
Chapter 27: Stabilisation of Powers

Over the next month, a lot of changes occurred in the dungeon. On the 1st Floor, three Chaos Beast became the Overlords and they ruled of their own areas. The 1st Floor was then split into three for the tripartite to rule over. There was Horned Shadow Leopard which had an extremely fast speed. Its strength lied in assassination and not face to face confrontation. Then there was the Dual Headed Nether Frost Lion. It was a massive beast that had overwhelming strength. Its swipes were infused with the elements of fire and ice and any elemental attacks that used either fire or ice were highly ineffective against it. It was a brawler and its affinity with Magic only served to make it more lethal. Then the final Overlord was the Winged Thunder Tiger. As its name suggests, it could fly. It had great control of wind and lightning elements allowing it to fly quickly and burn its enemies to ashes using lightning attacks.

The Horned Shadow Leopard lived in the Dark Forest which was closest to the dungeon entrance. It is a thick forest filled with tall trees that block out any sunlight or artificial light made in the dungeon. It is necessary to bring a torch or some light source to traverse through this forest/

The Winged Thunder Tiger lived in the Gentle Plains which was also close to the dungeon entrance. The entrance lied on the boundary of the Gentle Plains and the Dark Forest. The Gentle Plains is a very flat plain that runs on for thousands of kilometres. There are no rocks to hide behind and no valleys, hills or anything. It was just completely flat land. Other than a few trees there was nothing else that reached for the skies. This made the plains very dangerous for adventurers as monsters could easily find them from a mile away. They don't even need to rely on smell, their eyesight was good enough. This made it easier for flying creatures to chase down their prey as they can keep flying straight without having to worry about crashing into anything. The only positive was that the adventurers could see the monsters too. However, monsters' senses are definitely stronger than that of an adventurer's. So the adventurers are faced with a dilemma. Go through the thick forest where you could get ambushed any time but there are lots of places to hide or go through the plains where the enemies are in plain sight but there is nowhere to hide.

Contrary to the entrance of the dungeon, the path to the 2nd Floor is guarded by a massive mountain range that seems to ascend to heaven. It is called the Khrukhara Mountains and therein lies the Dual Headed Nether Frost Lion. The mountains are extremely steep and jagged. Their tips are sharp and the rocks have no footholds. If you fell there was a high chance that you would get pierced by a rock.

Meanwhile, the human civil war had already stabilised and the winners had appeared. There were three empires and ten kingdoms which have won the civil war and became the leaders of the humans. Each of the empires and kingdoms had two floors under their rule. However, their powers were nowhere near equal. After all, there is a reason for some of them being called kingdoms while others are called empires. On the 5th and 6th Floor is the Terra Dynasty. Their strength is in their footmen and cavalry. They have powerful swordsmen and lightning-quick cavalry which shock the enemy before they are able to react. On the 7-6th Floors is the Luna Dynasty. They have powerful water elemental Mages who are able to put out a powerful defence and an overarching attack. on the 8-9th Floors is the Regalgrain Dynasty. They don't have a particular part of the army that they specialise in but they take pride in the logistics in war. They can last very long in a war so they would prefer a war of attrition rather than a war of brute strength. On the 10-11th Floors is one of the three empires, the Golden Dragon Empire. They have a powerful overall army and they have a powerful ace army which is the reason for them being called an empire. The 12-13th Floors contains the domineering Empyrean Dynasty who are extremely unified. On the 14-15th Floors is the Mecuria Kingdom and above them on the 16-17th Floors is the Storyn Kingdom who come and go like a storm. On the 18-19th Floors is the Wruiviel Kingdom who have powerful Wyvern Rider Knights. On the 20-21st Floors is the Reborn Phoenix Empire who have powerful fire Mages. On the 22-23rd Floor is the Saedal Kingdom. On the 24-25th Floors are the Ivaeria Kingdom and the Dust Star Kingdom who share control over the two floors. As you might have noticed, the last empire, the Holy Domaican Empire doesn't rule over a floor much less two. This is because their empire is based on religion so they are present on every single floor that is ruled over by humans. However, their capital is based on the 15th Floor. Although they don't have a territory who they definitively rule over, their subjects are very unified and act as a single unit if they go to war. Fortunately for their opponents, they are a very peaceful empire. They have an alliance with almost every empire and they have subjects in every single kingdom and empire. Perhaps they are able to topple a kingdom or an empire just by activating their hidden pieces.

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