
Chapter One

  It was the peak of the Technological era. With increasing technology and advancements in the Scientific areas, the world's leaders turned their blades on their fellow man. But the previous world war that occurred two hundred years ago was too costly. During the twenty years the war lasted, Hundreds of millions of people were killed with thousands of cities razed to the ground. Billions after billions were channelled into the war effort as each country leaders of the past sought to win the war. With the tragedy of the past war, the leaders of the world came together to make peace. But peace like all good things, never last. 200 years later, this generation of leaders were born after the war and never knew the tragedy of the world war and the two-hundred-year peace began to crumble. 

  But no leader is foolish and though they never knew the war first-hand, they knew the brutality from the figures and media left behind. 

  In order to avoid a large-scale war like the previous one, the nations of the world began to develop an ultimate weapon to fight against their neighbours. Some used their citizens tax to create the ultimate technology, Some gathered scientist to create a biological horror, some turned to the mystic arts and sought power from ancient beings, Some hosted tournaments to select the most powerful warrior across the globe and some nations decided to create a single soldier from the corpse of countless.

The Republic of Miagrez was a small country on the Eastern Continent. Though a small country, the greed of its leaders was the inverse of its size. Despite their lacking finances and technology, they too began to create a superweapon to participate in the upcoming war.

  In the year 1922 of the Technological calendar, Miagrez launched a secret project to create the ultimate warrior. Ten thousand children were biologically enhanced and forced into a survival game on an island where only the last individual surviving would be able to leave the island. 

  The project lasted six years and only a single boy survived. But the news got out and the country was eventually destroyed by her neighbours. The survivor mysteriously disappeared and no amount of investigation revealed his whereabouts. 

  Eventually, the clamour over the incident died out and it became old news. The event may have faded from the surface of people's mind, the name of the project was still enough to give people a chill. The task of creating a single warrior from the blood of thousands, the project was called BLOODCHILD.

   "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Maru looked at the girl by his side as she stared at the moon. Moonlight falling from the sky illuminated her silver coloured hair making it seem like it was countless strands of the metal shining in the night "Yes, it is" He replied keeping his other thought close to his chest 'But not as much as you'. Maru wasn't a coward, but he knew that if he said those words, his resolve strengthened over the years would crumble in an instant" Maru" The girl turned to face Maru her eyes meeting his "What's up, Sakya" Though he Had been caught staring, Maru didn't panic or shy away like he did when it first happened. Instead, he smiled at her, conveying his emotions in that smile. The unspoken rule of their relationship was that neither of them were allowed to make any declaration of love even if they were aware of what the other felt. They knew what the other felt and acknowledged it so they could technically be called lovers. But the environment they were in did not allow for love "Maru, when the time comes, please strike to kill" No, Survival was the only thing allowed here.

  "Good morning, did you dream good dreams" A voice broke through darkness of Maru's sleep bringing him back to the land of the living. As his eyes opened up, he found himself in a dark room with something tying him down to the chair he currently sat on. As he located the voice that called out to him, he found a white-haired lady wearing an eye patch over her left eye leaving her green right eye exposed. Her dark chocolate skin almost made her blend into the darkness of the room with her white hair and glowing green eyes declaring their presence in the room. Though Maru thought it was the darkness that made it seem that way. "You seem fine. Thank goodness, you seemed like you would have been asleep forever" As she Maru open his eyes, the white-haired woman breathed out a sigh of relief "Who are you? Where am I?" Maru ignored her and made an effort to stand up before falling back into the chair "Ah wait just a moment." Maru heard a snap and countless candle lit up the room banishing the darkness away. Maru looked down and found what was binding him. Thick chains wrapped around Maru and the chair before digging into the ground "What is this?" "I wouldn't recommend standing up. Well not that you can anyways. Okay, listen up" The woman noticed Maru's confusion and clapped her hands bringing his attention back to her "Maru Hollows, the Congress have decided to execute you"

  "Six years ago, on the 14th of Talafet, 1922, the Republic of Miagrez Launched an insidious project where they planned to sacrifice nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine children as feed to create the ultimate soldier. To this end, children were kidnapped not only from the country but even outside the country. They were eventually exposed by the Congress but it was already too late, the project was already complete with the last survivor found in the wreckage of the island where the project was carried out. The public found out and the nation faced heavy critism and was eventually dissolved and absorbed into the surrounding countries. The dead were mourned and families grieved and life went on. To the public, the incident was already over. But Maru, things are just beginning for you as the decision on what to do with you was troublesome.

  The Congress of old farts united are a group of individuals who seek to protect the humanity from threats far beyond what they can handle. I guess they can be considered partially a governmental organization due to the fact that most of its members play an active role in the various governments of the world. Due to their effort the potential world war was averted. Now those big shots have determined you to be a threat to the world because of the powers you possess. Any ideas on what that could be, Maru?" After Maru calmed down, White Hair (Maru nicknamed her that because she seemed to have no intention of introducing herself.) began her recounting the events that led to his execution. At her question, Maru shook his head "Before I was kidnapped, I lived an ordinary life. I guess you could have called me a shut in but nothing out of the ordinary."

"Okay, let's begin explanation number two. Buckle up your chains because this is going to take a while" White Hair cleared her throat and continued "A couple of hundreds of billions of years ago, the universe came into existence with a bang. Stars formed, atoms bonded, planets were created and Laws were stated. The Laws stated by the universe controlled everything in the universe from the formation of stars to the formation of a molecule. They are the reason why water wets objects, why fire burns to even why nuclear reactions occur. Under normal circumstances, the universe Laws are invisible and only their effects can observe. Under normal circumstances, that is.

  Like all systems, the universe Law system is not perfect so some individuals can create their own Laws based off the universe's own and use it to bend reality to their will. Beings who possess this ability are called Law Holders or Holders for short. Holders possess a myriad of powers from moving mountains to dismantling molecules to flying at supersonic speeds. The 'gods' from our myths were just a bunch of powerful Holders who wanted to be worshipped and praised. As for why you need to be executed, it's probably because of the Law you mastered. The Death Laws are one of the most dangerous and destructive Laws in existence which is why mastering it makes you one of the most dangerous individuals in the world. As you know, death signifies the end of something which means as a Holder of the Laws of Death, you can bring an 'end' to anything - Lives, attacks, fates, luck and even a planet. Though it's very difficult to reach that level. So that makes you very dangerous, you see? Which is why the Congress decided to kill you right away but I came up with a little idea. Have you ever heard...? No, you already fought one already and even killed it." 

  Upon hearing her words, the scenes of Maru's final fight on the island came to his mind and did her death

  "Zenith of the 72 immortals that descended upon this land is dead courtesy you."

  It was the peak of the Technological era. With increasing technology and advancements in the Scientific areas, the world's leaders turned their blades on their fellow man. But the previous world war that occurred two hundred years ago was too costly. During the twenty years the war lasted, Hundreds of millions of people were killed with thousands of cities razed to the ground. Billions after billions were channelled into the war effort as each country leaders of the past sought to win the war. With the tragedy of the past war, the leaders of the world came together to make peace. But peace like all good things, never last. 200 years later, this generation of leaders were born after the war and never knew the tragedy of the world war and the two-hundred-year peace began to crumble. 

  But no leader is foolish and though they never knew the war first-hand, they knew the brutality from the figures and media left behind. 

  In order to avoid a large-scale war like the previous one, the nations of the world began to develop an ultimate weapon to fight against their neighbours. Some used their citizens tax to create the ultimate technology, Some gathered scientist to create a biological horror, some turned to the mystic arts and sought power from ancient beings, Some hosted tournaments to select the most powerful warrior across the globe and some nations decided to create a single soldier from the corpse of countless.

The Republic of Miagrez was a small country on the Eastern Continent. Though a small country, the greed of its leaders was the inverse of its size. Despite their lacking finances and technology, they too began to create a superweapon to participate in the upcoming war.

  In the year 1922 of the Technological calendar, Miagrez launched a secret project to create the ultimate warrior. Ten thousand children were biologically enhanced and forced into a survival game on an island where only the last individual surviving would be able to leave the island. 

  The project lasted six years and only a single boy survived. But the news got out and the country was eventually destroyed by her neighbours. The survivor mysteriously disappeared and no amount of investigation revealed his whereabouts. 

  Eventually, the clamour over the incident died out and it became old news. The event may have faded from the surface of people's mind, the name of the project was still enough to give people a chill. The task of creating a single warrior from the blood of thousands, the project was called BLOODCHILD.

   "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Maru looked at the girl by his side as she stared at the moon. Moonlight falling from the sky illuminated her silver coloured hair making it seem like it was countless strands of the metal shining in the night "Yes, it is" He replied keeping his other thought close to his chest 'But not as much as you'. Maru wasn't a coward, but he knew that if he said those words, his resolve strengthened over the years would crumble in an instant" Maru" The girl turned to face Maru her eyes meeting his "What's up, Sakya" Though he Had been caught staring, Maru didn't panic or shy away like he did when it first happened. Instead, he smiled at her, conveying his emotions in that smile. The unspoken rule of their relationship was that neither of them were allowed to make any declaration of love even if they were aware of what the other felt. They knew what the other felt and acknowledged it so they could technically be called lovers. But the environment they were in did not allow for love "Maru, when the time comes, please strike to kill" No, Survival was the only thing allowed here.

  "Good morning, did you dream good dreams" A voice broke through darkness of Maru's sleep bringing him back to the land of the living. As his eyes opened up, he found himself in a dark room with something tying him down to the chair he currently sat on. As he located the voice that called out to him, he found a white-haired lady wearing an eye patch over her left eye leaving her green right eye exposed. Her dark chocolate skin almost made her blend into the darkness of the room with her white hair and glowing green eyes declaring their presence in the room. Though Maru thought it was the darkness that made it seem that way. "You seem fine. Thank goodness, you seemed like you would have been asleep forever" As she Maru open his eyes, the white-haired woman breathed out a sigh of relief "Who are you? Where am I?" Maru ignored her and made an effort to stand up before falling back into the chair "Ah wait just a moment." Maru heard a snap and countless candle lit up the room banishing the darkness away. Maru looked down and found what was binding him. Thick chains wrapped around Maru and the chair before digging into the ground "What is this?" "I wouldn't recommend standing up. Well not that you can anyways. Okay, listen up" The woman noticed Maru's confusion and clapped her hands bringing his attention back to her "Maru Hollows, the Congress have decided to execute you"

  "Six years ago, on the 14th of Talafet, 1922, the Republic of Miagrez Launched an insidious project where they planned to sacrifice nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine children as feed to create the ultimate soldier. To this end, children were kidnapped not only from the country but even outside the country. They were eventually exposed by the Congress but it was already too late, the project was already complete with the last survivor found in the wreckage of the island where the project was carried out. The public found out and the nation faced heavy critism and was eventually dissolved and absorbed into the surrounding countries. The dead were mourned and families grieved and life went on. To the public, the incident was already over. But Maru, things are just beginning for you as the decision on what to do with you was troublesome.

  The Congress of old farts united are a group of individuals who seek to protect the humanity from threats far beyond what they can handle. I guess they can be considered partially a governmental organization due to the fact that most of its members play an active role in the various governments of the world. Due to their effort the potential world war was averted. Now those big shots have determined you to be a threat to the world because of the powers you possess. Any ideas on what that could be, Maru?" After Maru calmed down, White Hair (Maru nicknamed her that because she seemed to have no intention of introducing herself.) began her recounting the events that led to his execution. At her question, Maru shook his head "Before I was kidnapped, I lived an ordinary life. I guess you could have called me a shut in but nothing out of the ordinary."

"Okay, let's begin explanation number two. Buckle up your chains because this is going to take a while" White Hair cleared her throat and continued "A couple of hundreds of billions of years ago, the universe came into existence with a bang. Stars formed, atoms bonded, planets were created and Laws were stated. The Laws stated by the universe controlled everything in the universe from the formation of stars to the formation of a molecule. They are the reason why water wets objects, why fire burns to even why nuclear reactions occur. Under normal circumstances, the universe Laws are invisible and only their effects can observe. Under normal circumstances, that is.

  Like all systems, the universe Law system is not perfect so some individuals can create their own Laws based off the universe's own and use it to bend reality to their will. Beings who possess this ability are called Law Holders or Holders for short. Holders possess a myriad of powers from moving mountains to dismantling molecules to flying at supersonic speeds. The 'gods' from our myths were just a bunch of powerful Holders who wanted to be worshipped and praised. As for why you need to be executed, it's probably because of the Law you mastered. The Death Laws are one of the most dangerous and destructive Laws in existence which is why mastering it makes you one of the most dangerous individuals in the world. As you know, death signifies the end of something which means as a Holder of the Laws of Death, you can bring an 'end' to anything - Lives, attacks, fates, luck and even a planet. Though it's very difficult to reach that level. So that makes you very dangerous, you see? Which is why the Congress decided to kill you right away but I came up with a little idea. Have you ever heard...? No, you already fought one already and even killed it." 

  Upon hearing her words, the scenes of Maru's final fight on the island came to his mind and did her death

  "Zenith of the 72 immortals that descended upon this land is dead courtesy you."

Next chapter