
IMPACT MANIPULATION (Boku No Hero Academia fanfic) [Dropped]

Hey guys I'm kind of new to this so expect some grammar mistakes, I'm just gonn post when I have nothing to do, but i hope you still enjoy this fanfic :) (no Harem btw) ____________________________________________ Shin an orphan that have a mysterious quirks that allow to manipulate the impact that he created. when he turned 4 that year. It was a stormy night, Shin was inside a closet, hiding, as his parents get tortured and killed by a bunch of yakuza while unable to do anything. He was powerless. Even after 6 years their screams are still vivid in his mind. He swore to himself that he ever be weak again, never be powerless again...

Azezzz · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 6 quirk test

(Shin Pov)

"I'm Aizawa Shota, your homeroom teacher, pleasure to meet you" he said

Everyone was surprise and looked like at the homeless man, who is our homeroom teacher.

"Anyways put these on and head to the training ground" Aizawa said while pulling out the UA P. E uniform.


After we got down to the training ground, he told us that we would be having a Quirk Test. He then looked at the porcupine said, " Bakugou you had the most point in the entrance exam, what was your furthest distance thrown with a soft ball"

"67 meter I think" Bakugou answered

"alright now to throw the soft ball while also using the help of your quirk" Aizawa told him

Then Bakugou went to his position and throw the ball using the help of his quirk a loud explosion sounded out, his quirk seems to be creating explosion using his hand which seems pretty interesting. Aizawa then show the result which is 705.2m

"WOAHH 705.2m?!?! " everyone shouted

"That look so fun I wanna do it too" someone in the crowd shouted

Now everybody want to try it because it looks fun. But then Aizawa said, "So you think it's fun huh? Listen you have 3 years here to become a hero, you think it's gonna be a funs and games? How about this, today you're gonna be competing in 8 physical test to see your potential, who ever comes last is going to be expelled immediately" he then raises his hair, smiled in sinister way


'Hehe I like this teacher' I thought while smirking


First test - 50 meter dash

I was against the porcupine, I smiled at him and said, "hope you go easy on me"


"Get ready"





I Stomp my leg and used IMPACT BURST, but with only one leg. When I leap forward I release the impact.


I blast towards the finish line, my result were, 2.65 second while the porcupi- I mean Bakugou got 4.13 second

After the race, Bakugou came up to me a said, "I gonna beat you next time, got it?" and he went away.

"Holy Shit! Did you see that?!? What the hell was that quirk?!?!" a boy with yellow hair shouted

"Damn that was manly!!" Kirishima shouted

Second Test - Grip Strength

I didn't use my quirk this time because I didn't know how I could I apply it in this test but I still got a really good result since I was training my strength for most of my life

Third Test - Long distance Jumping

In this test I also use IMPACT BURST and jump over the zone of the measurement

Fourth Test - Side to side jump

In this test I also use IMPACT BURST to propel myself side to side

'wow this move is pretty useful' I thought

Fifth Test - Soft Ball throw

The girl with the round head went first and threw the ball, it kept traveling with no sign of falling down, her result was infinity

"Woah! Look she got infinity! " someone shouted

'her quirk should be related to gravity' I thought

When it's my turn, I went to my position, took the ball, then I stomped the ground really hard creating a strong impact, then I manipulate the impact to be in the palm of hand that's holding the ball, I made the impact 50 times stronger. I then looked at Bakugou, smirked which made him confuse. Then I threw the ball and released the impact.


"HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCKKKK!!!!! " everyone shouted

'this bastard' Bakugou thought

When the ball landed, Aizawa gave me the result which was 1783m

Then I just casually walk back to my place

'what a monster ' everybody thought while looking at me in shock.

Then it was the green hair boy turn, I was kind of interested in him since when I was still living with All Might he told me he'll be passing on his power ONE FOR ALL for a green hair boy named Midoriya who will attend the exam in the same year as me.

When he decided to throw the ball with the help of his quirk, the ball just went up and landed 46m away from him

'ehh? What the hell was that, did that weird ass yellow rabbit trick me???' I thought

Then when I looked at Aizawa, his hair and badage that was wrapped around him was floating and his eyes was glowing red he looked at midoriya and said, "I erased your quirk... It seems that you don't even have control over quirk.."

Midoriya who was looking at Aizawa suddenly pointed at Aizawa's yellow goggles which were hidden underneath his badage and said, "wait those goggles, I know you, you're the erasure hero: Eraser Head! You can cancel out the ability of any quirk when looking at someone! "

Everyone started discussing about what Midoriya just said,

"Eraser Head? Never heard of him"

"ohh I think heard of him

Then Aizawa look at Midoriya and said," you're not ready... You don't even have control over your own quirk. Were you planning to break your own bones and let someone save your useless self?"

" no that's not what I wanted to do!" Midoriya hurriedly said

"No matter what your intension are you'll just be a useless cripple after one attack in battle and drag everyone down. I'm sorry Midoriya with your power you're fit to become a hero" Aizawa said

Then his hair fell back down and his bandage once again wrapped around him

"I gave back your quirk, you have 2 throw, get it done with" Aizawa said

Midoriya seemed depressed but he was determined , and he started his throw and when he throw the ball, there was a lound explosion sound


The ball travel up and it fell down, Aizawa showed his result which was 705.3, Midoriya looked at Aizawa and said with a smile while showing his broken finger, "Aizawa sensei I can still move"

'This kid' Aizawa thought while smiling

But then Bakugou started running towards Midoriya with hatred in his eyes while shouting "DEKU, YOU BASTARD" I noticed this so I stomped the ground and create a small earquake that was enough to make Bakugou fall

I look at him and said, " Oi Bakugou, calm down, I don't know why you're mad at him but calm down, this not an appropriate place for this"

"tch" he then walk back to his place

Then came the last 3 test which was long distance running, sit up and seated, naturally I aced all of them and it was time for the result

Aizawa showed us the result: I came in 1st while Bakugou came in 2nd and Midoriya in last place.

Then Aizawa closed the result, grinned and said, "I was lying about the expulsion, no one is getting expelled it was all for you to bring out your full potential, now go change back to your uniform and go to the next last"

"YOU LIED TO ME!!" Lida shouted at the ground

"Come on it was obvious" Yaomomo said

Midoriya was there on the ground almost pissing his pants


The day went normally, I walked home with Sho and Yaomomo

I thought back to today and thought it was pretty interesting

'let see what tomorrow have to offer' I thought

(Thank You For Reading This Chapter)