

Within the lands of the Eidwyr bwyta, seven houses ruled under the God of the Underworlds guidance. Each head of each house is bestowed the chair of their specific Sin, and is only removed after their death or defeat in a duel of honor.

The Sins, in the lands of the Eidwyr bwyta, are respected for their power, riches, and most of all, their beauty. Scars, blemishes, disfigurement, and abnormal colorings are hated upon amongst these people.

So when two Sins, the Sin of Lust and Wrath, expect triplets but only get one small, disfigured child, shame is brought upon both houses.

"What will we do with it?" Ask the sin of Wrath, her face cringing at the sight of her child.

"Maybe a healer can fix the scars..." Grunts the Sin of Lust.

"And what of the eyes, what of the hair?"

"Contacts maybe-"

"The acidic coating in our eyes will only melt them, and dyes don't take."

"Why ask questions if you won't let me answer them."

"Don't start Cariad," she hisses, "we can't let her be seen by the kingdom, I won't have it."

"Maybe we could... Try again-"

"And birth another monster? I think not, besides, it wouldn't get chosen for either one of our seats, such an ugly thing is bound to be a low level demon at most, if not powerless."

"It's not ugly, pursay-"

"But it's displeasing to the eye, she probably got it from your genes, what with that uncle of yours-"

"Oh, so your blaming it on me now? Very mature Wrath."

"Oh, shut it, you just know I'm right."

The other Sin got up from beside her bed and hissed, "well, since I'm to blame, let me go ahead and leave before I fuck up anything else."

He pushed the curtain aside and slammed the door open, his braided hair whipping the door frame as he rounded the corner.

"Fine, you asshole, I don't need you anyways!"

With a flick of the demons wrist, the doors slammed shut again, and with that all of the Sins never ending Wrath was focused on the disfigured child.

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