
Chapter 0 (first life)

I was never the healthiest child, I was always getting sick. Medicine wasn't something that was readily available with my parent's financial situation, especially with my father's drinking 24/7 and my mother's gambling addiction, they always spent money they never even had. I never enjoyed being at home, once I was old enough to go to school I jumped at the opportunity. I soon found out that I was much smarter than the average kid, everything came so naturally to me. I decided to study as hard as I could, I had found a path to escape this life that my parents had.

When I was 8 my parents were killed by some gangster who gave them money; I never shed a tear or even felt sad that they had died. If anything I almost felt free, free from the yelling and beatings I'd get when my father would stumble into the house in the middle of the night, free from the miasma of alcohol that seeped it's way into every wall and piece of furniture in the house.

About a month after the funeral I was put into a foster house with five other kids. About a week after I had gotten there I had gotten really sick and could attend school for two years. The other foster kids always stayed away from me because they thought they would get sick with whatever I had. After about two months, I had learned to deal with the fatigue and weakness of being sick enough so I could study and teach myself as much as I could while I wasn't in school.

When I was finally well enough to head back to school, I had learned enough to skip to the eighth grade. With nothing else to do but study in my free time I was able to skip my sophomore year of highschool as well. I ended up graduating from the best college in the country at 20 with a doctorate in genetics. I worked for a company that was working on combining the DNA of different species to create a superior creature. When I was twenty three I wrote a book on the theory of giving a human DNA from another living creature and gaining certain aspects from that living creature. My life was completely turned around from when I was younger. The book sold really well, I had started dating a colleague of mine, I felt like I was on cloud nine. But that soon came crashing down; around my 26th birthday when I began to have frequent back pain, and six months later I was diagnosed with a rare disease that slowly decays my nervous system. At 28 I could no longer move my legs, and my fiancé left me saying she couldn't handle being with a cripple.

And now on September 8, 21XX, two weeks from my next birthday, lying in a hospital, trapped inside my own body, barely breathing. "The fact that I'm seeing my past must mean I'm about to die right? I really don't want to die. I wish I were immortal with a healthy body. I'm scared to die! I don't wanna die! At least don't let me die alone!" Then as if a switch were hit, everything went pitch black. Until the blue panel showed up.

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