

Artemesia didn't knew what horrified her more. The blood dripping from her hands down to her longsword, or the fire that was slowly engulfing the once beautiful garden in the palace.

She stood there and watched her men maniacally fight with each other. She lost control of them now. It was only a matter of time now before the first regimen arrive and bring the wrath of the Emperor upon them.

She cursed as she helplessly stood there in the middle of the chaos that was their treason.

Soon... Heavy footsteps surrounded the area. It was the cavalry trying to control the uproar in the burning garden. She stood there in the middle of it all, waiting for his highness to arrive.

"I, Chronos, Venerable Emperor of the Nine Realms..." the elderly man in red and golden robes with a dragon's seal declared as he marched towards the failed attempt at an uprising. Whilst holding a glowing imperial staff he directed at her "...hereby banish thee, Artemesia of the Immortal Nine Realms, to the mortal world! Suffer the consequences of thy treasonous act!"

In a blinding instant, Artemesia knelt and felt the searing pain from the emperor's golden staff slowly decimating her entire body.

She prepared herself to be obliterated by the impact but was met with a steady transcendent heat. Had she heard the emperor's words right?

Banishment? Not immediate death?

She looked up but was already too late. The blazing light already overwhelmed her eyes.

Artemesia buckled and passed out from the sudden burst of energy.


She regained her vision just in time to get herself safe away from the middle of a busy urban street. A car whizzing past her almost knocked her into the curb.

Artemesia took in the surrounding area. A concrete jungle of buildings and busy bodies. Traffic jams and pollution. She turned a full circle before seeing a reflection of her face in the glass window from a nearby shop.

A blonde teenage girl, pale and lean in a yellow dress was staring back at her. Her mouth still gaping at the sight. She searched for her longsword but was nowhere to be seen. The blood on her hands was long gone now. Her face was as clean as if she took a bath and dressed herself in a summer outfit.

"You have got to be kidding me!" she sighed, before completely fainting out of shock from it all.

Sorry. I just rushed making this chapter. I think I'll do another tomorrow. ✌️

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