
Chapter 15: Opening of the Twelve Celestial Pathways: Luo Tian's persistent Pill refinement.

It was common knowledge amongst cultivators that the meridians, the channels through which spiritual Qi flowed, were weak and delicate. They could only hold a limited amount of Qi at one time, and Xie Fang's meridians were even thinner and weaker due to him not being a cultivator. The thought of forcing too much spiritual Qi into the already delicate meridians sent shivers down anyone's spine. It would result in excruciating pain as their nerves would feel like they were being torn apart and their organs severed. Even if the person managed to endure this, gathering more Qi than his meridians could sustain could cause them to explode. The mere thought of such an outcome made anyone's blood run cold. The pain of exploding meridians was nothing to scoff at; it would feel like one's body was being violently ruptured and torn from the inside out. And the consequences didn't just end there - one would also permanently lose the ability to guide spiritual Qi to their dantian, effectively severing their path towards immortal cultivation. No matter how powerful or mighty they were before, they would become mere mortals with little to no trace of their former strength. It was a fate worse than death for any cultivator or those who inspire to become a cultivator.

For this reason this move Xie Fang was making could be considered one of the most dangerous moves for cultivator, he was betting his cultivation path for this, he was literally betting on one single push, if this push succeeded then his meridians would be unblock the gathered spiritual Qi would flow to his dantian, but on the other hand if his move failed, the gathered spiritual Qi would be too much and would not dissipate, instead it would gather and run amuck within his meridians, his meridians would not be able to contain the spiritual Qi and would explode.

Yet, despite the potential for failure and disappointment, this was the only path available to him. His natural talent alone would not be enough to gain an edge over the other earth grade spiritual root geniuses. To truly excel, he needed to unlock his spiritual root and begin cultivation as soon as possible.

At just 16 years old, time was of the essence. Every day counted, let alone gaining a few months advantage over his peers. Xie Fang knew this, but in the midst of pushing his spiritual Qi into the "Taiyang" meridians, it was the last thing on his mind. The sensation was like having his meridians ripped apart from the inside out. Agonizing pain shot through his body, but he gritted his teeth and persevered. He pushed through the agony, knowing that to give up now would only lead to endless regret and self-blame in the future. The pain was temporary, but the reward could benefit him over a lifetime.

He refused to let himself fall behind in this competitive world of cultivation.

Xie Fang gritted his teeth, his muscles trembling as he forced more spiritual Qi towards the stubborn blockage in his meridian. He could feel it resisting, fighting against him with equal strength.

'BREAK!' he roared internally, pushing even harder. His body shook as the sound of shattering echoed within him, growing louder and more intense by the second.


Finally, with a resounding boom, the blockage gave way and his "Taiyang" meridian was freed from its hold. The rush of energy that had been building up now surged towards his dantian, ready to be refined and used.

But Xie Fang's meridians were not unscathed. They throbbed with pain, a reminder of the struggle they had just endured. However, he knew that the pain and discomfort would soon fade, leaving only the satisfaction of his breakthrough.

Exhausted and panting, Xie Fang collapsed onto the ground. Every muscle in his body ached, but he couldn't stop smiling. His mind raced with thoughts of finally unlocking the 12 meridians, a feat that had seemed impossible just days ago.

A triumphant smile appeared on his face. "I did it!" he exclaimed aloud. "I unblocked the 12 meridians!"

As he caught his breath, Xie Fang's eyes gleamed with determination. "All I have to do now is absorb and refine spiritual Qi within my dantian," he thought eagerly. "In a week's time, I will reach the Qi Gathering Realm and become a true cultivator."

Suddenly, he burst into wild laughter, feeling like a madman who had just unlocked the secrets of the universe. The sound echoed through the empty courtyard, a mix of relief, excitement, and triumph.


The scene shifted once again, and the irresistible senior sister Liara came into view, sauntering down the passageway like a smug feline. Every step she took caused her voluptuous breasts to bounce seductively and her perky backside to sway enticingly. It was impossible to tear your eyes away from her.

Liara slowly pushed open the door to the alchemy room, careful not to disturb whoever was inside.

"Amn~" A low seductive grown that could cause anyone's crotch to heat-up escaped her plump lips as she felt the intense heat emanating from within. With each quiet movement, her delicate white skin glowed under the dim lighting.

Inside, Luo Tian was already deep in another round of refinement. The emerald-amber flames danced within the furnace, casting a mesmerizing glow on his concentrated face. The soothing scent of medicinal herbs filled Liara's senses, arousing thoughts and feelings within her that she couldn't ignore.

She couldn't resist taking another deep breath, inhaling the tantalizing fragrance and feeling herself grow more aroused by the second. But she knew she had to maintain her composure in front of her junior brother, no matter how tempting he may appear during his alchemy work. She silently watched him, studying his every move with a hunger that she couldn't explain, but she couldn't resist taking a better view.

The way he focused on his task, his muscles tense and sweat glistening on his tan skin, was incredibly arousing to her. She felt a familiar heat building within her core and couldn't help but let out another quiet moan.

Liara gazed at the mesmerizing emerald-amber flames, her mind filled with conflicting thoughts and sensations. 'Get yourself together, Liara. What is wrong with you? How can you feel aroused just by looking at a man? And what's with these alchemy flames? I swear I've seen them before, but where?' She shook her head and focused on the flames, trying to decipher their secrets.

' And those alchemy flames...I swear to heavens I've seen them before, but I can't seem to recall where?'

The alluring dance of the flames seemed to have a hypnotic effect on her, making it difficult for her to focus. But even through its enchanting display, Liara could decipher its secrets.

'The fiery sensation mixed with a soothing one...it must be a combination of fire and wood elements. And it burns less spiritual Qi than most alchemy flames I've encountered. Could it also possess the rare attribute of sustaining itself with less spiritual Qi?'

Luo Tian would be shocked if he knew how effortlessly she could analyze and understand these alchemy flames. It was a skill that could only be acquired through years of practice and experience.

This just proves Senior Sister Liara's expertise in alchemy. Normal cultivators, even those more powerful than him, wouldn't be able to discern the flame's attributes with such ease. They would need to observe closely and for a longer period of time.

But for Liara, one glance was enough to uncover quite a few of its mysteries. Her alchemic abilities were nothing short but admirable, she tried to divert her mind as she continued to study the flames. However, she couldn't deny the underlying excitement and arousal that coursed through her body as she looked at Luo Tian.

She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts and regain control over herself.

'Focus, Liara. This is not the time or place for such impure thoughts, scratch that This is not the time for such impure thoughts.'

Liara couldn't resist the temptation as she stood on the corner, her curves accentuated by the way she leaned against the wall. Her seductive figure was impossible to ignore, yet Luo Tian seemed lost in a trance as he focused on controlling the flames and refining pill.

He was so deep in concentration that he didn't even notice her entering the alchemy room. Liara smirked, knowing it was for the best. If he had seen her now, with her plump, soft breasts fully accentuated and begging for attention, it would surely distract him from his work. Despite their brief acquaintance, she was able to pick up on something from his behavior. she knew all too well how easily distracted Luo Tian could be, especially when it came to matters of the flesh.

She watched intently as he refined the herbs, admiring his skill and focus. But her thoughts were not innocent as she imagined him using those skilled hands on her body instead. She could feel herself getting aroused just thinking about it.

She couldn't help herself. The allure of his intense focus and his chiseled features was too irresistible. She wanted to see if she could break him from his trance, to make him lose control and give in to his carnal desires.

Unbeknownst to her, she had already ignited an insatiable lust within Luo Tian from the very first moment he saw her. He didn't just crave her body, he wanted to claim her as his woman, to savor and brand every inch of her enticing and alluring flesh with his touch. The mere thought of possessing her drove him wild with carnal cravings.

He had been battling his carnal urges for her, unsure if Liara's playful teasing was a game or genuine desire. But as he restrained himself, the desire only grew more intense, building up a fire inside him that he longed to unleash on this alluring temptress. He wanted to take his time, slowly seducing her until she was begging for him, unable to resist his every command. And when the moment finally came, he would ravage her sinful flesh with an insatiable hunger, filling her every crevice with his pulsing seed. She would feel soreness for days after their passionate love making, marked by his unbridled lust and her own insatiable cravings for him.


The scene shifted, taking us back a few minutes to when Liara had yet to enter the alchemy room...

Within the alchemy room, Luo Tian sat in deep meditation. His focused breathing and movements were guided by the ancient "Five Elements Sovereignty Scripture-Supreme Synthesis," a powerful combination of spiritual qi manipulation techniques. The room was filled with an abundance of medical herbs, causing the concentration of spiritual energy to be five times greater than that of the outer disciple courtyard. Luo Tian's eyes were closed, his mind completely immersed in the intense atmosphere of the pill-refining chamber.

With a sudden burst of energy, Luo Tian's eyes snapped open. The intense red in his irises glimmered like fiery rubies, and a small, subtle smile played on his lips. "I believe I have recovered enough," he mused to himself. "It's time to begin the next round of refinement. This time, I won't make the same mistakes." 

Luo Tian delved deep into his thoughts, meticulously planning out each step of the alchemy process. He focused on how he would perform alchemy, how he would control the alchemic flames, how he would place the herbs within the furnace, and how long he would refine them for. 

Before starting, he carefully cleaned each herb in a basin of clear, warm water in the alchemy room. With gentle hands, he made sure to not harm any delicate parts of the plants. 

Once finished with cleaning, Luo Tian once again ignited the emerald-amber flames in the furnace. Like graceful serpents, the flames flickered and danced under his control.

Instead of immediately adding the herbs for refinement, Luo Tian allowed the furnace to heat up for ten minutes. During this time, he refined his command over the flames before carefully placing the first herb - a "Heavenly Ginseng Root" - through one of the gaps in the furnace.

He carefully rotated the flames around the delicate herb, attempting to extract every last drop of its "Heavenly Ginseng Root" essence. The giant golden furnace hung by four chains, its fiery depths aglow with a mesmerizing display of emerald and amber hues. In the center of the furnace floated the prized ginseng root, surrounded by graceful tendrils of flame that gently caressed its surface.

With each passing moment, the flames delved deeper into the root, drawing forth ethereal silver particles that shimmered in the light. This was the essence of the "Heavenly Ginseng Root," containing within it all the powerful medicinal properties of the said herb.

Finally, he declared it "done" and carefully held the essence in one side of the furnace while he began refining the "Starlight Orchid Petals." These delicate petals were known for their rare healing properties, but extracting their essence was a delicate process. If he plucked them one by one while trying to fuse them with the ginseng root essence, too much time would be wasted and their properties could be compromised.

'No, this required a different approach,'

Luo Tian stared at the petals of "Starlight Orchid" in front of him, deep in thought and contemplation. After a moment, a plan suddenly formed in his mind. 'It's risky, but it just might work,' he thought as he weighed the pros and cons of his idea.

'If I can control the flames and remain calm, I might be able to retain the medical essence of the herbs and speed up the process,' he mused to himself. 'Not to mention, the end product will be of higher quality.'

After some careful consideration, he made his decision. 'I'll take the risk. And I still have another batch of herbs from Liara.'

Instead of plucking and throwing each individual petal into the furnace, Luo Tian decided to throw all the petals of "Starlight Orchid" at once. As soon as they passed through one of the openings in the furnace, it began to tremble.

"Now!" Luo Tian shouted internally, increasing the volume of his flames. The furnace was now filled with emerald-amber flames, divided into two parts. One part held the "Heavenly Ginseng Root," while the other wrapped around the "Starlight Orchid Petals." It seemed as though the furnace had been split into two, the part holding the ginseng root was engulfed in pure emerald flames, while the other part swirling around the orchid petals was a mixture of soothing emerald and daunting amber flames. Luo Tian watched closely, adjusting the intensity of each flame as needed.

The intense heat caused sweat to form on Luo Tian's brow as he focused all of his energy on controlling the flames.

With a deep inhale, Luo Tian focused his spiritual Qi and carefully controlled the flames in the furnace. The amber flames swirled and flickered, forcing the petals to open and reveal their hidden essence. Then, as if in perfect harmony, the emerald flames gently coaxed out the delicate fragrances from within.

Luo Tian's brows furrowed as he concentrated, making sure to envelop the essence with the emerald flames before it had a chance to explode. This process continued for a full minute, sweat forming on Luo Tian's brow as he fought to maintain control over both aspects of the flame.

Finally, with a gasp for air, Luo Tian relaxed slightly for a moment. The whole process had only taken a minute - an impressive feat considering it would take most people at least ten minutes to extract the essence through traditional methods. But even as he caught his breath, Luo Tian knew there were consequences to this shortcut.

"Huh, Huh, Huh," he panted, wiping his forehead. The mental strain of controlling both aspects of the flame simultaneously was immense. And not only was it taxing on his mind, but also on his spiritual Qi. But there was no time to rest now - he couldn't let down his guard just yet.

With practiced precision, Luo Tian deftly combined the delicate medical essence of "Heavenly Ginseng Root" and "Starlight Orchid Petals" in the furnace. As he stirred the mixture in a clockwise direction, his mind was focused on aligning the energies with the lunar cycle. He knew that this step was crucial for a harmonious blend of yin and yang forces.

Soon, a faint silver and pink glow appeared at the center of the furnace, slowly gaining strength and intensity. Luo Tian's eyes widened in amazement as he watched the colors swirl and merge together, creating a mesmerizing display.

As the silver and pink wisps of medical essence swirled at the center of the furnace, Luo Tian carefully introduced another ingredient -

With a steady hand, he grabbed the "Lunar Crystal Blossom" and gently placed it into the mixture. As he stirred clockwise, following the moon's cycles, he could feel a calmness wash over him. This herb was known for its ability to balance yin and yang energies, making it perfect for this concoction.

The "Lunar Crystal Blossom" petals shimmered under the emerald-amber flames, their gentle energy enhancing the celestial components of the blend. Luo Tian couldn't help but smile as he marveled at how each ingredient played a crucial role in this process.

Everything was going perfectly, only one last herb remained to be added - the "Green Fern Leaf". Adjusting the flames to a moderate level, he added it with caution, not wanting to overpower the delicate balance of energies. The fiery essence of this herb would add an extra boost to his final product.

Luo Tian focused his mind and began the second step of refining. This was the most difficult part - he could either form the medical essence into pills directly, or explode them against each other with his emerald-amber flames. While the latter would increase their quality, it was a much more challenging process.

But Luo Tian was determined to create the best Qi Gathering Pills possible. He had already thought of using his emerald-amber flames to temper the pills further, but he knew it would require a great amount of Qi reserves. 'I just hope I have enough in the end,' he muttered inwardly as he started the process.

Completely engrossed in his work, Luo Tian didn't even notice when Senior Sister Liara returned to the alchemy room and leaned against the wall to observe him.

As he commanded the medical essence within the furnace to revolve and separate into two equal wisps, Luo Tian couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. 'Divide!' he roared inwardly, focusing all his energy on the task at hand.

With another command, the colorful essence transformed into a pair of vortexes, rotating in opposite directions. Luo Tian's concentration was unbreakable as he continued to manipulate the essences with precision.

'Condense!' he commanded again, and the medical essence within the vortexes thickened and solidified into circular pills.

'Huh, huh, now this is where it begins' Luo Tian murmured inwardly, his voice barely audible over the crackling of the emerald-ember flames. He knew that this was going to be the most challenging part of the pill refining process.

He carefully watched as the flames danced and rotated along the pills, expertly fusing with them. The once cyan-colored pills now glowed with a mixture of emerald and ember, their surfaces seared by the intense heat. Despite looking like they could explode at any moment, the wood element and "Tenacious" attribute of the "Ignis Arborem" kept them stable.

As the temperature inside the furnace continued to rise, Luo Tian waited for just the right moment before decisively clashing the two pills together.


The sound of an explosion echoed through the room as the furnace trembled violently. But Luo Tian remained focused, not letting go of his concentration. Instead of two vortexes, there were now four revolving within the furnace, containing medical essence that was even more condensed and pure than before.

With a calm determination, Luo Tian condensed these vortexes into pills again and clashed them together.


This time, the explosion was even louder and more powerful. The furnace shook so much that it seemed like it would collapse at any moment. But Luo Tian wasn't done yet. Six vortexes now swirled within the furnace, each one shining with otherworldly luster and containing doubled amounts of pure medical essence.

"Now!" Luo Tian bellowed, his voice filled with excitement and anticipation. He couldn't wait to see what kind of pill he would produce from this complex process.

The furnace roared with power, its six vortexes whirling in a frenzy as they hungrily devoured the surrounding spiritual Qi. To Luo Tian, it was as if the furnace was a parched wanderer, and the spiritual Qi was an oasis in the desert.

He watched with anticipation as tiny specks of spiritual Qi flowed into the furnace, like shimmering drops of water in a vast ocean. He could feel his own energy depleting rapidly, but he couldn't stop now. Not when he was so close to success.

With every passing second, the six vortexes condensed and took shape, forming perfectly circular pills within the furnace. And then, with a sudden whoosh, a gust of spiritual Qi burst out from the furnace.

Luo Tian collapsed onto the floor, exhausted. He had pushed himself to the limit, using 90% of his Qi reserves and enduring immense pressure on his mental strength. He gasped for breath, trying to ease the splitting headache that throbbed behind his temples. But even in his weakened state, he couldn't help but smile. It was finally done.

As he lay there catching his breath, Luo Tian heard soft footsteps approaching. Someone was coming towards him, but he didn't have enough energy to even turn his head to look.

"It is...finally done" Luo Tian said hoarsely.

He heard faint footsteps approaching. With his body drained of energy, Luo Tian could do nothing but lie there helplessly.


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