In a world filled with superheroes and villains, Eptosi, an orphan who lost his parents at birth, embarks on thrilling adventures alongside his childhood friends, Alexis and Dicou. As they navigate the complexities of their own unique powers, they find themselves at the beginning of an epic journey within their school. Spanning across four captivating seasons, their story unfolds with each chapter revealing new challenges and remarkable growth. From the intense trials of the Hell Games to surviving the Ritual of Freedom, their path leads them toward facing the unknown. As they discover their true potential, Eptosi finds himself discovering the meaning of Impact Sense, propelling them further into a world of danger and discovery. With updates releasing every week, immerse yourself in a novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat as Eptosi and his friends unravel the secrets of their abilities, forge unbreakable bonds, and confront the forces that threaten their world. Join them on this extraordinary journey as they uncover the true meaning of heroism and the depths of their own destinies. The updates will be one chapter per week. This story is also available on Wattpad and Royalroad