9 Chapter 7: Training Session

The small subregion nestled within the Snow Region of Extreme Ice presented a breathtaking spectacle. A vast expanse was blanketed in pure white snow, which shimmered under the gentle caress of sunlight. Majestic frozen trees stood tall, adorned with intricate ice formations that glinted like diamonds. The air carried a crisp and biting chill, enveloping the area in an ethereal silence.

In the center of this picturesque setting stood Xu, emanating an aura that commanded respect and admiration. Lingxi and Qingyue stood by her side, their breaths materializing as misty clouds in the frigid air. They were poised for an intense training session that would test their physical endurance and deepen their connection to the profound art of ice.

The training commenced with a series of warm-up exercises, encompassing stretching and mobility movements. Xu led the way, demonstrating each posture with grace and precision. Lingxi and Qingyue followed suit, their bodies gradually awakening to the demands of the training. The movements flowed seamlessly, their synchronized rhythm a testament to the growing unity between master and disciples.

As the warm-up drew to a close, Xu set a formidable goal for the day—a 100-kilometer jog across the snowy subregion. Lingxi, with her inherent athleticism and physical prowess, effortlessly took the lead. Her strides were both powerful and graceful, leaving behind a trail of footprints etched upon the pristine snow. On the other hand, Qingyue found herself struggling to keep pace.

Qingyue's self-imposed seclusion in her room and her singular focus on harnessing the energy of heaven had left her physical fitness lagging behind. She huffed and puffed across the icy expanse, the distance between her and Lingxi steadily increasing. Frustration painted her face with a rosy hue, contrasting starkly with the wintry surroundings. Yet, in the face of adversity, she refused to succumb.

In the distant sky, Xu's figure followed their progress, her gaze a mixture of concern and pride. She recognized the immense effort Qingyue was exerting, despite her current limitations. Xu understood the significance of this training session, not only for their physical development but also for the growth of their inner fortitude.

A fire of determination burned within Qingyue. Clenching her fists tightly, her nails dug into her palms, coaxing droplets of blood. She gritted her teeth, channeling her frustration and disappointment into a renewed sense of purpose.

"Master must be watching me at this very moment. I cannot afford to disappoint Master," Qingyue whispered to herself, her voice a fusion of determination and self-criticism. "Damn it, I can no longer feel my body, and my limbs are numb. No, no, no!"

With her body gradually succumbing to frost and her pace dwindling to that of a snail, Qingyue finally came to a halt. Lingxi's figure remained shrouded from sight, and an hour had elapsed since they had begun. However, rather than surrendering to defeat, Qingyue closed her heavy eyelids, redirecting her focus inward.

She relinquished the physical strain and delved into the reservoir of untapped energy dwelling within her body. With her profound entrances, profound vein, and profound meridians obstructed, she shifted her attention to her heartbeat and the coursing flow of her blood. A profound stillness enveloped her as she delved deeper into her inner realm.

In this state of introspection, Qingyue began to discern minuscule lights flickering within her body. They danced like ethereal fireflies, guiding her along a concealed path of self-discovery. She followed their luminescent trail, one by one, as they led her to different corners of her body, organs, and profound channels. Each connection forged deepened her comprehension.

At long last, she arrived at the source—a vein that served as the conduit back to her starting point. With painstaking precision, Qingyue embarked on a deliberate and gradual process. She merged some of the thousand tiny lights, intertwining them with her flesh and blood. The transformation unfolded incrementally, yet its effects were palpable.

As Qingyue's consciousness remained anchored within her body, a remarkable metamorphosis transpired. The frost that had encased her began to melt away under the radiant warmth emanating from her being. The numbness that had plagued her limbs gradually dissipated, replaced by a reinvigorated vitality. With her eyes wide open, a grin materialized upon her face.

Though Lingxi remained three kilometers ahead, and the chasm between them appeared insurmountable, Qingyue refused to be hindered. Empowered by the newfound strength coursing through her veins, she surged across the icy field with the grace of a seasoned athlete, her determination propelling each stride forward.

In the heavens above, Xu observed with crossed arms, her countenance adorned with a proud smile. "She has conquered her mental demons and discovered a means to tap into her dormant excess energies," Xu murmured, her words brimming with admiration and satisfaction. "Congratulations, Qing'er."

The training session had transcended mere physical exertion—it had become a testament to the indomitable spirit. Qingyue's inward journey had unlocked hidden reservoirs of potential, bridging the gap between her mortal physical form and the profound art she aspired to master. Lingxi's significant lead may have seemed insurmountable, but in that moment, Qingyue felt an unyielding sense of triumph.

As the snow-covered landscape stretched out before them, Xu knew that their training had only just begun. The challenges that lay ahead would be arduous, but with each step, their unity and strength would grow. The subregion resonated with the unwavering determination of these young disciples as they imprinted their marks upon the frozen terrain, forging their destinies within the realm of ice.

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