
First Meeting with Jami.

The club was noisy with loud music and loud people. They were dancing, drinking and socialising. I wondered around the club, one of the many clubs my Grandpa owned, finding my way to the table my friends were at. I regretted coming here because I never liked loud places but since it's a celebration to graduating high school, I thought I'd give it a go after much pestering from my friends.

As I was making my way through the dancing crowd, my shoulder hit passed a guy opposite me. I turned around to apologise and that was the second time I saw Jami. The first time was me getting a glimpse of him, back at Grandpa's place. Probably he was going to be introduced to Grandpa. It was obvious that he's joining the "family".

At that time, I already thought that he was charming. Dangerous but charming. A deadly combo, a bad boy image that every young girls would typically fall for. To be honest, I'm more drawn to his charming side. He looked calm and composed and nothing could shake him. That part was like a fresh air to the group of rough men that I see everyday at my place. So of course I modelled him as my ideal guy that time.

He was with the other men who was working under Grandpa. The 17 year old me wanted to talk to him but I didn't want to show myself as someone desperate. Besides, he'd frequent my home anyway so I have time. Therefore, I just apologised for bumping into him.

"Oh you don't need to apologise my lady. This guy here joined us yesterday and we're showing him around." Answered Aaron, one of Grandpa's trusted henchmen.

I smiled and nodded. As I turned to proceed to my friends, I felt a hand around my wrist. Stopping me at that very spot.

"Sorry, can I know your name?" he asked. Guess the crush isn't one sided huh.

"Oi. Jamison. What do you think you're doing? Do you know who that girl is? Don't mess around. Let her go."

"It's alright. My name is Arte. Nice to meet you. Now, if you don't mind, could you let go of my wrist?" I said facing him now.

"Sorry. Nice to meet you too." He replied. He seemed surprised. Is it because I didn't fluster? Does he do that to other girls a lot and most of them fluster? What is going on?

"Ha... haha...," Aaron laughed nervously, "I'm really sorry my lady. Like I said earlier, he's new so he doesn't know many things yet. I'll lecture him properly."

"Don't worry about it. I won't tell Grandpa. Now, if you would excuse me, I'd like to return to my friends." I said. I glanced at him and I made my way to my friends.

Unfortunately, they saw the entire thing. What they don't know other than this club owned by my family is that a lot of scary looking guys here are my Grandpa's men. So they thought I was in trouble. I reassured them that everything is fine so they calmed down, but now they've started to fuss about how brave I was standing up for myself. What? Did they think I was getting bullied?

I tried to correct them but seeing how they are so absorb at the conversation, I gave up. My friends and I enjoyed the rest of the night. Loud noises aside, I had fun with them and by the time I knew, it was already 2AM. After all my friends left, Aaron offered to send me home. I agreed. After all, he is my bodyguard as well. He called out to Jami and he also came along.

"He's following us?" I asked.

"Actually, he is going to be assigned as your bodyguard whenever Boss has special task for me to do outside. That's why I have him tagging along with me this whole day." Aaron said he while scratching the back of his head.

Whoa. What are the odds? I feel like I hit some sort of Jackpot. The three of us were already in the car, Aaron driving us to my home. It was a silent drive but I felt very comfortable especially after getting out from that noisy place.

I didn't realize when but when I woke up the next morning, I was in my bed. I wondered who carried me here? Must be Aaron. Though I hoped it would be Jami. In a princess style. Wow. That'd be great. Val came in to my room.

"Hahaha. Look at you. Had great fun with your friends huh?"

"Hehe, yeah. I hated the loudness but spending time with my friends were great. Next time, I'll suggest to a bar rather than a club. Oh yeah. Who brought me here? I fell asleep in the car, didn't I?"

"Yeah. You slept like a log and we couldn't wake you up. So the new guy carried you in while Aaron collected your things. He's smart. Making the new guy doing all the heavy lifting."

"Hey, I'm not that heavy alright?"

"Try carrying a person unconscious, then you'll know. Now, go and wash up. I was just going to wake you up for breakfast"

"Alright." I said getting off the bed. Val left my room. I sat there for awhile. I think I blushed. My crush carried me. Ahhhh.... I should have asked Val how he carried me. But then I don't want her to know that I have a crush to my new body guard.

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