
Grade 6 Retreat Part 1

Ok, so if you don't know what a retreat is, it's basically like a camping, but it's sort of Catholic. So it's like on of those 'I need to get purified so I'll have to join this' type of camp and let me tell you, it was not good.

So I have to get up at 4 IN THE MORNING, GET READY IN 30 MINUTES AND GO TO SCHOOL! This is why I don't usually like these sort of field trips, 'cause they just make you all sleepy and once you get there your brain would probably be at 10% power.

Anyway, once I did get to school, almost all of my friends were there. Well, I didn't really have any friends at 6th grade... But whatever. So I had 2 friends, Leon and Vivian Hanako. Let's call Vivian VH. Leon was that over-energetic type of person while VH was that weird yet calm person, and the one person who likes any lunch.

I did saw Leon, because he is always 15 minutes early, but VH wasn't there. I waited for her since I have no phone. Yes, phones were banned from there. I know it's Catholic and all but this was sort of overkill.

The details about the camping were unclear, also we weren't given the schedule or ANYTHING. We were dictated the things we need to bring. It was always the same old, with clothes. Snacks? Definitely. 3-day stock, because we were there for 3 days 2 nights. Instant noodles, 2 packs. 3 different drinks.

Ok the stuff-to-bring is done, now for the next part.

When it was around 7.00 the teachers start coming and told us to line up. We were given sticky notes to stick to our bags, which was reasonable because I literally saw 7 bags with the same brand and color. 30 minutes later we prayed to God so that we could arrive safe and healthy. Well, not for me!

So when we put our stuff in the bus, we got on the bus. It was 3-seated on the left and 2-seated on the right. I mean of course people are choosing the right side, DUHH! I sat with Leon and VH because, I don't socialise that well. I sat near the window because I visualized it. Since in my country (I'm not going to say it because I'm lazy), we drive on the left side of the road and the driver seat was on the right.

Usually, the left was just buildings, and I'm that person who just wanted to get road sick. So this is like a 1-time offer, but the chances of finding a seat near a window on the left side is incredibly small. Somehow, I did manage to get a seat. When I found my seat I reserved the other seat by throwing my bag there. Usually a week before this sort of thing happens we plan who we're going to sit with. I chose Leon.

Half an hour later we prayed AGAIN and went off. My mom took a pic of me and I have no idea what's in my house after that.

When we were three-quarter way we were already on the mountains. Then things started to get weird. My country was located on the equator so it's really, REALLY hot. When you come to the mountains, though, AC was unnecessary, except if you live in Canada or something. What my friends did was turn the AC at MAX. I was freezing and all I was wearing is a thin shirt. I think it was 20 degrees. Celcius. That just made me even more road sick.

When we arrive there it was actually WARMER than what I just experienced. It wasn't exactly as hot as Hawaii, but you know, it was still liveable.

So time skip about 15 minutes, we arrived, but we sort of had a problem. There was a hill probably 30 metres high and it was probably 55-degree angle. I was just confused. Teachers went to this place and they thought it was good, except they don't give a damn to the bus drivers.

Anyway, when I got down (which took like 5 minutes or something), I got my bags and I head out to the place where we'll be sleeping. Instead we got to the wrong spot. So you know when I said that this is a Catholic place? Yeah, we accidentally went to the PRIEST'S villa. So we hiked again and my luggage was killing me. Imagine having 3 kilos on your back and 2 kilos on your arm and your legs are hiking, plus you have no stamina. When I got there I sort of slopped to the ground, soil ground. It sort of looked like I was fainting.

Leon came in (also having asthma) and saw me, lying there in a SOCCER FIELD. When the soccer boys got in (definitely before I did) they just yanked their stuff on the chairs and played soccer. I sort of already felt how hard these 3 days and 2 nights will be.

A few minutes of literally nothing, they told us to go to the auditorium with our stuff. We had to climb again, but it was slowly increasing. We took of our shoes and yanked our stuff at the corners. We sat cross-legged and they say that they were going to announce the 'randomly' picked rooms. A week before this we just hoped, HOPED, that we would get our friends, except you know, the hobos. I hoped I got Leon, or at least Andrew More. Andrew was sort of the guy addicted with Roblox. I saw he has good character, somehow because we were different sections.

Luckily, I got him. I'll talk about what we do next in part 2. Hopefully I will get to write it.