
Arc 1.2

"Huh. Is this the Mysterious Realm?"

Yu Fan shook his head as he stood up. He looked around and instead of seeing his familiar house, he found himself staring at a dusty sky where the sun is barely visible. The ground has bones all over and there is dried bloodstains all around as well.

He could see no houses or signs of people anywhere around him, and the ground seems to have faced some sort of nuclear attack as it is completely lacking grass anywhere he looks, much to his surprise.

[Ding! Host is within his Mysterious Realm! There are countless monsters and other humans located around this Mysterious Realm. The setting for the Mysterious Realm is a Post-Apocalyptic world where the world suddenly began distorting. There are no zombies or the likes, but countless monsters appeared all over the world, hunting humans down. Host has to survive in this world for 1 year before he can leave. Host, to survive, you will need to kill not only monsters, but also humans! Be careful!]

"Kill not only monsters but also humans, huh."

Yu Fan muttered to himself, not feeling much. He already knew that he would have to kill countless people on his way to the Immortal Realm, so he already knew this was going to happen, so he isn't shocked or uneasy about it.

Sure, he hasn't killed anyone before, but he was an orphan! Orphans have difficult lives and he was always getting in fights over the years for many reasons. Although he hasn't killed someone before, he knows that it won't disturb him even if he does.

That's just how difficult his life has been since he was born. He wouldn't feel anything even when he killed someone for the first time, this is the result of his horrible life for the past 20 years since he was born.


He was wondering which direction he should go in when he suddenly heard a loud roar from behind him, causing him to spin around. He instantly saw something similar to a tiger staring straight at him, but this thing is at least 10 meters tall!

Shocked, but not frozen, Yu Fan retrieved the dagger from his Inventory and watched the monster closely. He has always been able to see the weak spot of anybody he looked at since he was young, which is what allowed him to survive all this time and win the fights he had.

Although he didn't kill anybody in those fights, he injured them badly by targeting their weak spots in the fights he participated in, causing many of those people to fear him and not want to fight against him for anything again.

This monster is no different. He instantly spotted the weak spot on it's body, which is on the left side of it's huge body. The monster growled and rushed straight at Yu Fan, causing the wind to shriek due to it's speed.

Already foreseeing this monsters speed being high, Yu Fan tightened the hold on his dagger and counted down before jumping towards the left, dodging a paw swipe by the monster, causing it to hit the ground instead.

Wasting no time, Yu Fan stabbed his dagger straight at the weak point he found on the monsters body as fast as he could. His dagger cleanly cut through the skin of the monster and stabbed into the weak point on it's body, causing it to freeze up.

Yu Fan was somewhat shocked when the monster froze up, but he was just about to stab it again when it suddenly fell onto the ground, much to his surprise. He thought it was still alive, but looking at it closer, he realized it was already dead.

[Ding! Host has killed his first monster and obtained 20 points, 3 Stat Points and 10 Lifespan!]

"System, why did it die instantly?"

[Ding! Host has a special ability to find the weak point, which Host knows. But what Host doesn't know is that those weak points are actually the core of each being. If Host hits them hard enough, the person or monster hit there will instantly die!]

Yu Fan was stunned. Thinking back to all those times he attacked the weak points on those people in the past, his back was full of cold sweat. If he hit a bit harder and one of those people ended up dying, wouldn't he of ended up in jail?

Thinking about it made Yu Fan glad that he never used a weapon in any fights and never used his full strength! If he killed someone and was sent to jail because of it, he wouldn't of ever obtained this System and would probably still be in jail somewhere.

"Wait, you said I obtained stuff for killing the monster?"

[Ding! Host will obtain Points, Stat Points and Lifespan for each person or monster he kills, even if it isn't in the Mysterious Realm!]

"Well that is good, I guess."

Yu Fan was a bit surprised but accepted it quite easily. After all, getting experience and gold for killing monsters in games is the norm, this isn't much different from that, it is just in real life instead and he doesn't get experience and gold, instead he gets points, stat points and lifespan.

Yu Fan looked at his 3 Stat Points and decided to put all 3 into Agility. He chose Agility over the other stats because if he can raise how fast he moves, he would be able to target the weak points of all the monsters and people much easier than normally.


[Status Screen:

-Name: Yu Fan

-Gender: Male

-Race: Human

-Age: 20

-System Level: 1

-Strength: 10/300

-Dexterity: 10/300

-Agility: 13/300

-Endurance: 10/300

-Vitality: 10/300

-Charm: 10/50

-Luck: 10/50

-Points: 120

-Stat Points: 0

-Lifespan: 110/???

-Missions Completed: 0

-Missions Failed: 0

-Inventory: 1 million Yuan, Common Grade Dagger

-Skills: Immortal(Passive)]

Yu Fan didn't bother collecting the monster corpse because the System told him that he can't eat it or else he will get poisoned from it, so he just left it where it died for some other monster to eat it instead of him.

He decided to walk in the opposite direction that the monster came from, so he calmly began walking North according to the System. According to the System, there are millions of monster in the Mysterious Realm, so he was surprised when he didn't come across a single monster even after a few hours of walking.

He did notice a few dusty objects on the ground that he looked at, most of them being broken weapons and torn and bloody clothes, so he just ignored them. He didn't see any human corpses or monster corpses, so he was a bit surprised and decided to ask the System.

'System, why have I not come across a single monster even after these few hours?'

[Ding! I am not sure, Host. Maybe the monsters in this area are all dead or are fighting somewhere else. It is good for Host this way, since Host has a high chance to die in the Mysterious Realm with his weak strength.]

Yu Fan was annoyed by the comment of the System but it was the truth. Just the monster he killed a few hours ago he could barely see, and according to the System that was only a level 1 monster! In the Mysterious Realm, the levels for monsters and people go from level 1 to level 10.

Level 1 monsters and people are completely weak, and always die. As for level 2 monsters or humans, according to the System, they kill could him before he could even react to them, which made him shocked.

He knew he was weak, but he didn't think he was that weak! Apparently, that System Level thing in his Status is his level for the Mysterious Realm. Since it says 1, then he is the weakest level 1 in this Mysterious Realm, making everything dangerous for him.

Luckily for him the monster he came across when he just came here was just a level 1 monster, or else he would of died and lost 90 of his total Lifespan, leaving him with only 10. Instead, he killed it and increased his total Lifespan to 110 instead of 100.

He was about to pick up another dusty thing off the ground that looked like a weapon or something similar when he suddenly felt a freezing aura target his body, making him subconsciously look up and he started shivering.

In front of him was a monster smaller than that level 1 monster he killed earlier, but he could tell instantly that this monster was multiple times stronger than the monster he killed earlier. Although it isn't quite at level 2 yet, it is definitely at the peak of level 1!

The monster wasted no time and disappeared from where it was standing before, appearing behind Yu Fan while biting towards his head. Shocked, Yu Fan rolled on the ground and narrowly dodged having his head bitten off by the monster.

He was completely shocked by the speed of this monster, and it isn't even level 2 yet! No wonder the System said he would die instantly if he encountered a level 2! He could barely even dodge this monster's attack and nearly died right away.

He brought his dagger out from the Inventory and stared at the peak level 1 monster, finding the weak point of it to be on the top of it's body, in them middle of it's back. Seeing the spot, Yu Fan felt depressed.

How the heck is he supposed to kill it when the weak point is on it's back! The darn thing is way faster than him and way stronger than him! He complained inwardly as he dodged another attack from the beast, but he still got injured on his back, leaving a few bloody marks on it.


Yu Fan hissed in pain as he felt the burning feeling on his back, telling him he was injured already. He was annoyed and spotted something which he could make use off, causing him eyes to light up. He dodged the attack from the monster again and instantly ran in the opposite direction, running straight towards a large boulder.

The monster was running after him and appeared behind him in less than a second, but luckily he was already where he wanted to be. He dropped to the ground and rolled to the side, making the monster pass over his body and smashing into the massive boulder.

The boulder broke into pieces due to the monster crashing into it, and it got buried under the rubble of the massive boulder. Yu Fan could see that the monster was climbing out of the rubble slowly with a few small injuries on it's body.

Giving it no chance to get out, Yu Fan instantly jumped onto the back of the monster and stabbed his dagger into the weak point in the middle of it's back, causing it to freeze up and fall back onto the ground, much to his relief.

[Ding! Host has killed a Peak Level 1 Monster and obtained 30 Points, 5 Stat Points and 20 Lifespan.]

"Hahahaha, I actually managed to kill it!"

Yu Fan laughed excitedly while looking at the dead peak level 1 monster he is sitting on, and finally relaxed, feeling the massive pain on his back from the wounds he got from that attack earlier from the monster.

[Ding! Host is recommended to put 3 Stat Points into Vitality.]

Yu Fan wastes no time in doing so, putting 3 of his Stat Points into Vitality and the other 2 into Agility. Instantly, he flt his wounds starts closing up and after a few minutes there were only scars and a bit of blood left on his back.

In complete awe at the efficiency of this healing, he was glad that he listened to the System and put 3 points into Vitality. He was originally going to see if he could buy a medicine from the Shop with his points, but this is even better for him.


[Status Screen:

-Name: Yu Fan

-Gender: Male

-Race: Human

-Age: 20

-System Level: 1

-Strength: 10/300

-Dexterity: 10/300

-Agility: 15/300

-Endurance: 10/300

-Vitality: 13/300

-Charm: 10/50

-Luck: 10/50

-Points: 150

-Stat Points: 0

-Lifespan: 130/???

-Missions Completed: 0

-Missions Failed: 0

-Inventory: 1 million Yuan, Common Grade Dagger

-Skills: Immortal(Passive)]

Glad that he isn't injured any more, Yu Fan opted to remove his ripped shirt and threw it onto the ground. He had no use for a ruined shirt, and it is extremely hot in the Mysterious Realm anyways. He looks at the dead monster and continues walking in his original direction.

Next chapter