

Days, weeks, then months pass by as I start getting into a routine. Academy is pretty standard stuff. Math, reading and history, basic stuff really. Ive been going to the library on my spare time which means I'm in there all day until it closes, I learn all about the history of the village, how it was made and why. I take advantage of all my resources.

I only take a break to eat sleep and to go to the bathroom.

I've been know as a genius in my teachers eyes. I'm always the first one to finish my homework or the one that answers the questions. The kids don't bother me much but I'm a topic they talk about a lot. I've been invited to hang out with some of them, I accepts of course don't need to be seen as unapproachable, but I usually leave it after that. In their eyes I'm decent enough, I don't flaunt my intelligence.

I've been offered the chance to skip grades and that's where we are right now. After class was dismissed my Sensei told me to hang back because he wanted to talk about something.

He offered me a chance to skip grades because he noticed that everything he's teaching me I already know. So I'm in class all day looking bored.

"So Kakazu what do you say?"

My teacher Tento just gave me an offer to skip 2 grades ahead, the grade where all the ninja stuff starts to get taught.

I think about the cons and pros. On one hand I get to start to get taught ninja arts which is a big factor. On the other hand I'll be out the academy faster and I'll need to kill eventually. I was an ordinary guy, killing is a very big deal for me. I'm not gonna be able to shrug that off easily. But I'm gonna have to get used to murder. I'm in a world where child soldiers are the norm and people spitting fire is standard shit.

I eventually decided what I want to do. I gain a determined expression and say

Tento POV:

"So Kakazu what do you say?"

I look at the kid in front of me.

Black straight shoulder length hair that's been tied to the back of his head. His face is above average, will be a looker in the future. The kid wears a black form fitting long sleeved shirt and grey joggers with black bandage wraps on the ends and grey open toed ninja sandals.

'Nothing really stands out about him but he's unusually serious for his age and his eyes are kinda unusual'

I look at his eyes, jade green eyes with no pupils and the weird thing is his maroon sclera.

'Don't see that everyday' I thought.

'The way the kids turning out to be, those eyes of his will terrify a lot of his enemies.' I inwardly smirk at the thought.

'The kids a genius I can already tell, we'll have powerful shinobi one day if we groom him correctly'

As I think this the kids eyes suddenly take on a determined glint. The kid breathes in deep, looks me in the eyes and says

Kakazu POV:

"I'll do it" I say firmly

"Alrighty then fill in this form and once class start again you'll be transferred to the upper class."

I nod "Thank you Sensei for everything you taught me"

'Not that I didn't know it already' I thought, but let's not say that. I don't wanna make an enemy of a chuunin.

Tento nods "Don't worry about it kid, it's what I'm payed to do, and it's not like I had to do anything, it seemed like you knew this stuff already. Anyway get out of here brat, class starts up again in 3 weeks enjoy your break kid" he says as he start to get up and leave.

I follow soon after and start heading towards the library.

'The library has a lot of information about history and the basic shinobi arts. I've already the basic three jutsus in there and some d rank jutsus nothing suited for combat but useful anyway.'

'I've found the D rank jutsu Fire release: Small flame. Not suited for combat but useful for starting a campfire. D rank jutsu Earth release: Rabbit hole. Just a simple pit in the ground, good for making traps or things that need a hole in the ground. D rank jutsu Wind release: Summer breeze. A decently strong breeze that can be used to take out a small fire or distract enemies. D rank jutsu Water release: Water puddle. Releases a small amount of water enough for a puddle to form out your mouth. Useful for drinkable water or to support a lighting release by soaking ur enemies. D rank jutsu Lighting release: Nerve cluster. Generates a small amount of lighting on your palm, useful for paralyzing your enemies, but only for a second, not enough lightning can also do nothing to the target.

'I know 8 jutsus which is pretty good for an academy student. I've been experimenting on the 5 different chakra nature jutsus and the amount of chakra determines the amount I produce.'

'From my experiences in these jutsus I've wondered why ninjas don't just use these basic d rank jutsus and just increase the chakra they put into it. But from my experiments there is a limit on how much chakra I can add before the jutsus fuzzle out. That's why a d rank Fire release: Small flame jutsu could never match up to the famous Fire release: Great fireball jutsu.'

I arrive in the library and flash my ID towards the receptionist, she nods and I nod back. We've seen each other a lot, we've talked to each other sometimes, I ask for recommendations and she gives them to me, we have a nice and simple relationship.

"Hey kid how's it going?" She says

"Hello Nina-San, I just recently been offered a chance to skip grades, I accepted and start as a3rd year once school starts." I tell her this because it's not really a secret and besides I want to be known as a genius.

"Ahh you sure are dedicated kid, what's the plan for today?" She asks

"I've been looking for some other d ranks jutsus but I've only been able to find the 5 I showed you last time, so that means those 5 and the academy 3 are the only jutsus here?" I ask for a confirmation, because I don't want to look for shit that's not even there.

"Yes only 8 jutsus are in the public academy library and only students such as yourself can access them so you won't see civilians doing them anytime soon, but more jutsus are in the second floor, those are only for genin, the third floor is for chuunin and the village head and his trusted is responsible for anything higher than that." She informs me

"Ahh I see thank you for telling me this Nina-san." I say, I'm disappointed that I won't be learning anything new soon but I'll just look for anything interesting to know

"No problem kid, tell you what I'll let you borrow this book here, this isn't anything dangerous but it'll give you something to do" She gives me a book, the title is called 'Chakra Control and Benefits'

I take it from her hand and bow "Thank you Nina-san this will help me on my goal to become a great ninja one day" I politely smile before going over a table to read.

"No problem kid, and I'm glad to help" she says

As I go over to the table I think over what just happened, I look towards the book and think 'this isn't in the academy sections this must've come from the genin floor. Either Nina-san is breaking some rules for me or she's been ordered to offer me this. If it's the latter then my plan is already working, and I'm already given what I like to call 'genius privilege'. I doubt Nina-san cares for me that much to break the rules, she might get fired so it's highly likely it's the latter part of my guess.

I shrug and start reading over the book.

It's not like this isn't benefiting me, as long as I get my goldmine at the end then I'll stand out as much as I can, and when they eventually betray me all I can say is that I've been using them the whole time. I smile as I think of how powerful I'm going to be.

Nina POV:

I watch the kid walk away to his usual table.

'Unlucky kid, the village head is noticing the kids talent and they're grooming him to be they're weapon. I feel bad for the kid, all he's gonna know is blood shed. His whole life will be dedicated to the village.'

I inwardly shrug 'As long as it's the benefit for the village right?' I nod

I see the kid smile and for some reason a shiver rises up my spine. 'Weird, it isn't that cold in here.'

AN: Hope you guys like this chapter.

So! The mc has been standing out and the village head finally starts noticing him! He's been given a book to start grooming the mc to be thankful towards the village and gain his loyalty, but what the village doesn't know is that they're being manipulated. This is what the mc predicted all along!

Next chapter