
Immortal's Path

Wukong, the illegimate son of King Xanxus who was the leader of all elves. You see even though he was the son of the King, his life did not go well as the Elves valued pure-bloods and for this reason he and his mother were exiled. You see the King did not bother with his son as in the world of Vlailos, half bloods and quarter bloods and so on could not activate their bloodlines... but one mystical day, as he was doing some light exercise near to the waterfall nearby to his home, a mysterious orb of light came flying out of nowhere as it instantly headed for the child's head changing destiny for good, now watch as this legendary inheritor causes waves and chaos within the cultivation world as we know it.

ThatBearOverThere · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Life 14: Training Partner...

"I am the one who Will make you stronger... I am the one who Will train you!!"

Spoke the blonde haired figure as he slowly descended from the skies of the realm, his mysterious aura seeped into Wukong's vicinity as he could tell just how strong this being was.

No but then again it held no hostile Qi as if it was friendly and if so great, but without warning he felt the blonde's Qi increase exponentially as he does forward like a lightning bolt towards him.

And with quick thinking Wukong put up a palm to withstand the figures sudden punch.


He noticed a punch was most likely the attack as he could hear the sounds of his fists clenching together.

Indicating him to block with his palm, and as soon as he'd done so, he chucked him to the sides as he leaped forward to the foe.

With determination evident in his eyes his eyes glew scarlet in colour as his black hair gained shimmers of white on them before he landed knee first into the warriors solar plexus.


Causing him to spit out blood due to the sudden attack, however Wukong became complacent as he'd not backed off instead opting to knock him unconscious.

This gave leeway to the blonde as he used his two legs like a scorpions before implanting them into Wukong's spine.


This also allowed him to use his own golden tail to fling him towards the endless abyss in front of him.

Once Wukong landed in the abyss he felt a body of water overtake him as he discovered he was now in water and stood up.


But not before groaning in pain at the attacks the blonde had inflicted him with.

But he was determined not to fail causing him to look up and notice the blonde figure speeding his way to him as he began walking on water.

Causing the occasional sound of splashes to occur, giving him a hint in which direction he would attack from.

Now no longer complacent and arrogant, Wukong increased his guard listening to every single sound echoed in this realm.

He was not about to get whacked again, no way. Would he get consciously get beaten up-!!


However as he thought that he forgot to look up as the blonde leaped onto him kicking him like a football across the water as he flew into another abyss.

This time the world seemed to contain magma that oozed out of the grounds as it's golden orange colour caused a blinding light to occur freezing Wukong in place.

But this time he used his ears to hear a small swift of wind appearing near him and with no hesitation he shifted his feet before turning and grabbing the blondes hand and finally throwing him straight into the magma over his head.


And then slowly let the magma burn the blondes clothes, the two knew that magma wouldn't kill them other than giving a few short lived burns before they'd heal again.

And with resolution Wukong placed the blondes head into the magma as he pushed in deeper and deeper until locks of gold began to burn.

But this served to only annoy the warrior more as he suddenly launched out his aura in an omnidirectional way causing Wukong to fall back heavily into the ground causing a crater to form with Wukong in the middle.




It seems after the starting words Blondie simply couldn't speak again like he was a robot meant to only serve his master and do his task.

Seeing Wukong in such a condition Blondie headed to him as he finally leapt into the hole with overwhelming speed before striking out the most incredible dishes of pain upon Wukong's abdomen.


And this was rapid fire like a machine like a sports car he didn't stop causing Wukong to grunt in pain as well as spit out blood over his aggressor's body staining his golden fur red, scarlet red.

Seemingly unfazed by the sight of the bloody teenager the machine like warrior dished out incredible punches like a machine gun with no recoil and infinite ammunition.

But Wukong, he had determination, he had willpower, he had drive- and he damn well had guts as he tanked Blondies punches before he found the right opportunity.


The blonde was now flying in the air as he hadn't expected Wukong to get so physical about this as he headbutted him across the realm though he seemed to not be slowing down in this endless realm with infinite space.

As his eyes gently glared at Wukong's triumphant figure as if forgetting to knock him out was a great regret for him to bare.

But if you thought that was enough then you were damn wrong about this.

Wukong quickly regained his posture once again as he slid into his stance before exclaiming.

"Blondie, come out come out wherever you are, I can tell that your not hurt rather I didn't even use a fraction of my strength in that attack so you can come out now!!"

Called out Wukong as he knew the blonde was merely feigning his headbutt as not much power was out into it.

And as if on cue Wukong was now sailing through the air as the blonde sent a shockwave straight at Wukong's body flinging him backwards into the water sector.

Once there he cleaned up and wiped himself of his injuries and removed his dried blood from his face as it was merely obstructing his vision.

But as soon as he looked forward he saw the blondes heel aim for his neck which he quickly blocked with his palm before grabbing the leg and spinning the blonde in a °360 rotation.

And when he'd done this five times he let go of the blonde furry before rocketing him away with an outburst of his true strength.

And since this realm was infinite in size all Wukong saw was the figure getting smaller and smaller and smaller until his figure was not in sight.

And then finally a feminine voice rang out aloud in the realm announcing Wukong's victory with a bit of awful news.

[Congratulations host of the King's Realm for defeating someone of power equivalent to a Level 50 practitioner, while only at Level 25, meaning your power is double that of your level, incredible to say the least.]

[Though now you should prepare for real combat as the opponent will be equivalent to a higher level- goodnight host!!]

And with that my time was finished as I'd arrived back in my bed before I gradually went to sleep I needed to sleep as i'd just trained in that realm and my body was heavily fatigued as well.

Prompting me to rest, and restore my full strength for tomorrow, and after a bit of shuffling about the peaceful sounds of breathing echoed from Wukong as slowly the boy entered dreamland.