
Immortal Swordsman ( Douluo Dalu)

The guy woke up in the Martial Continent, which path would he choose and which side would he take?

Morgan_Slizerin · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Pov Yunhua

After my daughter awakened her innate power at level 5, I was overjoyed. I tried to get more resources for her from the Spirit Temple where I serve, and after a year and a half, she finally broke through to rank 10. We went to the Star Dou Forest to get her first Spirit Ring. Since we live in a city near the forest, we didn't go to another, less dangerous forest. I didn't plan to go deep, but in search of a suitable ring, we saw a herd of thousand-year beasts. I regretted not asking anyone to help us hunt, and now we'll just perish here. Suddenly, I noticed a boy about the same age as my daughter. Since we were surrounded, let this boy at least escape. I told him to run, but he didn't listen to me and released his martial soul and domain. I only read about them; they say only strong martial souls can have their own domains, and seeing two thousand-year spirit rings, I was shocked. This boy must be from a very strong family. Even Daddy Cang, Renshui, who, as rumors have it, was born with an innate power of level 20, didn't have the first thousand-year spirit rings. Such a genius should not be alone in the forest. Then I had hope, but when I saw him kill one of the wolves himself, I realized that maybe he was alone or his elder didn't show up because he didn't see the threat. I activated my martial soul and hurried to help. When we fought the beasts, I realized how weak I was. The eight-year-old boy covered me, and he received more wounds than me because of that. After our victory, he gave me some pills that restored my strength and healed my wounds. I have never heard of such things, making him even more mysterious. When he said that the path I had chosen for my daughter was wrong and he suggested making strong attacks and agility, even though our martial souls weren't strong... But this boy must be from a big family, so he must know what he's talking about. If not for him, we would have perished. Now we're going to look for spirit beasts for Suli.

For several days, we searched for soul beasts. There were many beasts that were quite good, and Yunhua was ready to let her daughter Su Li devour their soul ring, but I said that they weren't of good enough quality, and if she wanted her daughter to become stronger, we needed to continue searching. During these days, we grew a bit closer, especially with Su Li. She always tries to talk to me.

I got to know Yunhua a bit better, and it turns out she's from the Spirit Hall. Although she doesn't hold a high position, her daughter hasn't joined the Spirit Hall yet and attends the junior academy.

After several hours of searching, I saw a spider with a human face. I thought this spirit beast would be suitable - it has very powerful attacks and strong poison.

"Su Li, we found your first soul ring. Wait a bit, I'll neutralize it now."

"Okay, Brother Akashi!"

I attacked the spider, and after some resistance, it lay without legs.

"Su Li, hurry up and kill it."

She approached the spider, took out the knife I gave her, and stabbed it in the head.

"Now, devour the soul ring."

"Su Li, just be careful. This spider is 400 years old."

"Okay, Mom! I'll be careful."

After that, she sat down and began to devour the ring.

"Akashi, where will you go after Su Li devours the soul ring?"

"I don't know. I was thinking of taking a break from training and checking out nearby settlements."

"Then I invite you to visit me. Su Li likes you, and neither I nor Su Li will tell anyone about the age of your rings."

"Great, then I accept your invitation."

Half an hour later, Su Li successfully devoured the soul ring. Her first skill is a soul-devouring strike. It's a powerful skill whose attacks are also poisoned.

After Suli received the spirit ring, we headed to the city where they live. It's a small town that's almost on the edge of the forest.

I currently have a few active missions from the system: to reach level 30 and obtain a spirit ring within 2 years, and to gain 90% favorability from one person. The system also opened a favorability counter, which ranges from -100% to 100%. At 100%, the person is willing to do anything, even if I tell them to kill themselves, while at -100%, the person will only live to think about how to kill the person they hate. Right now, I've reached 60% with Suli, who has fallen in love with me, and 55% with Yunhua. The fact that I saved them and helped them in the hunt for the ring is bearing fruit. I think that as long as I live with them, I can reach 90% with both of them. The reward for this mission is 100,000 BO, which is very good. Also, during this time, I found out that I receive BO for killing soul masters, and the higher the rank, the more BO I receive. Nevertheless, I'll need to go to the city of Boyni at some point.