
Impaired Heart

Young and wild. They both explore their carnal desires until the inevitable. At sixteen she was pregnant with the MC child. A poor lad with a humble background. She was forced to abort the abomination while the MC was made to flee for his life. They both escape their hometown with an impaired heart. Will time repair the hearts. Bringing back the teen couple to each other embrace. Sit tight and enjoy how fate toys with the young teenagers in love until all puzzles are fixed.

Whi_s_per · Teen
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36 Chs

Life direction

He destroyed the possibility of ever finding his daughter with this error of his.


Since there was no concept of time, Elaine enjoyed her sleep. When she was awake, she couldn't tell the difference between day and night. She would have returned to sleep if it were a normal day, but it was not a normal day. She has to resume her search for Gary before leaving the city. She knew very well that her father's lackeys were everywhere. She would have to tread carefully.

Before she leaves, she would have loved to write Gary a letter, but there is no pen or paper. That reminds her that she has to convert a lot of her bank digits into pure legal tender. She has to be quick about it or risk getting her account frozen by her dad. She also has to ghost a lot of her funds. For these kinds of transactions, she will have to use the orphanage home. She remembered sponsoring an orphanage home a couple of years ago.

Not as if she is an ultimate saint or philanthropist, but she had a business deal with the orphanage home. She would carry out businesses with the orphanage name. It will come as a generous donation. Fooling her spying dad or whatever authority is interested in her affairs. The orphanage dean will carry out her bidding. Either purchase the merchandise or transfer the funds to the designated accounts.

To reciprocate their hard work, she always sends generous donations to the orphanage home for the welfare of the kids. Some time later, she remembers buying huge shares of the orphanage home. She became the majority shareholder.

For the record, she is a cheerful giver. Yes, she is, but it is in the form of a boss and a subordinate. Frankly speaking, she is the major shareholder of the orphanage home. She got 82% shares of the orphanage home. The dean was clearly her puppet subordinate who helped her ghost her funds.

Every huge amount sent, it is clear he got a job knocking at his door. She should have called him, but she dares not call him, or her old man will easily track him down, ruining her plans.

She has to message him personally or through another means about what needs to be done. But she has to visit the nearby bank for her first step.

Once this is done, her father's lackeys will be on her neck. It will be a hot pursuit. She won't have the time to search for Gary, but she was sure to leave a message. A detailed message through a letter or text message.

She left the underwater cave and swam to the other exit side. She walked to the nearest bank. She made certain to avoid the CCTV. She wasted less than twenty minutes completing the funding of the orphanage home.

Dean Travis got the funds. A huge and scary amount. It was her savings and the money left for her by her late mom. As for the properties, she will put them on lease or rent. The funds should be donated to her orphanage. It was convenient to extract those sums.

She quickly left the bank, but she didn't forget to withdraw enough cash to facilitate her payment of bills. She will be a total fool if she uses her ATM card for any transactions. She would be easily tranced. Using cash, she masks her transaction footprints. It will be difficult for her dad to trace her.

She quickly left the bank. A few minutes later, her father's lackeys were within the bank premises. Asking a lot of questions. Threatening and torturing some for answers. An exercise in futility.

At the orphanage home, her father's ultimate force was diligently camping at their entrance. Approaching the orphanage home was a big no-no. She doesn't need to place them in harm's way. She can communicate with them some other time through some hidden means.

It is time to return to the underwater cave. She planned to remain silent until her father's cronies stopped giving her the creeps.

Once this is achieved, she will have to leave, but she will have to leave a letter or message for Gary. If he miraculously survives, as her gut feeling was hinting, he can find his unborn child and her at the south.


Three days have gone by.

All leads on Elaine have gone cold. They were certain she had left the city.

"Damn! What a worrisome child! What is so great about a child in a slum? Arh! He is lucky to escape my Grim Reapers. Sh*t, his life of extreme poverty ruined my darling baby."

He turned to the computer scientist who kept monitoring Elaine's credit cards and asked, "Had she made certain transactions? What about payment of transport bills, feeding, etc.? Anything. You stupid subordinates can't be outsmarted by my little girl, right?"

His subordinates all bow their heads in hope of avoiding the blame. Never in their lives will an easy job turn into the most difficult job of their lives. Did they push her hard against the wall? The sweet and lovely lad is counter-attacking really hard. Truly, no matter the species, mothers are the most troublesome to deal with.

Their young miss switched to an aggressive tiger the moment her father vowed to terminate her child. They were certain this worrisome arc would have dived into a different arc if she had been made to peacefully deliver the child. No one will go rogue. They won't grow old because of a strange, ultimate search for their young miss, who suddenly vanished into thin air.

This stuff might have turned her into a full-fledged introvert. Before, she tried to act along with other humans. This time, she had gone to her tent and shut her door to the whole universe. Haa! If only a certain someone didn't play the god's role here and gave a still-born child a chance to live.


In the underwater cave, Elaine felt the hot pursuit heat outside should have cooled down. Her father's henchmen would have failed to find her. It is a perfect time to disappear from this city. She remembered that in these few hours she made contact with her person. The dean of the orphanage home. He should have at least purchased the vast farmland with ranches or animal homes.

She had thought hard about her life's direction. Starting big will lead her father to her door. She will start with the agriculture section. Her father will never guess that his daughter will choose to own farmland. He saw such a job as demeaning to one's status. So, his daughter won't fall so low to owning a farmland with stinky farmers and livestock breeders.

This will save her from her father's consistent new business watchout. He was sure she would have opted to join a big business behemoth. Then, she will slowly restart her educational life by trying to obtain a degree up to the master or PhD level. She will use such a degree to shock the world.

Indeed, they were Elaine's thoughts, but not all of them. She planned to build her empire and face off with her dad while being a sweet and caring mother. Both mother and child will diligently wait for their papa or husband, even though he hasn't taken her to the altar, to return to them.

The farm land was bought in the far south. A less or no developed city. This will be her turf, where she will create wonders. She will turn what seems like a backwater city into the greatest business pub of all time. She purchased the entire city, which was a fresh start to her building of a business behemoth.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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