
Chapter 11

It had been two days since Naruto had arrived in this new world and interacted with the X-Men. He had been a harsh and cruel teacher to the mutants that even Logan seemed nice to them but the few that followed his course saw the benefits.

They saw the improvement in their powers as Naruto could replicate everything they had; it was surprising and something to connect with. Bobby, Scott, Rogue, Peter, Kitty and Kurt had found themselves within his grasp along with Jean and Logan.

He was making them all capable fighters and even sorting out their lives. On the other hand the mission was also going well as Naruto and Hinata had gathered a lot of data that could help their world.

Naruto could easily send it back home but waited until more data was gathered since he couldn't keep on opening the portal again and again as it would be asking for someone to locate his home world.

Using Tony's data, Naruto was finally able finish up a proper armor for himself as he his world still hadn't developed a proper A.I. and nano technology.

Technology may have increased but most of the time things were not very user friendly and required strong users.

This armor was a nano armor made from a neutron star that was compressed even more that it was naturally, to grow its capabilities then turned into armor by making it into tiny pieces that moved together and formed overlapping structure so that the force was divided when hit and there was more than one rank to break through.

The armor was so heavy that not even Naruto could actually carry it as it weighed 1 trillion tonnes and had its own gravitational field that was even enhanced to disturb the movement of the enemies.

The only that could use it were Naruto and Hinata as that was how Naruto made it and used anti-gravity seals so there was no weight for the user.

The armor had many small seals to amplify its capabilities and was so damn strong that Naruto couldn't even scratch it. It required a solar system level of destruction to cause it become nothing.

It also provided intense speed mode that was higher than Naruto's original speed even without enhancing it with his own chakra and required Naruto to use super perception to full strength.

Super Perception was a skill that allowed the user to increase the mental strength and computation by max of 10 times. It was one the basic skills that Naruto had developed alongside multitasking that allowed the user to divide his mind into pieces to take care of multiple tasks and power dispersion that allowed the user to make shields that dispersed the power into small parts before they could arrive on the body. Many shields could be superimposed.

That skill was a complete cheat in Naruto's hand and anyone else that could make their body elemental, which means all the top rank fighters since their body could actually follow the command at that level.

This made them 10 times faster instantly but only three could use it directly for an attack while others used it to dodge or plan out moves.

With speed multiple times faster than light and with a mass of trillion tonnes, the force of one punch would kill any threat especially since it had anti-regen and destruction seals.

With the armor completed and a weapon made from adamantium, Naruto and Hinata were armed to the teeth for any encounter.


"I appreciate your good behavior as a visitor."

Naruto walked into a study in a private house within a specific and safe region by travelling through space as he followed the scent of the energy he had extracted.

"It's nothing special and thank you for not treating me like a criminal, Stephen." Naruto replied with a relaxed smile as he walked closer to the man wearing casual clothes and extended his hand

"Were you snooping around?" Stephen smiled as he took the hand and stood up, giving Naruto a friendly hug

"Nothing much, just asked Charles." Naruto said as he separated and looked at him, he felt much better with Dr. Strange as he felt no fear for him and had no reason to fear him.

'It really is much better to stay with people of my league.'

'No, bad boy. Don't think like that. That's the giant ego talking.' Kurama had been working overtime these days and finally appreciated the fact that he was a being of energy and required no sleep

"Ah, yes. How could I forget our old friend, Charles?" Stephen found it ironic that a mind reader could have his mind read without any resistance

"You seem to be having fun. I thought you might be stressed out about the threat." Strange commented as he felt the aura of friendliness unlike the one of solitude

"Well, my partner wouldn't let me chill unless I made hundred friends so I am working on that goal and getting stressed out isn't my style. I like to take slowly and positively as negative mindset will only destroy me, not my enemies." Naruto replied as he slipped into a chair and relaxed like it was his place

"That is an interesting goal but how do you know if you actually made a friend." Stephen sat down and asked curiously, he knew about the abilities Naruto had shown but getting an explanation was better

"I can sense evil, good will and the feelings of the person. Plus I can read their minds and souls so it is pointless lying to me." Naruto didn't hide these abilities as he thought that Stephen would definitely ask for his help when he is open about some things

"That is very convenient. I guess you don't have to deal with the fear of traitors." Strange muttered with a thoughtful look as he looked at Naruto while tapping the table

"Sorry for being a bad host, would you like something to drink? Tea or something cold"

"Tea will do. So, what have you found?" Naruto replied as he glanced around the place filled with ancient and mystical knowledge

Stephen nodded, "Nothing good?"

"Anything interesting to share?" Naruto was now very much curious about what his new friend had learnt

Among the people he had met only two people had shown power to fight him, Sentry and Strange.

Sentry had more physical strength than him and Strange had that magic of his that could mess with him if they fought. It won't be a nice battle for the world that's for sure.

Hulk was also a suspect but that thing had zero chance of ever fighting him properly because it was a statue, and statues don't fight.

Then there was the being called Galactus that had visited this planet before so Naruto was unsure how that would end up going since no one had a clear idea of his power.

Naruto was clear cut solar destroyer as he had yet to create an attack that could destroy a galaxy and his normal moves could destroy stars while his physical attacks could destroy planets like they were crackers.

Regardless of his prowess, Naruto was sure about meeting all kinds of beings.

Strange looked at Naruto, the guy was unknown but really among the people he knew this man might be the most comfortable to hang out with.

He was clear with what he wanted and seemed genuinely nice. It was completely natural and he didn't show any fear either while knowing the level of his power.

No matter how close you are to someone, people start to fear and treat you differently when you have too much power on hand.

It was the reason Strange stayed away from those people and was happy living in the sanctuary with his wife, and lover.

Yes, Dr. Strange was the chad. He had a wife and a lover, not just any lover but the mother flipping sister of Dormammu.

Relaying the command, the tea was getting ready in the kitchen as his women were busy with other things, Strange took a seat.

"After meeting you and handling my fight in the mystic realm, I went to my master and talked to him about it. From him I heard the same things you said about them and he told me that they live at the center of this universe, in a personal dimension but they have a branch that connects to it from the center.

The Otsutsuki King has existed for unknown amount of time as nobody knows the exact date and his powers are vast. One thing is for sure if he wants us than we can never resist him.

Fortunately, The King has never been seen for a very long time and seems to sleep. His progeny on the other hand are like local tyrants that thrive on misery. They just enjoy causing chaos so they fight with some of the other immortal species or just mess around the various universes.

But what's alarming is that a group of them had come here long ago. There are clear depictions of their features in some old scriptures so humans had definitely seen them.

The problem is where they are and if my conclusion is right then we are in big trouble soon."

Listening to his words made Naruto serious as he heard the worst kind of news as his enemy just became a bigger threat than ever.

But the worst thing might that he might have just invited trouble for them. If the parasites were already here than they must have planted the tree already and it was no visible because of spatial techniques, meaning high class members.

It would also explain the interest of the planet eater for earth and it would also explain the birth of such strong monster on this planet.

The Otsutsuki might have been doing it on purpose to create mutations and then devour them to get new powers added to their list.

Kaguya had only released the potential of humans after her rebirth so it wouldn't be stretching it to conclude some other members had also noticed this thing and decided to harvest that potential since they were not in hurry or anything.

"So what do you propose?" Naruto smiled suggestively

"Let's join hands"

"Great but let's fight first, we need to know each together before we can work together." Naruto joined hands with him and chuckled as he thought about the Avengers

He had already expected such a thing so it would be fun seeing their expressions.

"I don't like fighting but I can't ignore your words either as your concerns are valid so I will make an exception and we can spar"

"In my pocket dimension after some tea and biscuits." Naruto finished as he sat back down

"Okay, we can also get in contact with Ghost Rider for this issue since he is a being of great strength."


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