

A piece of peaceful land, a clear sky of 10,000 li, no clouds and no wind, Heavens Above a round of fierce sayings, projecting infinite light.

Suddenly, a Ring-like thing suddenly appeared from the sky. I don't know where it came from, but it appeared abruptly. It seemed to have just passed Space & Time, with a very high speed, towards the mountain peak below. It fired quickly, with a weird "whoop" sound.

if it was something that flew from outside the sky, could it come with a tail of thick smoke, and the sound was so loud that the whole world could see it.

But this thing only made a's sound' for a short moment, and then a "pouch" one sound made a long sound, deep into the rock between the mountain peak, and no trace.

The time was extremely short, and it didn't cause any biological reaction, and even the nearby mountain birds didn't have time to fly.

Afterwards, the startled birds circled a few times in the air, and then fluttered down. They were making a living without knowing that there was so much mysterious thing on this Continent.

But I don't know how many years later, the change of the earth and the sea, things are not people, the mountain peak is also sinking, turned into a hillside, many places have become flat ground, gradually there are people, and there are even some people around this hillside Live, and what wonderful story can this mysterious Ring bring? Kim Nee Gah is very happy, with a happy expression on his face.His eyes stared sharply at the wasteland in front of him, as if this place was just a piece of fragrant pork belly.

In fact, it is not so much a wasteland as it is a mountain, because this land is halfway up a hillside, but the slope is relatively gentle, and it can open about four minutes of the land. But this piece of land is the result of Kim Nee Gah and his dad's hard work to find Clan Head for nearly two months. And Kim Nee Gah also knows that there are many barren mountains in the village, but there are very few areas where crops can be grown, so everyone wants to find a place to produce rations outside the original Land Protector.

Most of the other people in the village looked for wasteland near the river, and their family didn't have the money to manage Clan Head, so they looked farther and looked for places that others didn't want, and they found this Land Protector.The village where Kim Nee Gah lives is called Guozhuang. It's about a mile around, surrounded by mountains on both sides, this mountain is not high, it is more appropriate to call it a hill. A big river flows through the village, and a small bridge over the river connects the small roads of neighboring villages. There are about forty households living in Guozhuang, half of whom are named Guo, a small family living in the middle of the village, while others live scattered around the village. The people in the countryside are very simple, but they are also cheap. Most of Kim Nee Gah's affairs are presided over by Clan Head of the Kim family. Although they live in a village, they have different surnames. When Clan Head handles matters, he will inevitably be biased towards the side of the clan . The good housing locations in the village and the good crops outside the village are mostly controlled by the villagers surnamed Guo. However, after all, it is from the folks in the village. Although trivial matters continue, big disputes have never appeared in this small Kim Nee Gah. People in Kim feel that they are living a peaceful life in a peach blossom garden.

Kim Nee Gah's mother, Kim Dongsuk, is a member of the Kim family, who is regarded as a partial branch in the Kim family, and has been "brilliant", but in his mother's generation, there is no more male in the family except Kim Lee, and Kim Nee Gah's grandfather Kim Chi is also an old lady. When he raised his daughter until he was due to marry, it was also when the old couple was young. In order to support the elderly, Kim Nee Gah's father, Kim Ka, entered the family of Kim.It is said that the wealth of the rural family background is mostly related to the labor in the family. Kim Ka has no sons. Before giving birth to Kim Chi, he always wanted to adopt a boy from his relatives. However, due to various problems, the family was supported by Kim Lee alone. Poorness can be seen from this. However, Kim Dongsuk was also upbeat. After he arrived at Kim's family, he was a good at farming and far surpassed his father-in-law Kim Nee Gah in increasing the family labor force. One year after his wedding, Kim Chi became pregnant and gave birth to a child, adding a grandson to Kim Lee. , Named Kim Bo. The old couple Kim Nee Gah was very pleased to see the birth of their grandson. While the whole family is looking forward to the bright future of Future, Kim Dongsuk accumulate work causes sickness, to fall gravely ill, never to recover...

Illness is undoubtedly a catastrophe for impoverished families. Kim Nee Gah sold all his valuables in order to treat his father-in-law. However, he still cannot save Kim Dongsuk's life as a candle battered by the wind. Kim Bo is more than two years old. At that time, he died suddenly, and Guo Shanneng's purpose was that his second grandson or granddaughter was also about to die. For this reason, Kim Nee Gah named the child before he died, the male is Kim Nee Gah, the female His name is Kim Dongsuk. After Kim Bladi passed away, Kim Nee Gah's mother-in-law's health also went from bad to worse. Fortunately, Kim Lee's birth slightly diminished the sorrow of the old man, which saved the family's ordinary life. School of Agriculture People don't care about working in the field and going home to eat. The lifeblood is Land Protector. In the past, the old Kim family was not prosperous, and Land Protector could keep up. With Kim Nee Gah and Kim Lee growing up, Kim Bom has been worried about farming Land Protector. At the beginning He and his wife, Kim Dongsuk, took Kim Bladi, held Kim Nee Gah to Clan Head's house and kowtowed for peace. Kim Bom looked at Kim Nee Gah's face and gave a small piece of farmland by the river, which was considered a solution to Kim. Mountain's "the fire burns one's eyebrows".

Kim Nee Gah was born when his elder brother was seven years old. There were already two and a half laborers in the family, and the family poverty situation was slightly alleviated. Speaking of Kim Nee Gah's birth, it's also a bit magical. The weather was originally dry for more than two months. On the night of Kim Nee Gah's birth, there was a sudden heavy rain. The rainfall in the mountains increased sharply. Bridge, the scene is very scary. When Kim Nee Gah was giving birth to Kim Dongsuk, he saw flying flowers all over the sky. Therefore, Kim Nee Gah's expectations for Kim Lee are high. Even when I was naming it, I asked the teacher Mister from the neighboring village to refer to it. I named many names such as Kim Ah, Kim Yu, and Jackie Chan. However, I didn't know which one was better. Finally, thinking of the rain of flowers in the sky, thinking of the dead father, Kim Nee Gah stand one's ground against the opinion of the masses and gave Kim Nee Gah the name of applying to the masses, although Kim Lee was a standard boy.At this time, Kim Bom was twelve years old, and the children of School of Agriculture were always precocious. As early as a few years ago, Kim Nee Gah had been busy with Tanaka's affairs with his father and two Elder Brothers. It's not that Kim Nee Gah never thought about letting the children go to school to read and read. The Great Expert could read and break words and seek fame. However, Guocun is a small village and there are no scholars in his clan, so he cannot support a small school. The school in the neighboring village belongs to another big family, and the charges for the children of Kim are also high. Don't think about Kim Nee Gah and Kim Lee. The family was poor at the time, and Kim Nee Gah was also powerless. Kim Nee Gah was sent there for a few days when he was a child, but according to teacher Mister, Kim Nee Gah's aptitude is medium in the school. Trying his best is a level of literacy and hyphenation. If you want to dance and use ink to gain fame, you should be the moon. of. Kim Nee Gah weighed his pockets, and then looked at Kim Lee's thick eyebrows and big eyes. He gave up his yellow beam expectations and took the children back to Kim, where he kept the farmer's main business. On the contrary, Kim Bladi's mother seems to remember the auspicious signs of Kim Nee Gah's birth, and from time to time, she asks young literate people in the village to teach Xiaohua something. Although Kim Nee Gah likes to follow the Elder Brother and do farm work, he was forced to learn a lot of characters because of his mother's relatives. He could read a few things, and he was considered a literate person at home, but Kim Nee Gah also took care of everything related to characters. Fuck hold.Today is Kim Nee Gah's first day of studying hard farming. His father had already told him yesterday that this piece of land was for him, and it was his job. Although Present is still a Land Protector with no signs of plowing, Kim Nee Gah remembers what a scholar in the village said, you can start with a goal, and with a start, it is half the battle! With success, your hope is not far away, and Kim Nee Gah's hope is to eat a piece of pork belly~

The November day is already the beginning of the winter day. The sun casts bleak light and heat on the head, and the mountain breeze blows from the slope, and the treetops it brings up hum. Everything is clear and silent.However, Kim Nee Gah has no time to pay attention to these. Holding a hoe, he just blindly cultivated the ground on this quarter. According to Kim Nee Gah's plan, first dig an oval or quadrilateral boundary around the land in the center of the hillside, then remove the rocks from the land, clean up the small stones, and then deal with the miscellaneous When the grass gradually becomes large, it will be intensively cultivated and the entire field will be cultivated carefully to lay a solid foundation for planting seeds. Farm work always consumes time. When Xiaohua finished cleaning up the surrounding area and was about to remove the big rocks from the field, it was already noon. Kim Nee Gah stopped farming, wiped the sweat from his forehead, walked to the ground, took a jug of water prepared by her mother, and poured half of the pot with water, long and deep. I thumped my waist, which hadn't been straight, and felt comfortable. Also, although I used to work with Dad and the Elder Brothers, after all, because he was the youngest, everyone didn't let him do more, and he didn't feel too tired. Present alone only knew the hardships. However, thinking about my grandmother, my mother, my home, my Future, I feel that it is worth it.Kim Nee Gah followed the young scholar to read. Although he was not serious, he often heard them say something very mysterious about Future, life, love, and other positive language, but he also had some impressions. He said he was working, and when he was fine. , I will think about my own life occasionally, but will soon be destroyed by reality, and lower my head to face Land Protector. Thinking of these at this moment, it is probably Kim Lee, and I am busy taking a break.

When Kim Nee Gah was indulge in flights of fancy, his stomach kept humming, and it seemed it was time to eat. I used to go home with my mother for dinner. This is a reading portal, and the field is open for farming. When I came out in the morning, my mother said that it would be delivered to the ground at noon. Check the time.Sure enough, there was a voice from down the slope, "Kim Nee Gah ~ come and help my mother." There was a steep slope from down the slope, which was very slippery. When I looked at the ground last time, Kim Nee Gah fell. A fall. Kim Bladi quickly replied, "Mother, wait a moment, I'll go down right away, don't come up by yourself." When Kim Nee Gah walked down the hill, he saw his mother, carrying a bamboo basket, standing on the side of the road. Wait for him. Kim Lee took the bamboo basket and carefully supported her mother to walk up the hillside, let her sit on the rock on the ground, and then lifted the cloth on the basket. Inside was a bowl of pork belly and a few pieces of rough surface. steamed bread. Kim Bom sensibly asked her mother if she had eaten it, and her answer did not surprise him. She had eaten it. Seeing Kim Nee Gah wolf down one's food, Guo Sufei felt a little pain, and said to Kim Nee Gah

"Eat slowly, don't choke, drink some water quickly."

"Mother, why did you suddenly make pork belly?" "Kim Nee Gah asked.

"Today is your own Ten Heavenly Stems. Your father told you yesterday that he would treat you with pork belly." Mother Kim said lovingly at her youngest son. "It's hard for you, Kim Nee Gah, you are only twelve years old this year. Seeing a child like you in a neighboring village who is still studying in the school, you will work in the fields alone.""Mother, look at what you said, isn't my elder brother working separately from his father when he was ten years old? What's wrong with me. Besides, this land is mine, and my Second Brother still shares the same land with eldest brother. I am too happy to have time. Now." Kim Nee Gah looked at her mother and started nagging, feeling like she went on to say, "Where's grandma, did she eat pork belly?"

"Your grandmother is over 80 years old. How can you eat this? I made the millet porridge for her." Kim Nee Gah's mother said, "I think of your grandmother only after I eat Present, but because your grandmother still thinks about you all morning. What"

Kim Nee Gah scratched his head embarrassedly, as if he really didn't think so much.

Speaking of Kim Nee Gah's grandmother, Kim Cook looked sad. The family's days have gradually improved with the growth of several children, but Kim Nee Gah's grandmother's body is getting worse and worse, although her 80s are a rare longevity for people in the countryside. , But who doesn't want his elders to accompany him for a while. Recently, Kim Nee Gah's grandmother has lost sight of her eyes. Kim Nee Gah discussed with Kim Dongsuk to let the doctor take a look, but Kim Nee Gah's grandmother disagreed with her life and death, saying that it is normal for her eyes to be invisible when she is so old. Spend money. The couple could not survive the elderly, so they agreed. Nowadays, the old man is working at home every day, feeling the black and feeding a chicken, a pig and other capable work.Watching Kim Nee Gah finish his meal and drank water, Kim Nee Gah said, "Kim Bladi, work less in the afternoon and go home early. Grandma misses you. I want to deliver food to your father and brother." Kim Nee Gah was stunned. "Mother, then, that pork belly was eaten by me, what do father and brother eat?" "There is no relation(s), there are other dishes. Remember to do less in the afternoon and don't catch colds" Kim Nee Gah kindly She stroked Kim Lee's head and looked at her anxiously blushing little son, as if he was still a little coquettish on his knees.

When Kim Nee Gah helped her mother down the slope, looking at her mother's back, he felt very guilty, alas, how could I eat up all the pork belly. And Then

Very Sad Story.

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