


Lillian smiled softly and looked away from her, /"I still am aren’t I?/"

Edna nodded, /"you still have that fear a woman would have for her man if she respects him, and that’s very good./"

/"Really?/" She looked at her, /"here I was thinking it was bad./"

/"Hell no, it shows that no matter what, you still have your undying respect for him and the fear of what he might say or think of you./"

/"Well, it’s not like he think good of me anymore, rather does he say kind words to me,/" she sighed, her eyes revealing her pain as she remembered the way he do speaks to her.

/"Do not worry, it’s just with time./"

/"I know./"

Philip walked back in again and they looked at him, there was a frown on his face and before Lillian could ask about it, he spoke up, /"there is a news ma’am, though I don’t know if you will like to hear about it./"

/"What is it?/"