

At age 36 Alex discovered energies around him, in atmosphere. And he opened his 'STAGE OF VIEW', with this help he managed to see many types of energy.

he managed find energies related to Chinese mythology namely as ki/qi, and energies related to ancient Europe namely mana etc.

But they were not the strongest energy present, so he decided to learn about them

| 1 Year |

After continuous research to energy around the earth, he found many powerfull energies among them top 3 were :

1) Primordial Energy : Energy related to ancient primodial god's, and they can innately cultivate that energy and become powerfull god. Each Omniverse has its own primodial embodiment for its relative power.

Property - ancient energy that made first sentinels that had his own consciousness .

2) Creation Energy : Energy that is related to creation god and goddess, and these beings were born from there universe

Property - this energy has many law (for example:- life, death, soul, space, time etc) and this energy has power of creation that can make anything as long as one has brain to do so

3) Origin Energy : Energy related to power of its origin for example origin of lust, origin of void, origin of soul, origin of love, origin of life and many more, as they are in every multiverse to balance its power

Property - no idea what to write ; P

After finding about these energy he decided to combine the energy that were top 3.

he began to research his energy and combine them to make something more powerfull. and more useful.

| 6 months later |

Finally he was successful combining energy so he named this energy as 'PCOE - PRIMORDIAL CREATION ORIGIN ENERGY' ( well i didn't try hard thinking so i named this energy, so i mixed appropriately )

and its properties were tremendously Overpowered : this is made after combining of top 3 most powerful energy and it has many abilities like 1)potential unlocked, 2)full immortal, 3)innate talent, 4)creation, 5) embodiment of law, 6)Evolution, 7) omniscient, 8)omnipotent, 9)omnipresence etc.

after creating appropriate cultivation manual for this energy, he decided to cultivate in the cave that he was living for 5 years.

| 2 years later l

In forest there was cave secluded from rest of the world, you can see man sitting on the floor and his looks were of early twenties, godly face and body that were sculpted by god's and his hair colour was silver bright and were waist long, this man was true perfection.

As you can see he is somewhat familiar by face as he was already handsome. he is alex demetri.

he open his eyes after long 2 years. as he was familiarising with his new body and began to control his power so not destroy earth

As didn't had cultivation knowledge he didn't know which stage he was In. As omniscient was his innate perk, he did receive all the knowledge of this universe and he decided to make system, as he was fan of lot of fan-fics made on novel, manga and movies.

with small amount of energy he decided to make system that has solely based on helping him, and making his life more fun.

| After 5 minutes |

[Thank you creator for making me in existence in the reality]

" no problem "

[ Would creator like to see status ]

" Ok show my status " said alex excitedly as one of his wish to get systen, never before he imagined he had made his own system that has is solely to help him

[ Status :

Name Alex Demetri

Age Immortal

Cultivation No information in this universe

Karma 63838 (X9999999999999999)

Info : An orphan scientist with highest IQ but also naive so government took advantage of this but he downplayed them and escaped and decided to take revenge ]

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