It was dark outside and the only thing lighting up the sky was the full moon. I had nowhere to go as my father had just thrown me out of the house. I had done something so unforgivable and that was the last straw. "I'm sorry" I begged but no luck. I was now on my own. A seventeen year old girl who had hopes and dreams, now just a lost soul with no direction to go. Sitting outside the gates of my father's house and waiting for a sign as if my father would come with open arms and embrace me.  Unfortunately there is no sign of him coming.  Eventually I get up and take one last look at the place I grew up in and leave. Now I'm going in the opposite direction of the place I once called home. As I am walking, I try to leave behind the memories of the house and my father. I try to think as if I was never part of that house, but all of this is too overwhelming. As I continue to walk I try to clear my mind. Sadly all that keeps coming to my mind is my single father who raised me all my life and how he did it without my mother who I never knew since she died at my birth. The only way I knew she died was my father telling me and he only told me a few things about her. Father has always been a mysterious man. I knew he loved me but he would never show it. Sometimes I felt like he blamed me for my mother's death. I haven't heard much from my father about my mother. It's like she never existed in my father's life. At this point, I don't know how far I have walked. I'm so exhausted and I feel like I'm about to collapse any time. Just as I am about to do so, I see a house in the distance. I make my way closer to the house and make my way towards the entrance of the house. It's a wooden cottage and pretty small if you ask me. The house has nice big windows. From the outside you can see the house is illuminated with light. As I admire the house, suddenly the door opens on its own. Confused and a little bit creeped out at the weird action, my curiosity gets the best of me. Slowly poking my head inside the house, I see what it looks like. The inside is really pleasant and looks comfy. From where I'm standing I see a fire at the fireplace. Making the whole room glow, the fireplace makes the room even more beautiful. I slowly make my way inside. Cautiously calling for the owner, I'm serenaded by silence. Taking out my phone from my backpack, I notice that it is three in the morning. Shocked at how late it is, I wonder why no one seems to be home. Calling for the owner one more time, there is still no answer.  I slowly made my way to the stairs of the house. And now my feet begin moving up the stairs before my brain can process what I am doing. Quietly I look around the house and see that no one is home. As I'm about to go back down the stairs I notice a wooden door that has a lock on it. I'm very curious as to what is behind that door. Just as I'm about to explore the door my fatigue takes over my body. So I decide to leave the door alone and make my way back down the stairs. Setting my backpack on the chair and I noticed a pillow and blanket was laid on the couch. As soon as I lay down I fall asleep. The next morning I wake up to a boy staring at me. As I'm about to scream but he puts a finger to my lips and motions with his other hand to keep quiet. Staying quiet I oblige his request. As he looks into my eyes, I stare back into his dark orbs. Something about them put me in a trance like state. I slowly shake my head and move back from his touch. I wonder who this boy is and why he is here? Is he perhaps the owner of the house? As I'm  about to ask the question he says "Yes." as if he read my mind. I wanted to ask him what his name is, but before I can he continues to say "You may stay here as long as you need." And after that he leaves the room. I'm so curious and confused as to what happened. Who was that boy? What is his name? I wanted to know more. So I got up from the couch and looked everywhere for the boy but he disappeared into thin air. More questions fill my head as well as confusion. I have a headache from everything that has happened so far. Getting kicked out of my father's house, this house, the door opening on its own, the mysterious boy, and how he offered me to stay at the house for as long as I need. Slowly make my way to the kitchen and I get a glass of water to drink. I then sit down on the chair of the dining table and see a necklace. It has a ruby red crystal placed into the necklace and I wonder why this necklace is here and what's it for. Out of curiosity I put on the necklace and it starts glowing and something in me feels different. Suddenly I feel something magical in me. I notice how the necklace is now slowly rising and pointing in a direction and I follow the direction its leading me. Walking up the stairs, I'm led to the wooden door that is locked. The necklace slowly falls down and rests on my neck once again. I was confused as to why the necklace brought me to this door, The mysterious door that I found last night but was too tired to explore. But now here I am in front of this door and confused, lost, and curious. I look at the lock and see that it is in the shape of the crystal on the necklace. I take off the necklace and put the crystal in the lock. To my surprise the door opens and what I see next has my hair stick up. I see the same boy that disappeared earlier sitting in the chair at the desk. I'm so confused and scared at this moment. Suddenly, my body trembles with fear. I want to run away and never come back. I want to scream but nothing comes out. I start to breathe heavily and finally my brain and feet start working and I try to make my way out. But suddenly the boy quickly rushes to me with an unnatural speed closes the door and blocks me from the exit. "Please don't hurt me" I say as I back away. "I won't hurt you" the boy replied. Right now I don't know if I should trust him or not. My brain is telling me to find a way out of here. But my heart is telling me to stay and listen to what he has to say. Even though I'm scared, I go with my heart and decide to listen to what he has to say. "Oh-ok" I say in a frightened voice. He then nods and makes his way back to the chair at the desk and I follow him. Then I sit in the chair across from him. "Firstly, let me introduce myself, I'm Park Jimin. I'm here for your protection and guidance" Jimin says. I look at him confused. So many questions fill my mind like "What does he mean by protection and guidance?" Just as I'm about to ask him that question, he answers "You will find out soon." He then opens a drawer and pulls out a file with my name on it. Suddenly my curiosity takes over and I finally ask "Why do you have a file with my name on it?" He just looks me in the eyes and slowly passes the file towards me. "Read it, it will explain everything." Jimin says. As I look at the file I gulp. I'm scared to know what this file has to say about me and what information it has that I may or may not know about. With all my courage I open the file and the first thing I see on the file gives me goosebumps and puts me in shock.
