
Immortal Cultivation Temptations

Luo Tian, the sole heir to the powerful Luo empire, is a man of many talents. He excels in business, combat, and scheming, possessing exceptional intelligence, decisiveness, ruthlessness, and cunning. However, his insatiable lust for women threatens to consume him. He maintains a harem of a hundred beauties, claiming them as his own through manipulation, power, or abuse. His desire for more women seems boundless, and he yearns to indulge in the flesh of the beautiful women of the immortal world. Upon transmigrating into this new realm of cultivation, Luo Tian discovers that humans possess extraordinary capabilities. Sword immortals can part seas, and fairies gracefully soar through the skies. Luo Tian's desires burn even more fervently, and he sets his sights on achieving immortality and constructing his own limitless harem. His journey begins at the esteemed Profound Sword Palace, where he encounters the alluring Sect Mistress female elders, and disciples. every one of them possesses unparalleled beauty and strength. As Luo Tian rises in power and influence, he faces numerous challenges and adversaries. He must navigate treacherous alliances and betrayals, fight powerful enemies. Along the way, he meets a cast of captivating characters, including Empresses, fox spirits, and seductive enchantresses.

Dark_Sovereign_28 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Chapter 13: First Failure in Alchemy: Whispers of the Secret.

Sister Liara offered, "You can use the alchemy room, it's on me." Luo Tian declined politely, although knowing that small shops typically did not have an alchemy room. However, he was aware that the alchemy room functioned similarly to an inn, where one paid spirit stones to stay the night. In this case, one would pay spirit stones to rent the room for a few hours in order to perform alchemy.

Liara pursed her plump, pouty lips and jutted out her cheeks in a sulky expression as she asked, "Why don't you want to stay with me anymore?" Her tone had a subtle change, still sultry but now laced with hurt. Luo Tian couldn't help but admire how adorable she looked, even when she was upset.

Luo Tian looked at Liara, his heart melting at the sight of her. He replied gently, meeting her gaze with his sincere red eyes. "It's not that, sister Liara," he spoke softly, "How could I ever not want to spend time with you?" he continued on in slightly seductive tone "I had already said if it were up to me, I would choose to settle here instead to be able to gaze at you from morning to night." he stopped and smiled at her then continued on in serious tone "But, I can't use the alchemy room for free. You are just a shopkeeper here, and I don't want to see you get punished by the store owner because of me." His primary concern was for her well-being, and he couldn't bear the thought of causing her any trouble.

Before, he wouldn't have thought twice about it. But now, as he found himself falling for the silver-haired beauty in front of him, he didn't want to risk her getting in trouble because of him.

For a moment, Liara was stunned by his response. She hadn't expected such a considerate reason behind his refusal. 'He was thinking of me,' she realized, feeling butterflies flutter in her stomach. 'He didn't want me to get in trouble.' It had been so long since anyone had cared about her in such a genuine way.

Her trance was broken by Luo Tian's voice, pulling her back to reality. "Sister Liara, are you alright?" he asked with genuine worry in his red eyes, instead of just lust and infatuation. The moonlight illuminated him as his black hair cascaded down, making him even more enchanting in Liara's eyes.

Sister Liara's smile was like a ray of sunshine, warm and inviting. "As I said before, little brother sure knows how to weave words together," she purred, her tone oozing with even more allure and sultriness than before. Luo Tian felt his self-control slipping as he listened to her voice, which held a dangerous amount of seductiveness. He wanted nothing more than to push her down right at this moment.

Liara giggled audibly, her eyes dancing with mischief as she observed Luo Tian's struggle to contain his primal urges. "Don't worry about these small matters," she purred seductively, moving closer to him. "As the shopkeeper, I can also use the alchemy room here. And naturally, I can let you use it as well if I want to." With a sly smile, she took one of his hands and led him towards the alchemy room, teasingly brushing her green robes against him with every step. It was clear that she enjoyed having this power over him and was relishing in his inner turmoil.

'I am touching her hand' Luo Tian thought to himself in surprise. His heart raced as he felt her soft and warm skin against his own and his fingers grazed her skin, a sensation he had never experienced before. It felt like electricity was coursing through his veins, and he couldn't help but gasp softly in response. His emotions were so strong that for a moment he forgot about the alchemy room, he didn't even hear properly when she said that she 'too' could use the alchemy room, and just focused on feeling her hand in his own. It was like electricity running through him, sparking a warmth in his chest that made him feel alive.

Liara noticed the change in Luo Tian's expression and smiled knowingly, eyes twinkling with amusement as she saw the expression on his face. She smiled again before gently tugging at his hand and leading him into the alchemy room.

The alchemy room was a large open space, filled with shelves lined with rows and rows of dusty old books. A large wooden desk sat in the side of the room, adorned with various glass bottles, parchment paper and quills. Moonlight streamed through the windows illuminating the unusual objects strewn across the room.

Luo Tian looked around in wonder, taking in every detail of this mysterious place. He watched as Liara lit several candles scattered around the room before turning to him with a mischievous smile on her face. Taking his hand, she opened an ancient door at the far side of the room which led to a small hidden chamber, stocked full of ingredients for alchemical experiments. She waved her hands over several jars and boxes causing them to light up momentarily before turning back to him and motioning him inside.

As Luo Tian stepped into this secret chamber he felt a thrill rush through his veins – Liara had trusted him enough to show him this special place and he felt privileged that she had chosen to share it with him. His eyes roamed over all sorts of rare herbs, minerals and stones materials neatly in jars along the walls – all of them were completely new to him.

Liara took his hand again their skin touching again felt electric against each other. It felt like he could feel every nerve ending dancing along his skin when they touched as they walked further into the room until they reached a spacious room where a giant golden alchemic furnace was inlaid with intricate carvings sitting in front of two large crystal globes suspended from above by chains made out of silver and copper links. Every inch of the furnace was filled with intricate details and strange Symbols. He could feel the Spiritual Qi radiating off the furnace one as they glowed brightly, another thing to note was the fact that the room was very hot, he felt as though he was near an active boiling lava.

Luo Tian's body was drenched in sweat just from being inside this room. Sister Liara, on the other hand, seemed unfazed, her superior cultivation base allowing her to tolerate the heat better than he could.

"This is the special alchemy room," sister Liara explained, gesturing to their surroundings. "It has been isolated from the outside by thick walls that not only block sound and mild shock, but also create the perfect environment for alchemy. And this furnace," she continued, pointing to the behemoth in front of them, "should be more than enough for you to successfully refine pills. It can even increase your chances of success."

Luo Tian took in the whole room with awe. The space was filled with the heady scent of herbs and potions, and the walls were lined with shelves holding various ingredients and tools. His gaze finally settled on the alchemy furnace, its gold-colored exterior gleaming in the light. Suspended by four chains from each corner of the room, it stood at a staggering height of 2 meters. Luo Tian couldn't help but feel intimidated by its imposing presence.

"I will go back to check if there is anyone outside," sister Liara said with a warm smile, her footsteps echoing through the dimly lit passageway of the alchemy shop.

Luo Tian watched as the door clicked shut behind her, leaving him alone in the quiet room. He took a deep breath and settled himself in front of the furnace, the pulsating flame casting an otherworldly glow on his face.

Alchemical pill refining was a complex and demanding task that required immense concentration and control from a cultivator. The process drained their physical and mental energy, but the rewards were great.

Luo Tian knew that he needed to be in his top condition before starting his alchemy process. With only three batches of herbs in hand, he couldn't afford any mistakes. So, he took a few moments to center himself and gather his thoughts before beginning his work.

For what felt like an eternity, Luo Tian remained in a deep state of meditation, his body perfectly still as he focused on calming any unnecessary thoughts. Suddenly, with the flicker of his eyelids, an emerald-amber colored flame materialized in front of him. It was a dazzling sight, one that filled him with a sense of power and control.

From the vast collection of flame control techniques found within the ancient "Five Elements Sovereignty Scripture-Supreme Synthesis", Luo Tian had chosen this particular flame - "Ignis Arborem". This fiery force possessed unique alchemic properties that were perfect for his current situation. "Ignis Arborem" was a fusion of fire and wood elements, granting it both the destructive power of fire and the life-giving vitality of wood.

What set this flame apart from others was its inherent tendency to nurture and protect the materials during the alchemy process. Unlike other flames that would burn through large amounts of spiritual Qi from the user this flame didn't burn as much spiritual qi instead it existed for a very short period of time even if the user didn't provide it with spiritual qi because of the attribute 'Tenacious', "Ignis Arborem" used its 'Tendencies' attribute to gently coax out the essence of the herbs without causing harm. Additionally, it had the rare ability to extract 100% of the essence from these materials and condense it into small crystalline orbs. As Luo Tian gathered the medicinal properties of each herb into liquid form, he could then use these orbs to further concentrate and enhance their potency through controlled explosions.

Luo Tian, a novice in alchemy and lacking in spiritual qi, carefully considered his options before selecting the perfect flame for his task. "Ignis Arborem," he spoke the words aloud as he directed the flame towards the lower side of the furnace.

A burst of crackling sound erupted from within the furnace as emerald-amber flames erupted to life. Luo Tian knew he had little time to work with, his own Qi depleting rapidly. He estimated he would only be able to maintain the flame for half an hour at most. With urgency, he retrieved the heavenly Ginseng Root - a prized ingredient known for its intricate network of fine, silvery roots that radiated from its central bulb. The bulb itself was a golden hue and emitted a soft glow, resembling a miniature celestial body. Even its heart-shaped leaves shimmered with a subtle silver sheen.

Carefully, Luo Tian tossed the heavenly ginseng root through the open lid of the furnace and increased the heat of the flames. As it burned, it transformed into a thick silver liquid, releasing a potent aroma that filled the air.

Next, he turned his attention to the Starlight Orchid Petals - delicate petals with a pale lavender hue and slight iridescence. Each petal was adorned with a star-shaped pattern, as if capturing the essence of a clear night sky. As Luo Tian added them to the mixture, their faint, sweet fragrance exuded hints of starlight.

With careful precision, Luo Tian plucked each petal from the Starlight Orchid and tossed them into the furnace, one by one. With each petal, he carefully tossed them into the blazing furnace, allowing 30 seconds for the previous one to fully burn before adding another. Each petal fell with a soft thud, creating a rhythmic pattern as they landed on the furnace. After all of the petals had been added, Luo Tian combined the thick silver liquid of the heavenly ginseng root with the medical properties of the petals. The air was thick with the sweet fragrances of both ingredients, their essences intertwining and merging together in a delicate dance.

As he attempted to lower the flames of the alchemy furnace, a slight mishap caused him to lower it too much. The furnace began to tremble, a sure sign that the medical herbs were getting out of control. Sweat beaded on Luo Tian's brow as he refused to give up. "No, not yet" he muttered through gritted teeth. "I've come this far; I won't fail so easily." Determined not to fail after coming this far, Luo Tian gritted his teeth and increased the flame's intensity once more.

But this time, it was too late. With a deafening BOOM! the furnace exploded in a burst of chaotic energy. The precious medical herbs inside were now reduced to nothing but flying ash, scattering across the floor in a heartbreaking display of failure. Sweat dripped down Luo Tian's face as he stared at the ruined contents of his alchemy furnace, knowing that he must start again from scratch.

Despite the explosion of his furnace, Luo Tian remained resolute and determined. He had prepared himself for this outcome, knowing that success in alchemy often came with multiple failures. It took countless attempts to refine a single pill, and many alchemists would try hundreds of times before achieving success. It required unwavering determination, patience, and persistence.

Rather than lamenting over the explosion, Luo Tian calmly reflected on where he may have gone wrong. "I should have refined the medical properties separately before attempting to combine them," he thought. "And my control over the flames was not as steady as it could have been. I must remember to stay calm and utilize the full potential of 'Ignis Arborem' next time." With a plan in mind, he decided to rest for half an hour before trying again.

As he meditated to recover his spiritual Qi and mental strength, Luo Tian couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for his next attempt at alchemy. Failure only fueled his determination to succeed, and he was determined to not let the previous explosion discourage him from reaching his goal.


The sound of delicate footsteps echoed through the pathway, beckoning all who heard to turn and behold the enchanting figure approaching. Silver-white strands cascaded down to Liara Frostwind's ample curves and long, slender legs, accentuated by her skintight green robes. With each step, she exuded sensuality, her hips swaying like a hypnotic dance while her willowy waist moved with serpentine grace. She was a natural seductress; she could effortlessly draw lustful gazes from any man who laid eyes on her. when her sultry voice caressed any men's ears, it sends shivers down their spines.

As she sauntered back to the lobby of her alchemy shop after showing Luo Tian to the alchemy room, Liara's movements were akin to that of a feline, smooth and alluring. Her delicate hands and fingers danced in the air as if painting an invisible canvas, making her further captivating.

And oh, how beautiful she looked in the moonlight. The way her wide hips swayed, her fingers gracefully tracing patterns in the air, the gentle sway of her thin waist - it was enough to make one believe they had stumbled upon a mythical fairy.

Her curves were like a work of art, begging to be touched and caressed. Every step she took was like a dance, her hips swaying effortlessly, drawing attention to her voluptuous figure. If someone saw her, they would be unable to resist the temptation to pounce on her.

Liara sauntered towards the lobby door, her long legs gliding gracefully in stiletto heels. As she opened the door, the street outside was deserted, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was the seductive vision standing before them.

She placed a sign on the door that read "Closed", a sly smile dancing on her lips as she did so. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned her spiritual Qi and waved it in front of the door. The air crackled with energy as colorful symbols appeared and began rotating on the surface of the door.

The same symbols appeared on the windows, casting an alluring glow over her flawless skin. For a few breaths of time, everything was bathed in a white light before slowly fading back to normal.

"This should be enough to stop any disturbance," Liara's voice rang out in a sultry tone as she flashed a sweet smile. But it wasn't just her words that had power - it was the way she moved, the way she spoke, the very essence of her being that could send anyone into a trance with just one look.

As Liara waved her delicate hand, unseen forces seemed to ripple through the air, causing a sudden shift in the shop's appearance. From outside, it now looked like a tightly closed building, with closed up windows and a tightly shut door. But inside, the moonlight still dimly shone through the which were still 'open' if looked from the inside of the shop, illuminating the room.

"Did you see that?" whispered one curious onlooker to their companion.

"I swear I saw the windows closing and the door locking on its own!" exclaimed another.

Liara paid no attention to the murmurs outside as she calmly walked back to the alchemy room, her steps light but purposeful. She had completed what she came here to do, and now it was time to return to the alchemy room. The "Elysian Essence Apothecary" may have been a mysterious place, but Liara was even more elusive.

As she disappeared into the depths of the shop, questions arose because of this sudden strange occurrence. Who was Liara? And who was the mysterious boss behind this enigmatic shop?

But little did anyone know, there was so much more to this shop than meets the eye. For hidden deep within its walls lies a secret that could bring big changes to the course of Profound Sword palace. A secret that only a select few in the vast profound sword palace are privy to...and one that must be protected at all costs.


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