
Error 404 Brain not found

I excused myself and went back to my office. Gladly the office was empty since Hani is at home with her nanny and Jami has went out to run some errands. I sat down on the chair and leaned back, sighing. My conversation with Grandpa was a little too heavy so I had to break it down. Actually I don't know what to think. I feel as if my brain has jammed, like error 404 not found kind of jam. No I cannot be like this. Come on Arte think. Let's solve this one by one shall we.

First is this Reuban guy. I knew from the moment I talked to him that he is some kind of trouble. I mean, no proper person would answer someone else's call and be rude to a complete stranger. Now that I know he's a con artist? I am more than worried for Mia. There's too much hole in this scenario. If that guy has been a con artist and aimed for pretigious daughters to absorb money from , why wouldn't Mia's family knew about it and push her to marry him? How did Mia got herself entangled with this guy in the first place. If he had a child with her, is it possible that he had children with other victims?

The more I think the more I feel nauseated. Nevermind his crime then. The real question would be, how do I warn Mia in the first place? Other than laying it out flat to her, I don't know any other way. But she's not exactly a rational person who could listen attentively to people's advise. Well, I wouldn't know it if I try, right. I reached out my phone on the table and texted her.

Me: Hey Mia, what's up?

A few minutes later,

Mia: Arte, hiii... I'm in the company, helping out father with work. How's Hani?

Me: She's good. Hey, do you think we can meet up soon? I need to talk to you about something. It's pretty urgent.

Mia: Oh. Sure. Can I come to your place? I get to see my baby too.

Me: Yeah, sure. How about tomorrow?

Mia: Tomorrow? I don't think I can. I will be busy then. What about on Tuesday? I'm free on Tuesday.

Me: Okay, that's good. See you on Tuesday then. We can have dinner together too. I'll cook.

Mia: Really? That's great!

I placed back my phone on the table and leaned back into my chair. Now I that I got her time, I got one less problem to think of. I will leave the problem of how to break the news to her on Tuesday. Now, another one is this fish. Oh my goodness. Why was Grandpa so efficient in this. I was hoping that it'll take a month or two for him to get me a guy. Also, did he seriously got me a doctor?! Don't he know I hate doctors? Okay, I'm exaggerating. It's not that I hate doctors per se but what would come into ones mind when one think of doctors? It'll be the hospitals. And what's in hospitals? Needles, medicines and surgeries. I am afraid of those and my possible partner is the wielder of those horrific weapons that claims can heal us.

There's also something else crossed my mind. Would that doctor really have agreed to meet me just like that? Grandpa mentioned that he's a son of one of his partners. I hope Grandpa's not making this into a political marriage or something. I really hope not.

Suddenly I heard the door clicked open. As I opened my eyes, I saw Jami coming in. He reported, "I've checked the pageant venue and met with the event directors, I believe this show will go well. They have already set up the stage and they were running quality check to make sure it's sturdy enough."

As Jami continued reporting, my mind wondered, looking at him, why didn't I date him? He's smart, capable, reliable, trustworthy and loyal to my family. But then again, he is my employee and Grandpa would be against it. Besides, I bet he would only view of me as a brat, since he knew me from when I was only a teenager. I broke Grandpa's news to him.

"Grandpa has already found me a guy."

"Oh. So when do you have to go home?" he asked blandly.

"Next Sunday. You can take a day off on that day." I answered.

"Will do," After a momentary pause he continued "Are you okay with this arrangement?"

"Do you think I am? I really love my current lifestyle, you know, but, because Grandpa insists that I have to get married before I get 'too old' I have not much choice."

"I see." That was the only response he had. For some reason he don't seem to be too happy to the fact that he got an off day or my news to potential marriage. Is he worried that he'll lose his job? I really don't plan to fire him though. It's so convenient to have him by my side. As the air in the room felt a little too uncomfortable, I had to get myself out to let Jami think by himself comfortably.

"Okay, I have to go back into the project room. You can continue with writing the report, Jami. It's a busy day." I said went back to my team and continued working.

Peace ♥️

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