
Immortal Drink - Winemaster System

Mornings in Zhonder City have always been bustling and chaotic. While companies opened, office employees with black bags under their eyes raced to work. Mostly, office workers dashed to the pancake seller on one side of the road to obtain a slice of pancake, followed by a cup of soy milk from a stand on the other side of the road to finish their breakfast before going back to work. This is the first thing you do in the morning. In such a fast-paced world, who has the luxury of taking their time to chew their meal gently?

The elderly guys, one after the other, strolling to the plaza and dancing about, then sitting down at the breakfast booths on the roadside, quietly drinking morning tea and eating breakfast, stand in sharp contrast to the hustle and bustle of office employees.

A young guy, twenty-one years old stood in the middle of a Qin street on the second ring road, his eyes dull as he peered at the large letters on the building in front of him. There was a strange stillness in the mix of hustle and bustle of the activity around the building.

When the young guy wiped his eyes again and realized that he had not made a mistake, after all, he endorsed a wry smile to his expressionless face. This is the building he had just purchased.

The young man entered, sat on the chair that had been tossed aside before, dragged his chin, and started to daze after he'd finally pulled open the two mottled wooden doors.

The structure is more than 30 square meters in size. In front of the main door, there is a large hall. Six square tables are arranged in two rows across the room. Each table has four chairs adjacent to it. Inside, there is a counter similar to those shown in movies and television shows where people go to teahouses and wine shops.

This is, in fact, a pub, and it is a tavern that has been passed down through three generations. A store banner with the words Qin's Tavern inscribed on it hangs on the exterior of the two wooden doors.

The young man's name is Zhou Zi, and he is a descendant of the Zhou family. His father and mother mysteriously disappeared and were presumed to have died while he was in college, leaving him with this pub. The Qin's Tavern is a typical tavern where the operator makes and sells his own beer. The craftsmanship has been handed down through generations. The tavern's business should be prospering, with ancient methods of craftsmanship in brewing wine passed down through generations, yet shockingly, the wine in the establishment could hardly be sold.

Nowadays, just a small number of individuals are willing to drink at this establishment. Furthermore, the location is difficult to find on a map. Furthermore, Zhou Zi's parents were straightforward and transparent, conducting their firm without resorting to advertising or generating buzz for the organization. After several years of operation, the bar was unable to make ends meet and was forced to close. It's been many years since then.

Zhou Zi sat in his pub, his face expressionless. He grew up in this neighborhood when he was younger. His daily routine consisted of closely observing his parents as they worked in the wine shop and on the sales floor, as well as while they wiped the tables clean. Now, however, it's about to be demolished.

It doesn't matter if the building is demolished, Zhou Zi thought. Aside from the recollections he had here, he couldn't come up with anything else for him to retain this shop. The shop has been well organized. The pub takes up a significant amount of space. All of the wines are stored in the brewery workshop, which is located behind the bar. Unfortunately, tools have been rendered ineffective for many years. However, given the size of this piece of real estate, the subsidy should be substantial, and it should be sufficient to allow me to start another company on the side.

Zhou Zi had a plan to go to the brewery behind him and have a look at the tools that had been left there for a long time, with the hope of being able to take these items with him. It was always this one thought that kept ringing and shoving him for it, despite the fact that it was pointless. The bar has been in the family for many generations. He might as well take some as a souvenir. I crossed the counter and opened the rear door with my foot. Zhou Zi had just walked through the brewery's back entrance and inside the brewery when a voice suddenly rang out in his head all of a sudden.

"It has been determined that the host is currently at the lower level of the standard mortal dimension of the fuel galaxy of the Fanna universe, located exactly at 0X2J8N, X5L9J9, K3I34N, LX2K9N, 0J2H5X, healthy in body and spirit, matches the bloodline to bind system, has no history of mental disease, and can be bound!"


The Winemaster System has been bound to the host, Zhou Zi. Let us now begin to evaluate the host's winemaking abilities. The scan procedure is complete, and the results of the scan are saved in the status file of the system!

In this case, the host is male, named Zhou Zi, 21 years old, heir to a brewing family (barely Level 1), brewing technology is barely meeting Level 1 standards (doesn't know what you've been doing for the last 20 years).

"Whatttt, what is this and who's talking in my mind?" Zhou Zi glanced around, but there was nothing found.

"This is the Winemaster system! You have been linked to this system by your soul; if you have any questions, please ask."

"So, what is the Winemaster System, exactly?

"The Winemaster system is the result of the collaboration of the two immortal zanoas, 5 immortal bontas, 18 immortal zenis, and several immortal gods. I was born as a side product due to several coincidences in the middle of the ongoing Ohoma project (level is too low to access further data).

"This system exudes a certain arrogance." Zhou Zi pondered the situation.

"Host, please do not assess the character of the system at random; the system has no character, thank you!"

"You can even know what I'm saying?" Zhou Zi was taken aback by what he heard.

As the host's soul is tied to the Winemaster system, the host's thinking is known to the System.

"Abnormal..." Zhou Zi cursed.

"It has been found that the tavern appears to exist; the task system has been activated; please check the first task that the host has been assigned." No further activity could be detected after the system had stopped speaking. Is this even possible?

Zhou Zi thought about the task panel in his head, pondering whether he should open it or not. He eventually decided to go ahead with it. Anyways, he had no family and thus no social obligations to fulfill.

Mission: The first objective is to name the tavern and change the tavern's signboard to that given by the system. As the host of the Winemaster system, the signboard must definitely be large and noticeable! It is impossible for Winemaster's reputation to stay hidden. "Please put out your best effort to accomplish the first assignment!"

Zhou Zi thought about the name for a while and simply named the tavern "Drink". He was simply bad at names and came up with something easy.

Zhou Zi quickly checked the signboard and was utterly dumbfounded. The signboard had words written in gold, "Immortal Drink", a domineering name, but it had a very tranquil presence. With a white background, it gave out a feeling of holy while blissfully resting on the cloud palace.

Zhou Zi's face was completely black. "System! With such an arrogant name, don't you feel that I will be beaten up, especially if your makers actually visit this place? "

"Don't be silly host, it's really surprising to find you so useless that you can't even name your tavern correctly despite having attributes so high compared to the rest of the population on this planet."

"That's because I wanted to keep it simple and low-profile," Zhou Zi thought. "Do you even realize what will happen to me if you are found out?" Zhou Zi asked.

"You will get your answer when you are rewarded for your first assignment"

"How do I get the signboard?" Zhou Zi asked. The system replied, "The signboard is placed in the inventory. Please think about bringing it out of the inventory to get it."

Zhou Zi quickly retrieved the signboard and hung it properly at the storefront. He couldn't help but get mesmerized by the utter magnitude of the signboard displayed. Zhou Zi was able to recognize the outstanding quality of these characters despite the fact that he had no prior knowledge of calligraphy.

"What kind of character is this, System? Despite the fact that I don't recognize it, I think it's incredible." "These characters were written by Wangmin Mo, an immortal calligrapher from the Wangmin school of calligraphy. In my world, the Wangmin clan was especially talented at calligraphy. They even used it to block several gods with one word on one occasion. "

Zhou Zi was astonished after witnessing the system's potential for the second time. He also recalled about the attributes and planned to ask about them once he received his reward from the system for finishing the first task.

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