
Dream and Imagination 2

Weekends end's, it was a sunny morning Peter had smile in his face everything happends at weekend's was a better dream of his, (Peter was an prelance auto mechanic) so Peter prepared him self for work a good sunny morning at that day so peter take a shower, while at the shower room Peter love to sing it was just like the shower room is his stage to perform, while at the shower he was dreaming againa to that girl and Peter wanted to meet her in person, Peter's dream got disturb by a phone call (it was the owner of the shop he was working), Peter answered the phone, hello!!! (Boss, Pet will you come to work?) Peter answered Yes I'm at shower rigth now, (Boss, ok cause someone is waiting), it was a customer.

So after taking a shower Peter eat his breakfast in a rush and left earlier, at the shop Peter ask the Boss which car need to be fix, the Boss pointed a white sedan, Peter goes to the white sedan and knock the window (hello Sir good morning how may i help you?) It was the driver who's at the steering wheel answered how doeas it take long for a change oil and changing break pads front and rear, Peter say's it take a day it depends on the part's, Peter didn't see the woman setting at the back of the car the driver closed the window and ask his Boss, (woman said will be back just drop me by at the mall) so the driver said Okay I'll just drop by my Boss at the Mall and I'll be back, Peter say's okay, while waiting Peter have talk to his co-workers and tell the story all about, it was a long time of waiting then the white sedan arrived and Peter has been call that the sedan is already here, no time to waste Peter did his best to finish the car at 3pm, and job is done, it has been paid at exact amount and Peter took his share to pot in his savings, it was Peter plan to gain more money to buy a new phone, the day passes a way and it was a Thursday morning while waiting for any customer to come Peter clain the shop and a new car stop at the shop ask who is Peter, Peter answered it's me how may i help you Maam? A woman at her middle age around 35-40 say's have you remember white sendan you've fix on monday, (the woman said) Peter say's yes ma'am, ok it was our car the driver said you are good so i come over for you to check my car to, so Peter check the car and found nothing damage so Peter just clain what's under the hood, the woman ask haven't you seen my daughter at the car? No Maam but all i know that there is someone at the back of the car, so it was you daughter that your driver took her to the Mall before i fix that car, Say it Yes, woman amaze of what Peter did to the engine of her car it was clain, so the woman give Peter a tip, Day's pass and Peter had already money to buy a new phone, at the mall Peter goes to phone store and check the phone he wanted to buy, Peter look side by side it was just like he was looking for some but sad to say the wamon in his dream never appeared to his side, so Peter didn't buy the phone hoping that maybe next week I'll try again and I'll just save my money sens my phone can be use it for now, it was Saturday night Peter went home and have a glass of wine, thinking of that woman, (where i could find her?)

Peter got a little bid dizzy cause he almost finish the bottle of wine alone, get into his bed, and got sleep dream comes again it was that woman again in his dream, teasing him to find her it was getting more exciting it was just like a game hide and seek, Sunday morning Peter awake and prepare him self going to church, same as Peter routine as a church worker, after the mass Peter take gis lunch at that restaurant he was dreaming of thinking maybe i could find her there, so no time to waste Peter ruah going to the restaurant looking again but never been found that woman again, so Peter take lunch alone, (Peter didn't recognize the woman at the next table to him it was the owner of the white sedan) so Peter went home with the sadness in his face, try to sleep again to meet the woman in his dream.

To be continued

Chatper 3 come soon
