

Sage was looking skeptically at Eon who was sitting in front of her.

"Why do you want to meet me?".

Sage was pretty sure that she hasn't done anything extraordinary to pique Eon's interest in her normal life and as for side business she was sure only her parents know what she is doing except from few people.

"Yesterday Her Highness Alice paid a visit to me to have a discussion. The topic of the was discussion really pique my interest and that's why I am here today".

"Lin give me the digital copy".

Eon who was sitting in front of Sage replied to her while ordering Lin.

After receiving the order Lin who was sitting beside remove a 10 inches Tab from her bag which she was carrying.

Lin unlock the security function of the tab and hand it over to Eon.

Eon held the tab and wave it at Sage and said with a half amusing and half serious face

"Swift development of Scarlett Valor or developments with full of setbacks choose Sage which one would you like. This is your once in a lifetime opportunity do you want to accept it or do you let it go"

"Development of Scarlett Valor will be decide by the fate, that's aside the formation of Scarlett Valor was a confidential information only my parents and their trusted aid knew about it. Covering up my tracks was done by my parent's private organisations themselves so there is no way you would have gotten this information out of a spy, so Eon where did you get that information from?".

Sage was having a shock experience on her face as she was certain that the formation of one's private organisation can be the least attention grabbing event arranged by Bardi Empire for sole reason to nurture their heir to pick up a trustworthy comrades they seem fit which will help them during their reign and do all their white and black work without any string attached while staking their life on the line.

"Oh come on Sage it's not like their are any shortage of corrupt officials, any thing can be found out if there a little profit to be shared".

Eon said with a smug expression on his face.

"Oh...I see you bribed an officials inside the Bardi to get this information right?".

Sage replied with a now-I-get-it expression on her face while tapping the shoe on the floor with an excited look on her face.

"You are a bright one considering that a tomboy like you can understand this type of thing so easily".

Eon said with a bright look on his face as he was enjoying Sage talk.

"Oh so you send someone to the Bardi to bribe an official to get this information...huh.... Sooo useless if you had just asked my parents they would have told you for free without holding back, you are such a tedious man Eon"

Sage who was having naive expression on her face while she enjoying the conversation.

Eon who was sitting opposite to her keep on staring her for few second before letting out a sigh and said

"So Sage back to the topic which route do you wanna choose swift or setbacks. You can choose anyone as you want, you still have over a century to show other's yours true worth".

Eon looked closely at Sage with a look of interest as he watch over all the minor changes on her body.

"Knowing about my background and the requirements to be achieved for becoming a part of 'Scarlett Valor,' yet you still extended your offer without giving the name of the organisation or an individual who will provide us the aide".

Sage who was clamly sitting finally change her expression to a intriguing one with a sharp gleam in her eyes and continue to speak.

"Yours action indicates many motive but adding your personality which I had observed in past year I can only come jnto two conclusion that you are overconfident or you are confident enough about this deal ".

Eon who was briefly staring at her suddenly smile at her and said.

"Oh… forgive me. how can I be so careless about not mention about the organisation…..hmm….but wait you have yet to answer my questions setbacks or swift?"

Sage who was sitting in front of Eon had a slight twitch at her eyes by hearing his answer.

"My personal preference is setbacks as it allows one to find their weakness and furthermore it help to build a organisation based on true experience".

Sage replied to Eon while he was listening to her carefully while resting his chin on the tab.

"An unusual response, as I expected".

"Well usual or unusual, when a person obtained victory over consecutive loss then only he will know what it's take to achieve it".

"Your journey has just begun facing a setback will take a toll on your organization, some will even get recruited by a better organisation even with your background what will you do then?"

"That will only shows my inability to lead I can not stop them from leaving".

"Hm….. What if the one who want to leave you are the one at the core of the organisation?"

"If it's up to me than I will let them go as they will definitely have better chance of overcoming their limits and breakthrough"

Sage who was constantly replying to Eon had firm look on her face coupled with shoulder length scarlett hair and smooth milk white skin she look liked a strong willed woman.

"I have answered all your questions Mr.Truf , so can you please answer my questions".

"Go ahead and that's Eon for you Sage".

"Which organisation do you belong to? And what's your motive by this invitation?".

"I don't belong to any organization but I own one and I think you know the name of my organisation it's…."

Sage who was listening attentively held her breath for the first time during their conversation.

"…..The Saints"

There was pindrop silence in the room only faint sound of uneven breathing was heard in the rooml

Next chapter