
Brother Ivan Should Give Up The Women Of Harmonious Blossom.

"Yes, you did it" Roland is full of smiles, it is a success!

"Hahaha little pervert you did it" Hanna chuckled and praised which shock Liam.

'She's WEIRD and SUS!'

"Congratulations junior brother" Maya smiled.

Hearing the praises and seeing the smile on his senior brother and sisters' face, Liam smiled as he confirmed that he has succeeded!

"Thank you…" Knowing that he has succeeded, the last bit of willpower he had dissipate like when a gust of wind blow away a pile of ash And he barely managed to finish his words when he collapse and fainted on the spot.

"He really is tough" Maya said while looking at the body of Liam that is on the ground, motionless.

"One of us needed to tell his roommates that He will not be with them for a day" Roland suddenly said.

"Hanna" Maya quickly said.

"I am in a bad mood, I can slam another person's head if I am to go, no way I am going no matter what you will say" Hanna refused.

"Why don't you, Roland go?" Hanna asked.

"My appearance is creepy, a very pale dude and quite skinny as well" Roland stated in a matter of fact tone, it will be the worst choice. If he is to go!

It remained only one option, both Roland and Hanna turn and look at Maya…

"Oh my… *sigh*… I will go" Maya agreed after sighing.

"Hanna you said that he is with the group of weirdoes that lack a dormitory, right?" Maya asked.

"Yes, he is" Hanna replied.

"Alright, there an interesting one among them, I will be on my way. See you later!" Maya waved her hand and walk out.

"We are going to clean this mess…" Hanna heave a dramatic sigh.

"You are saying our bro collapsed but he is alright and he will not be here for a day?" David asked with a dark expression.

"Yup! The little guy has managed to succeed but he won't be able to come back here for a while" Maya answered in her usual playful tone.

"You weirdoes… what are you planning on doing to him?" Kevin asked.

"Hey! Shut up" Maya is a little annoyed at this weird guy calling them weird At least they have a branch but he lack a dormitory and a branch as well!

"However you look at it, your little friend needs our help as we all practice similar cultivation techniques.

So if you are mentally stable and considerate, you will see that it is more beneficial if he stays with us" Maya shrugged at the end as if to indicate one of them is mentally unstable.

"Yes, she is right. Since Liam has decided to cultivate the same technique as them, he has to live with them as well. He needs their help especially when he recently breakthrough and it is his first time breaking through on the path of poison type cultivation, they can help him stabilize his realm" Ivan explained.

"See? This gentleman understood our good intentions" Maya giggled and attempted to put her hand on Ivan's shoulder which he smoothly escaped from.

"Tsk, alright" Now David and Kevin are both convinced.

"It's not Like you can refuse anyway, we can just keep him and you won't be able to take him away. It is our show of goodwill that we decided to inform you guys, right my guy?" She asked while looking at Ivan.

"Bro, this girl is a demoness, just quickly finish this so that she can finally leave" Ivan whispered.

David nodded his head and said, "Alright, we appreciate it"

"Yes, we appreciate your 'good will' tsk" Kevin clicked his tongue in annoyance while saying the 'good will' part in a sarcastic tone.

"Hahahah good, good" Maya giggled and poke Ivan's head which caught him off-guard and thus, he is unable to dodge, she grinned and left the stunned Ivan!

"Ivan, ready yourself because you just piqued a demonic lady's interest" Kevin grinned.

"You have my apologies in advance hahaha" David burst into laughter and leave the stun Ivan alone!

"Get your asses back here you morons, how is this love?!" Ivan is finally out of it and shouted towards his friends, he can't believe they will do this to him!

"Hahaha, David, I think he should let go of his dream of joining Harmonious Blossom branch" Kevin said with a grin.

"Yes yes brother, I agree with you. He wants the calm, kind and silent ladies of the Harmonious Blossom but he just piqued the interest of a wild and noisy lady of Black Rose branch" David laughed once more.

"You should really be careful whenever you get intimate… poison hahaha" Kevin burst into laughter again while ignoring Ivan's shout.

"Oi bro, aren't you a relationship destroyer? Just let him be, the power of love will protect our brother Ivan"

Crazy •__•

Usfal_Aizencreators' thoughts
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