
Chapter 12

While in the Bayville College, Jean was accompanying the new mutant in town. She knew that Naruto was on the scene so didn't hold back her powers and let him clear the scene.

'I hope he doesn't make a scene.' Jean wasn't only afraid of Fred and The Brotherhood but also of Naruto as she was unsure what he might do

She looked at the older man walking around casually as if he owned the place and Jean knew that's what he thought since they had time to talk over the weekend.

By his side was Rogue, she had grown closer to Naruto as each day passed on as he was really nice to hang out with. She wasn't the only one since even Jean felt the same way and the others around them.

It was the Proof of his mastery of the communication skills.

'I don't know how he does it. Even I can sense emotions and thoughts but I don't get the same results.' Jean thought as she had even started taking classes from him about his communication skills and teaching skills as they were the most effective she had ever seen in her life.

'He makes every moment seem so natural and enjoyable when you are with him. It doesn't feel boring and all negative thoughts disappear around him.' Jean was not realizing that her thoughts had been focused on Naruto since the night they met. He was her teacher and a guardian towards her people but especially since he was also a strapping man.

He was the type she liked so he was easy on the eyes just like Scott and Logan. She had yet to date anyone because training and studying had been her life but Scott pursued her and she felt something for him.

Jean was unsure how to go about it since her emotions weren't as strong as Scott.

"Jean, are you listening?" Fred asked as he was sitting with Jean in the mess hall during lunch while the others of the group gave Fred some space

"Yes, of course. I found your tale about jumping from a mountain very interesting. You are very strong, Fred. I hope we can work together and help others in need, people in poor conditions." Jean focused on him and opened gently like a teacher guiding his pupil

"Hehe, I am strong. I will definitely protect you, Jean." Fred smiled shyly at getting praised

"Good and I will make sure to help you fit into society and make more friends."

Fred nodded and his eyes shifted to a man watching them, "Is he one of us? He is calling me."

Jean looked back where Fred pointed and saw Naruto waving at them, "He is a friend, and you can trust him."

Jean kept her expression neutral as she could see that Fred was a sensitive guy and might be prone to jealous fits as Naruto had informed her already when she passed him.

Fred stared at Naruto and remembered the description about the unknown man that had come across the brotherhood.

'He is supposed to be really strong. If I can beat him then I can prove that I am better and Jean might like me.'

A simple thought process of a man of violence so Fred got up from his seat and was about to throw it at Naruto.

"Relax" Before the chair could be picked up, Fred heard the voice and felt his body go limp

An immense pressure was projected on his body and he felt like death was a few inches away.

'So scary so scary'

'Sorry, sorry' Fred tried to scream but his voice wouldn't come out

"Naruto" Rogue held his hand and Fred fell down on the floor powerlessly

'Next time, don't try to be violent. Learn that there are people beyond you. Also that would have made Jean unhappy, if you want to make her happy than become a good person. Help her when she asks and help others in trouble without being asked.' Naruto advised as he smiled at Rogue, he found it the experience warming his heart

'I guess this is a how family feels like.'

While Naruto was thinking of Rogue as family, Rogue was not really sure where she would put him but for now he was her best friend and master.

Jean massaged her head as she stood up to help Fred, "Are you okay?"

"I am fine" Fred managed to utter with difficulty and quietly sat down, he didn't talk for the rest for the break and ate without any trouble

'I guess this is better than the trouble that would have come without his presence.' Jean didn't fault Naruto for his reaction as the consequences of Fred's outburst could have been worst as people might have found about their mutant abilities.


"I really am curious, why you would be out in the open and so close to your rivals." Naruto muttered as he had entered the principal's office

"We have similar targets and it's not like we are trying to kill each other." Mystique in her real form wearing skimpy clothing spoke to Naruto in a calm tone while she stood up from her seat

"Heh, are you serious?" Naruto looked at her questioningly

"Of course, we were friends once."

"Were, is the main focus here." Naruto said as he knew that she had personally tried killing her previous friends many times

"Well you got me. I made some mistakes in the past but now I am trying to be better with the kids. What do you really want? You can read my mind." She asked as she stood in front of him, barely inches away from his body

"Nothing, I just came to say hi. I hope we can work together and remember my offer." Naruto said as he whispered into her ears and hugged her body, his golden hand touched her full lips and Mystique didn't know what happened but she was on the floor dazed and Naruto had left

There was a puddle beneath her body, Mystique looked at the scene in shock and stammered like a kid at what she assumed happened.

'You shouldn't try seducing me. It's kind of impossible as I don't react to just the body.' Mystique heard his voice in her head as she felt clear headed

"That insufferable man" Mystique muttered in a frustrated tone


"I hope you listen to Jean and don't make trouble again." Naruto said in a neutral tone with an expressionless face as he patted Fred's shoulder causing the Blob some pain

Fred was sitting outside the College building as he had no class at the moment when the demon appeared near him like a ghost and whispered those words.

He was unable to do anything but nod; an instinctual fear had been carved into his soul as he interacted with the man.

Fred had never felt pain to this level and the fact that all his powers were useless, and that mere words were enough to kill him had destroyed his ego.

"Good boy" Naruto got up from the bench and walked away

"He is all yours, Jean. Butter him up and treat his broken soul." Naruto said as he passed by Jean with a smile that he had done a good deed

"Ughh" Jean suppressed her scream as she covered her face with her hands

'That insufferable man' Jean wanted to beat some sense into him.

'Why did he have to go to the extremes in everything?' Jean questioned and found no answer as she barely knew him

'Let's just focus on the current situation'

"Focus" Jean slapped her cheeks and smiled as she walked closer to Fred

"Hello, Fred. Are you feeling okay now?" Jean spoke in a gentle tone, her expressions showed concern for his well being that it brought instant smile to the Blob


"Naruto, what have I said about mind breaking people?" Kurama said as he tapped his claw on the table, which was part of the mindscape image

They were inside a class room and Naruto was sitting on the seat while Kurama was standing behind the desk.

"That I should avoid it unless it is necessary."

"And was it?" Kurama spoke pointedly

"Of course, I had no way to convince this strong minded kid otherwise."

"BULL SHIT" Kurama slammed his paw on the desk

"Relax, I am serious. Look at this pure soul of mine." Naruto replied as he extended his hand that glowed dark

"Its pitch black like your tongue, have you gone color blind now."

"Fine, I felt like having some fun." Naruto said proudly

"Okay, I am sorry and I won't do it again." Naruto apologized as he saw Kurama's expression


"Yes, I always keep my promises to you brother." Naruto replied as he got up and hugged Kurama, he knew that this was all for him but he just felt tired sometimes trying to act what he was not

"I know it is hard on you but you need this. I know how it feels to be alone and hated. 100/10, hated it." Kurama said as he looked into Naruto's eyes

"Fine, no need to go through a sob story." Naruto rubbed his head

"Do you think we have gone crazy?" Kurama asked as he lay in his arms

"Why would you think that?"

"I don't know, maybe this situation." Kurama felt weird

"You are just imagining, its normal to act a play with your brother."

"Yeah, you are right. I might be seeing things….Wait a bloody minute, when did this start?"

"When did what?"

"This, how did we end up playing like kids?"

"Maybe the insane amount of training got to us."

"We might need some therapy."

"Nah, I will go and get myself a lap pillow on those thicc thighs while you can sleep on my head like usual and enjoy the ride."

"Thicc thighs save lives" Kurama gave a toothy smile and a thumps up

"You got me bro" Thumps up from Naruto before he left the mental world


A.N Hope you enjoyed

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