the rest of the class as if ignoring his predicament.

"I'll start by showing how it is done, come gather around."

'Mapo tofu?' Lin Wu remembered the cultural dish back in his country; he was 'alright' with spice; he could handle the average amount but not too much.

As the class gathered around the Home Economics teacher, Lin Wu started to familiarise himself with the equipment again. Home Economics was a class that was taught once or twice per week, and he rarely cooks—if at all—so Emiya showing how it is done serves as a good reminder.

He noticed that some of the girls particularly close to Emiya were blushing, albeit barely noticeable. Known by Kuoh High to know everything about house chores to cooking, Emiya would be the perfect housewife. She was rated rather high in the 'Kuoh Academy Female's Most Desired Marriage Partner,' at rank 10.

Why was she ranked so low for males?

'Because we'd feel useless, this 'protagonist' can do everything herself. Why would she even need a marriage partner?'

Any male married to her would start feeling like a leech!

"Done! Did everyone catch that?"

The class was immediately assaulted by the smell of Sichuan-peppercorn spice, that made even Kagura, who had just eaten a little bit hungry.

"No sensei..." One of the girls admiring Emiya admitted.

Instead of being mad, Emiya gave a relaxed smile, seemingly charming everyone in the class regardless of gender. "Don't worry; I'll write the steps on the board. I'll be walking around to help as well."

As Emiya started writing on the electronic board—since chalk would be dirty and could possibly get on the food—Lin Wu began to memorise the instructions since he was near the back of the classroom.

It was quite simple, make the sauce, poach tofu, stir-fry pork, and then finish it off.

There was nothing fancy like putting it in the oven for X minutes, let it marinate for Y and then Z...

Lin Wu went to wash his hands on his station before washing the rice; he knew that much at least. He then started to grind the peppercorn into powder, apparently the finer, the better.

"Lin Wu," a familiar voice rang by the side of his ears.

Brown met grey.

"Yes, Emi-sensei?" She stood right next to him, 20cm taller than he was.

"By yourself again?" Emiya let out a small sigh.

"Looks like it." Not the first time, and not the last time either.

Lin Wu wanted her to go away and help other students, but considering that she was the one grading him, he couldn't just tell her that...right?

Emiya grabbed his right hand that held the pestle, a heavy and blunt club-shaped object meant for grinding. Lin Wu could feel the cold touch of her hands, gently applying pressure onto his, grinding the peppercorn even finer. "You need to put more effort into it."

The teacher then walked off to another group. Lin Wu stared at the mortar that held the peppercorn.

'Effort, huh.' The transmigrater from another world started reflecting.

If one were to ask if he had changed at all during his short three weeks in this world, the answer would be a hard no.

Had he put any active effort into changing then?

No, he would be a liar not to admit it.

Did he need to change? 'Well, that's really for anyone to decide. Most transmigraters tend to, massively too.'

Given his current circumstances, there was no need to.

Heroes like All Might and Tatsumaki could handle 99% of the problems.

Like anyone, he's averse to change. Lin Wu wanted his life to be a straight line, where it's impossible to go off track.

A path where there are minimal roadblocks.

Would people call him pathetic?

Most definitely.

Would he call himself pathetic?


And yet, with a new chance at life, he decides to stay the same.

To pursue the same goal he did back then.

A mediocre life of no ambition other than to maintain it.

He wanted to have it easy.

Lin Wu went to the next step, leaving the peppercorn as is.


"Lin Wu," the voice started, "While this barely performs up to standards, I can't help but feel it's still missing something that'll leave a lasting impression."

"Oh, I'll make sure to try my very best next time!" Lin Wu smiled as he walked out of the classroom, being watched by his teacher.

Emiya let out a sigh again, this one much deeper than the rest. 'You didn't even try.'

'Maybe I'm not cut to be a teacher.' She doubted herself before shaking her head. Her hand brought the pen to the clipboard, meeting the empty box by the name Lin Wu.


'Well, I have more important stuff to worry about: Gilgamesh, Cu, and then the stupid event.'


Thankfully, the other classes didn't have their teachers replaced like Physical Education and Home Economics a while ago, and now History.

And again, he was reminded of the foreboding feeling growing in his chest.

It was like an anchor dragging everything down.

His ears perked up at the couple walking in front of him.

Yuuma and Issei.

Issei was held by the arm by his 'girlfriend,' who whispered sweetly into his ears. "Let's skip class and go on a date tomorrow~"

"But Yuuma-chan," Issei interrupted.

"I'll let you choose what I wear~"

If the heavy breathing was anything to go by, Issei likely accepted it.

'A few days early than expected, but oh well.' Lin Wu reluctantly accepted it with a wry smile, mingled with a sigh. He thought it was odd, but considering how big this world was, stuff like this was bound to happen.

Lin Wu turned west, his eyes narrowing as his brows shot upwards. 'The famous nine-tails and her daughter? Why City A? They reside in City B...'

As soon as he started thinking of potential answers, a pleasant surprise dawned his face. 'Touring around? Oh? And then back to City B?'

His head then snapped towards the location of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building.

'Oh, you can't be serious.'

His eyes opened wide as he smiled. 'Now I HAVE to know.'

Some character... introspection?

Is that the right word?

Sorry English not native.

Sorry about the delay. Got internship and some irl stuff.

New Imgur:


Gib ps

Emiya girl

Robot9001creators' thoughts
Next chapter