

A fierce fire and billowing smoke engulfed the highway, rendering the scene reminiscent of a volcanic eruption.

Two vehicles collided as a driver recklessly traveled down the wrong lane. A multitude of onlookers emerged from their cars to assess the situation.

"9-1-1, what is your emergency?"

"There has been a bad car accident on the highway. Please, send help here!"

"We have already dispatched units to your location, as we received several calls reporting the same crash."

"Hurry! We can hear a painful scream emanating from one of the vehicles."

"Based on the visual of the accident, are there multiple survivors?"

"No, unfortunately. It appears that all individuals involved are deceased, and the person screaming likely has little time left."

Upon hearing the agonizing screams from the injured party, some bystanders chose to depart from the scene.

Ten minutes elapsed from the time of the emergency call until the arrival of the fire department, paramedics, and police, who promptly closed off the affected road.

The fire department promptly extinguished the flames and proceeded to extricate the bodies from the vehicles.

"We have a pulse here!"

A firefighter urgently alerted the paramedics on site, who swiftly rushed over with their medical kits.

They carefully placed the young boy, estimated to be around nine years old, onto a stretcher. He suffered from severe third-degree burns across his body, and it was later discovered that he was paralyzed from the neck down.

An hour following the accident, the television news crew arrived at the scene.

"We are reporting from the crash site, where five individuals tragically lost their lives, and one person remains in critical condition. Standing next to me is the eyewitness who observed the entire incident."

The female news reporter made her introduction as the camera shifted its focus from her to a middle-aged man standing beside her.

"I was driving back from our vacation with my daughter and wife when suddenly, a vehicle began traveling down the wrong side of the road. I was fortunate enough to react quickly and avoid a collision, but the car behind me, which is where the injured boy was removed from, was hit head-on."

The man paused, taking a deep breath, before continuing his account.

"I believe it was a suicide attempt that claimed the lives of an innocent family."





In a hospital room, the only sound that permeated the air was the rhythmic beeping of the medical monitor.

'Where am I?' Alfred, the sole survivor of the crash, wondered silently to himself.

It took a few seconds for his surroundings to register in his mind, and as they did, the machine's beeping accelerated rapidly.

Startled, the doctors swiftly entered the room, checking the boy's condition. Alfred had been in a coma for several weeks, with a breathing tube assisting him.

The medical team worked to calm Alfred down while ensuring his health was stable.

After a few minutes, Alfred gradually regained composure, and the doctors proceeded to explain the events to him.

Devastated by the news, tears streamed down Alfred's face, his emotions overwhelming him.

Sensing his distress, the doctors left the room, allowing him time to process everything.

Now, seven years later, Alfred sat in front of the television, engrossed in his favorite anime series, Ashbourne.

He had reached the final episode, numbered 700, where the main antagonist and the protagonist, who happened to be brothers, engaged in an intense battle.

As the episode concluded, Alfred drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with vivid images from the anime.

"Incredible! He has been blessed by Zeus! It has been nearly a thousand years since Zeus chose someone, and the previous recipient became the strongest in the world!"

'Huh? What's happening? Who's shouting in the hospital?' I wondered to myself, observing a crowd of people gathering around a striking young boy, approximately 10 years old, emanating an irresistible charisma. His jet-black hair cascaded in sleek waves, framing his face with an aura of enigma. Meticulously styled, his glossy locks accentuated his sharp features, lending a captivating charm to his appearance. However, it was his piercing blue eyes that truly captured attention. Like shimmering sapphires, they possessed a profound intensity hinting at concealed depths of emotion and intelligence. With an effortless confidence and magnetic presence, this young man commanded attention, leaving an indelible impression on all who crossed his path.

I immediately recognized him as Jason Ashbourne, my second favorite anime character.

'That's Jason Ashbourne!' I exclaimed, feeling perplexed. Although I knew I had fallen asleep and this should be a dream, it felt uncannily real—the sounds, the sensations. It had been so long since I had felt anything like it, even touch.

Realizing that I was standing on my own two legs, my muscles gave way, and I collapsed onto the floor.

All eyes in the room turned towards me, and concerned faces rushed over to check if I was alright.

"Young Master, are you alright?" inquired one of the Ashbourne family's maids.

"He must be shocked that his younger brother received such a blessing," murmured someone nearby.

Although I heard their words, they held little significance to me in that moment.

What overwhelmed me was the sheer amazement of feeling pain after seven long years confined to a hospital bed.

It felt incredible, and no, I wasn't a masochist. I was simply overwhelmed with happiness, so much so that tears of joy streamed down my face.

"Now he's crying. It's so disheartening to witness his decline," remarked one of the numerous noble men, their disdain evident.

"Brother! Are you alright?!" Jason pushed through the small crowd of nobles and lifted me onto his shoulders.

'He called me brother. Does that mean I'm Jayden?' I wondered in excitement, realizing I had assumed the identity of my favorite character from the anime.

As Jason placed me on his shoulder, the sensation of walking returned to me. Although I wobbled a little, I was able to move my legs.

Guiding me to my room, Jason closed the door, leaving only the two of us inside.

He gently seated me on the bed and laid me down.

"I'll leave you here to rest. And don't pay attention to what they're saying. You're more talented than all of them, anyway," Jason reassured me before exiting the room. The sound of footsteps receded as the door closed behind him.

Using my arms, I lifted my body from the bed and turned to my right, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

"No way... I'm the villain in this story!" I exclaimed, a mix of surprise and intrigue coursing through me.

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